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No Trees = No Labour! Dawn Raids Swung me!

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NHS versus trees on Rustlings Road.


Hey if it's an direct trade great. But it's never that simple. I have a electric car charger on my house front because they were giving them out free and the last owner said yea why not.


How about keep the charger money and spend that on the NHS and keep the trees.


He did not even have an electric car nor does anyone else on the street but as it's free (even if the money could be better used) people take it.


Muppet decisions as usual.

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They are way too cosy and unaccountable.


I believe they're corrupt too, what with selling the airport for £1 (and the run up to that transaction.) I suspect a lot of brown envelopes flying around. There's also the debacle and delay over Ikea and Next. There are plenty more examples of poor governance. The felling of the trees is nothing short of vandalism.


They are going to have to fight for my vote in future, and I want to see action, not words.


Yet you have remarkable faith in Corbyn to do right.

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Yet you have remarkable faith in Corbyn to do right.


Yes I do. I may yet be disappointed, but I do believe he's honest and a man of integrity with good intentions. Something that's sadly lacking in politics these days.

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Yes I do. I may yet be disappointed, but I do believe he's honest and a man of integrity with good intentions. Something that's sadly lacking in politics these days.


Have to agree Anna B, I would not vote Labour in safe seat council elections, not until they act like Labour should!

I remember being called a Nazi by a one time Labour lord mayor for protesting about the third (Manchester) runway and the thousands of trees and acres of woodland destroyed in the name of 'jobs' and 'profit'

These gravy train politicians have made Labour less than electable.

Corbyn is a breath of fresh air in comparison

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They are way too cosy and unaccountable.


I believe they're corrupt too, what with selling the airport for £1 (and the run up to that transaction.) I suspect a lot of brown envelopes flying around. There's also the debacle and delay over Ikea and Next. There are plenty more examples of poor governance. The felling of the trees is nothing short of vandalism.


They are going to have to fight for my vote in future, and I want to see action, not words.


I agree Anna the labour party in Sheffield needs a shock. I went for a meeting with Louise Haigh about Amey and similar, she smiled and nodded but at the end of the day did nothing to change things. I still see waste on a weekly and sometimes a daily basis.


I will definitely be voting for a change in Sheffield.

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I'm curious. What are their failures at local level that you trust them to complete at country level?


They will deforest the country obviously, in a series of dawn raids.


No tree will be safe.


The ones that survive will be painted red.

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You are aware that the local Labour councillors are responsible and not the national Labour party? They are linked but not the same things. I hope people do indeed vote Labour out of Sheffield in the LOCAL elections, but don't use that as a reason to not support them in the NATIONAL elections if you'd support them otherwise.


Don't let local issues, for which SCC should indeed by punished for, cloud your judgement and voting over national issues.

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Just wondered how many other people are telling Labour to F off in the elections after the dawn raid of tree felling on Rustlings Road?

We're not voting in the local elections... And as Max pointed out, on a national scale there are much more important reasons to vote.


For local elections I'll happily campaign against the local labour councillors, but for the national cause, I'll suggest voting tactically against the conservatives, which means in Hillsborough and Brightside, unfortunately, supporting labour. Not my first choice, but better than the conservatives.

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