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Lack of Nurses now at dangerous level

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There are more than 10x the numbers apply for training, as training available.


This country is massively underskilled in many areas. That's because there's been very little investment in training and skills. Why would companies bother and spend their profits when they can get cheap labour from abroad?


It's a very bad and danggerous situation to be in, espescially when there are so many able people wanting decent jobs rather than call centres, pickers and crappy 0 hours contracts.


When we have a shortage of doctors, nurses and all sorts of skilled trades, but have apprenticeships in 'shelf stacking' and such, there's something wrong.

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When we have a shortage of doctors, nurses and all sorts of skilled trades, but have apprenticeships in 'shelf stacking' and such, there's something wrong.


Benefits should be reduced, and free training should be increased.

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Benefits should be reduced, and free training should be increased.


Given that benefits reductions are killing hundreds of people a week-




how is cutting them even further going to help things?


In the five years 2008-12 one fifth (19%) of JSA claimants were sanctioned i.e. removal of benefits.


Current estimate is that it's now more like 1 in 4.


How much harder do you want to turn the screws?

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Given that benefits reductions are killing hundreds of people a week-




how is cutting them even further going to help things?


In the five years 2008-12 one fifth (19%) of JSA claimants were sanctioned i.e. removal of benefits.


Current estimate is that it's now more like 1 in 4.


How much harder do you want to turn the screws?


I'm afraid you're wasting your breath Dave. These people will not believe it until it happens to them. Though most of them won't even believe it ever could, so won't even back the idea of an 'insurance scheme' of benefits in case it did.

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Given that benefits reductions are killing hundreds of people a week-



Didnt it used to be the case that people looked after their own?


We no longer do that, that state gives people benefits, that bond between families is much looser.

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To be fair, Jeremy Corbyn has had the same message since before he came to power, it's one of the reasons he stood in the first place - as an alternative choice, and the reason so many ordinary people joined Labour and voted for him as leader.


He has also, since being elected, never stopped going round the country with his message holding large rallys and meeting with large numbers of ordinary people to talk to them. It's been the only way he could get his message across, as the press have continuously rubbished his character and accused him of everything from just being stupid to wanting to start World War 3.


He's the real deal. He isn't just saying it to win votes, he's saying it because he believes it and thinks its the right thing to do. He is anti-establishment and offers a real choice of doing things differently.


He is the one 'doing something about it.'


I agree Anna.

Perhaps the very fact that Jeremy Corbyn could be bothered to go to Royal College of Nursing conference the other day, and Theresa May refused to even to respond to their invitation to attend to speak at the conference, ensured that Corbyn, at least, got a warm welcome from his hosts.




Maybe she didn't want to appear on the same platform as Jeremy Corbyn in case she got drawn into a head to head debate with him, presumably to prove her credentials as "strong and stable", and not to reduce the election to mere personalities. Very commendable of her :rolleyes:

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If that were the case there'd have been no need for workhouses would there?


I dont hear about Granny flats these days, not the ones that are adjoined to their childrens houses.

Old people flats generally come with a lift, and a caretaker if they are lucky.

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I dont hear about Granny flats these days, not the ones that are adjoined to their childrens houses.

Old people flats generally come with a lift, and a caretaker if they are lucky.


I thought that granny flats had become more popular in recent years. Not sure where I've got that from, but I was under the impression that multi-generational set ups were very much on the increase. Probably as much to do with property prices than anything.

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I agree Anna.

Perhaps the very fact that Jeremy Corbyn could be bothered to go to Royal College of Nursing conference the other day, and Theresa May refused to even to respond to their invitation to attend to speak at the conference, ensured that Corbyn, at least, got a warm welcome from his hosts.




Maybe she didn't want to appear on the same platform as Jeremy Corbyn in case she got drawn into a head to head debate with him, presumably to prove her credentials as "strong and stable", and not to reduce the election to mere personalities. Very commendable of her :rolleyes:


Do you think she'd have received a warm reception at a union conference? Really?


Has a Tory pm or minister ever not been heckled or booed at one of these things? On the other side of coin, has st jezza addressed the CBI. He did a video adddress though to the fsb to be fair in march.

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