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NHS hit by cyberattack

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Every party is different, just like religions are different, it is all a believe in something that is usually untrue and covers lies.

People who believe also dream of miracles. I don't support labour or tories both sides have problems. You spend the money you get this problem you don't spent the money you get that problem. Money is a lose lose situation.


The tories have underfunded the NHS for years, they would rather give tax break to the rich...


"The annual analysis of the wealth of the richest 1,000 people in Britain by the Sunday Times has been completed once again. The results are shocking, but unsurprising.

Their combined wealth has now reached £658 billion (a rise of 14% since the review last year), which makes it greater than the combined wealth of the poorest 40% of Britons.

This sum should also be compared to the £412 billion that the 1000 richest were worth before the 2008 economic crisis - a complete contrast to the fall in real wages of over 10% that ordinary workers have suffered since the start of the economic crisis".

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The tories have underfunded the NHS for years, they would rather give tax break to the rich...


"The annual analysis of the wealth of the richest 1,000 people in Britain by the Sunday Times has been completed once again. The results are shocking, but unsurprising.

Their combined wealth has now reached £658 billion (a rise of 14% since the review last year), which makes it greater than the combined wealth of the poorest 40% of Britons.

This sum should also be compared to the £412 billion that the 1000 richest were worth before the 2008 economic crisis - a complete contrast to the fall in real wages of over 10% that ordinary workers have suffered since the start of the economic crisis".


Like I said, money can become a lose lose situation when it becomes an insane obsession, one look at trump and others like him and I am perfectly happy here now in the moment. I am happy with money and happy without it. UK politics is all this way or that way there is no balance.


NHS upgrade could also be accomplished by individuals or large companies donating old systems when they upgrade. NHS needs a good system, that doesn't necessarily have to all be the latest newest supercomputers but they do need to be maintained and its safety supervised by qualified staff.


Europol expects another international big wave of this virus tomorrow. At the moment the count up to today is at 200.000 encrypted PC in 150 countries. Many large corporations, Renault had to stop production as well.

Edited by dutch
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It's not just the incompetence excuse. It's the argument that because it happened in other countries it's ok for it to happen to our NHS that is annoying.


The NHS is providing 90% of health care and the stability of the systems affects our care and our personal data, which is held on NHS systems for practically all UK citizens.


That can't just be dismissed because it happened elsewhere.


Further, the Leave campaign made promises about NHS funding. Now we are being told the NHS will have funding cuts. I can guarantee that nowhere within spending plans going forward would IT have been prioritised. Not a chance.


Another Tory NHS screw-up. Nothing less.


I believe the NHS trusts were put in place when Tony Blair was in power so it was when we had a labour government. I fail to understand why the health services IT needs to be managed by each trust, this is where the weak link comes in, it needs to be centralised and managed as one. I think its the organisation which is at fault here not a lack of funding.

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I believe the NHS trusts were put in place when Tony Blair was in power so it was when we had a labour government. I fail to understand why the health services IT needs to be managed by each trust, this is where the weak link comes in, it needs to be centralised and managed as one. I think its the organisation which is at fault here not a lack of funding.


Well my other half works in the NHS and has been on call all weekend. She came home this afternoon and apparently the systems have been up and down all last night for security patching. Some things are offline until tomorrow while they are patched.


Nice try mate but no banana. All these things could have been patched earlier.

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Have used windows 25 years now. From the very beginning Microsoft kept saying, update, update and update. If you don't things will go funny. Firewall and scanner became important later on. This world wide wanna cry virus is a worm and could get into many pc effortless because they were not updated or used old unsupported operating systems. It would not surprise me world specialist europol fbi Cia mi5 are looking for who is behind this now. Bitcoin may be harder to trace but they will find a way to trace it. I bet those hackers have now cleared all evidence from their equipment just to be as much on the save side as possible.

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Well my other half works in the NHS and has been on call all weekend. She came home this afternoon and apparently the systems have been up and down all last night for security patching. Some things are offline until tomorrow while they are patched.


Nice try mate but no banana. All these things could have been patched earlier.


Absolutely they should have been patched earlier -2 months ago when all the organisations who weren't affected did it.


My point is rather than be the responsibility of 200+ trusts then the IT for the nhs should be consolidated into a single national team responsible for managing all the infrastructure including patching. This could have been achieved 15 years ago - the technology existed then (active directory, system centre).

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Absolutely they should have been patched earlier -2 months ago when all the organisations who weren't affected did it.


My point is rather than be the responsibility of 200+ trusts then the IT for the nhs should be consolidated into a single national team responsible for managing all the infrastructure including patching. This could have been achieved 15 years ago - the technology existed then (active directory, system centre).


You can't blame Labour for this so just stop trying to.


A single national team for managing systems accessed by 1.4 million staff over thousands of locations? Couldn't the Tories have done that?

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What we really want to know is where is Jeremy Hunt?

He should be speaking to the media constantly about this, but as he's witnessed the embarrassing performance of Amber Rudd who does not know what she is talking about he probably thinks he'll do even worse.


They both need to be replaced with people who are capable of understanding these issues.


If it was 'the other Jeremy' the BBC and SKY would be camping outside his door and all over this like a rash.

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