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Can we choose our thoughts?

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Of course you can.


Think of a red square.


Got it?


See you just did it!


You can learn to suppress thoughts you don't want and replace them with Ones you do want.


You prove my point.


You told readers to think of a red square.


They did.


No free will.

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I don't mind but why does it always bug you when you want to go to sleep?


I find that annoying too.


I'm not sure if we can choose our thoughts or not. For example, if your worrying about things, are you choosing to worry about them? Or if someone says something funny, and your telling yourself that it's not so you don't laugh? It's all a bit mind boggling, and I think we should ask a scientist, lol:hihi:

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The question of free will is still up for debate and will likely remain that way. If the scientific minds can't answer the question what chance have mere forummers got.


None, but it's fun to try and get our heads around it, isn't it?


Not that the "trying" is anything but an illusion, of course. :sad:

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None, but it's fun to try and get our heads around it, isn't it?


Not that the "trying" is anything but an illusion, of course. :sad:


I don't know, up until a little while ago I thought I had freedom of choice, you've got me doubting that now :|

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In the context of free will, the 'Many Worlds Interpretation' ( MWI ) is my favourite, it's the staple of many sci-fi movies.

Basically there is a universe for every choice you can ever make, evan weirder it has allready happened and will happen

again and again...


Don't try to think about it too much because it will make your brain hurt!


Here is a link to one of many MWI sites



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If you think you can control them then I want you all to not think about a giraffe right now...


Failed didn't you, I controlled your thoughts, briefly, you had a picture of a giraffe (did it again) in your head.

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