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No Trees = No Labour! Dawn Raids Swung me!

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Not sure who will get my vote yet but unless they put the trees back and apologise it won't be them.


The trees are being replaced. In fact more are planted than removed.


Puzzled as to why you think the trees issue has any bearing at all on your decision to vote in the GE.

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We're not voting in the local elections... And as Max pointed out, on a national scale there are much more important reasons to vote.


For local elections I'll happily campaign against the local labour councillors, but for the national cause, I'll suggest voting tactically against the conservatives, which means in Hillsborough and Brightside, unfortunately, supporting labour. Not my first choice, but better than the conservatives.


It may well be a national election, but people should vote on what their local representatives have done to help or hinder them alongside what direction they would like the country to go in. If Labour Council members were totally disconnected from the parliamentary membership, I would agree but they are not. Its the same party, be it local or national, and it's perfectly right to withdraw your support for the party at any given opportunity.

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They are way too cosy and unaccountable.


I believe they're corrupt too, what with selling the airport for £1 (and the run up to that transaction.) I suspect a lot of brown envelopes flying around. There's also the debacle and delay over Ikea and Next. There are plenty more examples of poor governance. The felling of the trees is nothing short of vandalism.


They are going to have to fight for my vote in future, and I want to see action, not words.


And they never collected the Quid .

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It may well be a national election, but people should vote on what their local representatives have done to help or hinder them alongside what direction they would like the country to go in. If Labour Council members were totally disconnected from the parliamentary membership, I would agree but they are not. Its the same party, be it local or national, and it's perfectly right to withdraw your support for the party at any given opportunity.


The MP you're voting for isn't part of the council and has no say in council activities.

There is no councillor standing to be an MP.


They're different organisations.

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Just wondered how many other people are telling Labour to F off in the elections after the dawn raid of tree felling on Rustlings Road?


For me that step sealed the fate of never in a million years going to vote for them after doing such sneaky things!


Waking people up to move there cars or risk towing and fines.


When they resurfaced the roads signs were put up warning people about it. Imagine your not home and come home to your car gone and a fine and hassle all because of a sneaky Labour Party.


Not sure who will get my vote yet but unless they put the trees back and apologise it won't be them.


I suppose it was at dawn because otherwise they wouldn't have been able to do the job because of the protesters.

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I suppose it was at dawn because otherwise they wouldn't have been able to do the job because of the protesters.


Well, yes. But if you have so many people protesting about something then perhaps as elected officials whose job it is to represent and work for the people in their area, they should have taken a step back, reassessed, had more open meetings where it could be discussed with locals and experts to try to find sensible solutions...regardless of whether the council thinks it needed or not they are there to represent us and those peoples' views should have taken into account far more seriously than they were. It's not just trees, its anything like this, our council (probably most councils to be fair) are frankly abysmal at engaging with the population, so much so you wonder if it's intentional rather than incompetence.

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The MP you're voting for isn't part of the council and has no say in council activities.

There is no councillor standing to be an MP.


They're different organisations.


I believe that Shaffiq Mohammed is standing in Sheffield Central.

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I suppose it was at dawn because otherwise they wouldn't have been able to do the job because of the protesters.


It was at dawn because they knew it would be heavily protested and was against the advice of the ITP.

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The MP you're voting for isn't part of the council and has no say in council activities.

There is no councillor standing to be an MP.


They're different organisations.


It doesnt matter and looking at the polls and results of local and general elections, it doesnt matter to the vast majority of the population either.


Your point is the same argument that people should not vote for a Prime Minister but should concentrate on their local MP. People simple do not vote that way and no matter how much you may tell them they should, they wont. Most want the ability to support or affect the outcome of a particular party. Considering the council members are members of the same party and this have the same agenda, albeit at a local level, is why they will and can vote in huge numbers this way.


Nick Clegg for example has sided with the people standing up to the council over the tree removals. Has the Labour candidate done the same and even if they did, would you trust them to do so after the election? I wouldn't and many feel the same.

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