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Over the Brush.

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Listening to radio interview the other day the person being interviewed kept referring to her partner. Her partner this, her partner that and so on. I took that to mean she was unmarried and living with some guy. But no. It was another girl.

But enough of that.

Time was when two people were living together, unmarried, it was called ' living over the brush'. Anyone remember that?

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That, Texas, brings back fond memories of seeing Stan Barstow's

'Listen for the Trains, Love' at the Playhouse in 1970.


From what I recall it was a musical play which was set in the camp of the navvies who were building the railways in general the 1800s and digging the Woodhead Tunnel in particular.

In one scene a couple who wanted to live as man & wife, but were unable to afford a church wedding, followed the custom, whilst holding hands, of jumping over a long handled brush held by two older folks. They were then accepted as 'married' by their community.


That, I believe, is where the tradition originated.



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Funnily enough if one casts their mind back and remembers the 'Roots' saga by Alex Haley that was shown on TV many years ago, there's a scene depicting a black slave wedding which they called 'jumping the brush,' which kinda proves it was an old English Colonial term going back a century or two. fleetwood

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Children born to unmarried couples were said to have been born on the wrong side of the blanket.

Very often when two people lived together the man was passed off as a lodger or the woman a housekeeper. Laughable today.

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