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Favourite 3 politicians

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Margaret Thatcher


Winston Churchill


Nigel Farage


Margaret Thatcher, corrupt politician, her son Mark received £12 Million from the Saudi arms deal worth £480 Billion which she signed off on as Prime Minister.


Winston Churchill, corrupt politician, received a payoff from Burmah Oil for influencing the Persian ( now Iran ) oil deal in their favour. He bought Chartwell with the money.


Nigel Farage, £2 Million in expenses from the EU, and using EU money to employ his former mistress.


Incidentally, as corrupt as Thatcher and Churchill may have been, it has to be admitted that they were in a different bracket to Farage, and including him in the same category is somewhat of an insult to both of them.


Favourite politicians.


John Fitzgerald Kennedy


Clement Attlee


Sean Lemass


None of whom were perfect, for the simple reason that no human being is.


The best description of a Saint being; " Someone who's past has been insufficiently researched ".

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