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Why won't the Tories talk about policies?

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Who are they to claim it's about Brexit? It's about anything WE the electorate say it's about and we want to know your views on ALL policies, not just make it about Brexit and personalities of May v Corbyn. We are your masters so who do you think you are dictating what direction you want this election to take? Corbyn is talking about other policies so why don't you?

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Because they want to make them up later. And then do whatever they like claiming that May has a huge mandate for it.


That is why the fact that Labour, LibDem, Greens etc.. providing detailed pledges is so important because it makes this election one where there is a choice.

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Who are they to claim it's about Brexit? It's about anything WE the electorate say it's about and we want to know your views on ALL policies, not just make it about Brexit and personalities of May v Corbyn. We are your masters so who do you think you are dictating what direction you want this election to take? Corbyn is talking about other policies so why don't you?


The tories simply can't reveal policies because they are invariably designed to benefit the richest ten percent of society at the social, material and financial expense of everyone else.

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The conservative party only represents the interests of the wealthy few! In order to gain power they must conceal this simple fact in order to dupe the rest of us, hence their reliance on ideology, distraction, evocative talk of old ladies bicycling across the wicket on the way to church. The tory party would like to take us back more than seventy years, before the NHS, when people paid for healthcare or went without. A time of master and servant.


Unless ordinary people see through the lies, we shall soon be waking up to a country hollowed out by corporate interests, sleaze and greed!

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This election is being fought by Mrs Theresa May, who is 'strong and stable' and will deliver Brexit....


That, apparently, is all you need to know.


Being treated like mushrooms springs to mind.


They're trying not to use the name 'Conservative' because they fear it is toxic. If you look a little deeper you will see that Theresa May is no great politician and failed miserably in many areas when she was Home Secretary.

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None of them are personable. None display any strengths or leadership quality. What a choice to have to make.

There are no characters in politics any longer. The decision is largely based on which set of lies is delivered with a modicum of belief.

Truth is we know that they'll fail to come through on most of them so in the end what are we voting on?

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Guest sibon
None of them are personable. None display any strengths or leadership quality. What a choice to have to make.

There are no characters in politics any longer. The decision is largely based on which set of lies is delivered with a modicum of belief.

Truth is we know that they'll fail to come through on most of them so in the end what are we voting on?


Worse than that, they are all still saying more or less the same thing, even with Corbyn's much vaunted manifesto..


So, we get to choose between anodyne leaders, who dare not rock the boat for fear of "damaging the economy" (I typed that with a wry smile on my face).


Whoever gets in, there will be more for those who have plenty, less for those who don't, insufficient housing and crippling job insecurity.


Shame on them all.

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This election is being fought by Mrs Theresa May, who is 'strong and stable' and will deliver Brexit....


That, apparently, is all you need to know.


Being treated like mushrooms springs to mind.


They're trying not to use the name 'Conservative' because they fear it is toxic. If you look a little deeper you will see that Theresa May is no great politician and failed miserably in many areas when she was Home Secretary.


That strong and stable quote will come back to haunt her - just Osborne's 'We're all in it together' bs

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