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Why won't the Tories talk about policies?

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I think Jeremy's got her worried...


I do hope so despite the constant let's rip down Corbyn media attention I do think he could do a Brexit deal he's got experience in negotiations which will be complex it's not going to be straightforward.


At first Corbyn didn't impresse me partly down to the fact I knew little about him after meeting him in person that changed. Ideally I would like to meet May but it's not going to happen has everything is staged they would not like me their asking certain questions they would put her on the spot. When May was in the Home Office she changed her mind a lot one example was the Police using water cannons to break up crowds she was all for it but at the last minute changed her mind. Yes May appears on the surface a good PM but refuses to a TV debate if she was a strong leader what is she nervous about should be a walk over ?


I think May is trying to be another so called ' Iron Lady' copying another PM is not a good idea it shows lack of confidence in themselves to be themselves and be judged by the electorate.

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I quite like it:


More money for the NHS

More money for schools (kind of, just moving money about really)

Increase the tax threshold.

Reduce Corporation tax (good for me as a small business owner)

Reduction in rough sleeping pledge.

Means testing winter fuel allowance

Remove the triple lock on pensions.



Don't like:

-Immigration cut to under 100000

- Levy on hiring foreign workers

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