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No Trees = No Labour! Dawn Raids Swung me!

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Just wondered how many other people are telling Labour to F off in the elections after the dawn raid of tree felling on Rustlings Road?


For me that step sealed the fate of never in a million years going to vote for them after doing such sneaky things!


Waking people up to move there cars or risk towing and fines.


When they resurfaced the roads signs were put up warning people about it. Imagine your not home and come home to your car gone and a fine and hassle all because of a sneaky Labour Party.


Not sure who will get my vote yet but unless they put the trees back and apologise it won't be them.

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Just wondered how many other people are telling Labour to F off in the elections after the dawn raid of tree felling on Rustlings Road?


For me that step sealed the fate of never in a million years going to vote for them after doing such sneaky things!


Waking people up to move there cars or risk towing and fines.


When they resurfaced the roads signs were put up warning people about it. Imagine your not home and come home to your car gone and a fine and hassle all because of a sneaky Labour Party.


Not sure who will get my vote yet but unless they put the trees back and apologise it won't be them.


But its general election not a coucil election. You know that right?

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Just wondered how many other people are telling Labour to F off in the elections after the dawn raid of tree felling on Rustlings Road?


For me that step sealed the fate of never in a million years going to vote for them after doing such sneaky things!


Waking people up to move there cars or risk towing and fines.


When they resurfaced the roads signs were put up warning people about it. Imagine your not home and come home to your car gone and a fine and hassle all because of a sneaky Labour Party.


Not sure who will get my vote yet but unless they put the trees back and apologise it won't be them.


I wrote to the Labour councillors and my Labour MP at the time telling them that I could no longer in good conscience vote for a party that stooped to such tactics, and was putting company profits before its own citizens.


I received a less than courteous reply essentially that saying trees were a middle class issue and I should instead care about things like the NHS etc (I'm not sure why they think those two are mutually exclusive).


That sealed my decision.

Edited by Robin-H
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I won't be voting for Labour in the next Council elections. They really do need some stiff competition and somebody to hold them to account. They take it for granted they will be elected, and that makes them very complacent and stuck in the old ways of doing things.

That's not good.

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I won't be voting for Labour in the next Council elections. They really do need some stiff competition and somebody to hold them to account. They take it for granted they will be elected, and that makes them very complacent and stuck in the old ways of doing things.

That's not good.


I'm curious. What are their failures at local level that you trust them to complete at country level?

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I'm curious. What are their failures at local level that you trust them to complete at country level?


They are way too cosy and unaccountable.


I believe they're corrupt too, what with selling the airport for £1 (and the run up to that transaction.) I suspect a lot of brown envelopes flying around. There's also the debacle and delay over Ikea and Next. There are plenty more examples of poor governance. The felling of the trees is nothing short of vandalism.


They are going to have to fight for my vote in future, and I want to see action, not words.

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I wrote to the Labour councillors and my Labour MP at the time telling them that I could no longer in good conscience vote for a party that stooped to such tactics, and was putting company profits before its own citizens.


I received a less than courteous reply essentially that saying trees were a middle class issue and I should instead care about things like the NHS etc (I'm not sure why they think those two are mutually exclusive).


That sealed my decision.


Is there any chance that you can provide a link to a picture of this letter showing what you claim was written? I'm having real trouble believing you.

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Is there any chance that you can provide a link to a picture of this letter showing what you claim was written? I'm having real trouble believing you.


I have heard that said before, believe it.

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I wrote to the Labour councillors and my Labour MP at the time telling them that I could no longer in good conscience vote for a party that stooped to such tactics, and was putting company profits before its own citizens.


I received a less than courteous reply essentially that saying trees were a middle class issue and I should instead care about things like the NHS etc (I'm not sure why they think those two are mutually exclusive).


That sealed my decision.


What an unhelpful inconsiderate reply, typical of Labour who never listen to the public.

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