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Lack of Nurses now at dangerous level

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Why doesn't the Govt invest in training up nurses that are required for the NHS instead of relying on nurses already trained up from other country's?

We will never know as they don't answer any questions, they just continually repeat sound bytes that have been prepared for every interview about how hopeless Corbyn/ and or labour is.

It is some kind of psychological programming for the stupid populace.

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We will never know as they don't answer any questions, they just continually repeat sound bytes that have been prepared for every interview about how hopeless Corbyn/ and or labour is.

It is some kind of psychological programming for the stupid populace.


so anyone who does not fall for the labour sound bites is stupid ? that's a lot of voters from all parties

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Who should we blame?


The 'blame' society?




That's why other countries are successful and we just live on borrowed time (and money and debt).


The Labour Tory argument, and 'dangerous levels' of things only come up at election time when the politicians want something.


I get hundreds of flyers through the door at election times. On the taxi forum all the election candidates pop up (well all the Labour ones anyway).


The sooner people realise that this entire con is just following on from the last 50-60 years of con, the better.


Shame no one can do anything about it.




p.s I blame Blair :D

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here we go then . labour can and are promising everything , billions to the nhs , billions to education , free education for all ,regardless of age . and while all these promises are fine , where is the money coming from . ..

Essentially, we are the sixth richest country in the world and all the profit money is being milked off by the wealthy and well connected.

The Conservatives and the establishment have designed austerity to make people think that the UK is in decline with falling income.


---------- Post added 14-05-2017 at 22:32 ----------


so anyone who does not fall for the labour sound bites is stupid ? that's a lot of voters from all parties


Certainly not, I am not a supporter of any political party. I think that journalism is totally inadequate and in cahoots with government nowadays.

Journalism is completely bereft of bravery and just full of people who are wanting to be part of the Westminster bubble.

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Essentially, we are the sixth richest country in the world and all the profit money is being milked off by the wealthy and well connected.

The Conservatives and the establishment have designed austerity to make people think that the UK is in decline with falling income.


---------- Post added 14-05-2017 at 22:32 ----------



Certainly not, I am not a supporter of any political party. I think that journalism is totally inadequate and in cahoots with government nowadays.

Journalism is completely bereft of bravery and just full of people who are wanting to be part of the Westminster bubble.


we are declining, its jus tthe rich are taking it all and making us believe its forigners

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My bold=

Train them up free with a condition that they have to work in the NHS for a minimum of 10 to 15 years otherwise they need to pay back the cost of training with interest could be one way...


That's what used to happen. When my wife did her nurse training she lived in nurses accommodation and was paid a bursary while she qualified.

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The 'blame' society?




That's why other countries are successful and we just live on borrowed time (and money and debt).


The Labour Tory argument, and 'dangerous levels' of things only come up at election time when the politicians want something.


I get hundreds of flyers through the door at election times. On the taxi forum all the election candidates pop up (well all the Labour ones anyway).


The sooner people realise that this entire con is just following on from the last 50-60 years of con, the better.


Shame no one can do anything about it.




p.s I blame Blair :D


To be fair, Jeremy Corbyn has had the same message since before he came to power, it's one of the reasons he stood in the first place - as an alternative choice, and the reason so many ordinary people joined Labour and voted for him as leader.


He has also, since being elected, never stopped going round the country with his message holding large rallys and meeting with large numbers of ordinary people to talk to them. It's been the only way he could get his message across, as the press have continuously rubbished his character and accused him of everything from just being stupid to wanting to start World War 3.


He's the real deal. He isn't just saying it to win votes, he's saying it because he believes it and thinks its the right thing to do. He is anti-establishment and offers a real choice of doing things differently.


He is the one 'doing something about it.'

Edited by Anna B
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here we go then . labour can and are promising everything , billions to the nhs , billions to education , free education for all ,regardless of age . and while all these promises are fine , where is the money coming from . they might as well promise a free Ferrari to everyone when they reach the age of 21 . truth is , a promise is only a promise if it is held


Where is the money coming from to continue running a massive deficit, for HS2, for tax giveaways for the rich, for railway company subsidies etc...


Same place.


Pot, kettle, black

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When I was a kid all the lasses wanted to be nurses,now it's models,wags,reality celebrities,x factor singers or loadsa kids.


There are more than 10x the numbers apply for training, as training available.

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