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No Trees = No Labour! Dawn Raids Swung me!

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Well put it this way, local councils that are aligned politically with central government enjoy a better working relationship as there's vested interest. Your politics will inform how well SCC are performing.


we get many right-whingers popping up on here from time to time sharing your view, that if only us dim Sheffielders would stop being so obtuse and instead vote Tory like the bunch of downtrodden forelock-tuggers we should be, then perhaps the London-centric Tory government would give us lots of FREE MONEY!! and other handouts like, I don't know, £16billion for a Crossrail project for example.


Then I remember that the 10bob millionaires of North East Derbyshire voted for the Tories and I wonder to myself are they still happy they did so, considering the London-centric Tory government has approved fracking under their homes, and I think to myself nah, we wouldn't enjoy a better working relationship if we were aligned politically with a London-centric Central government.


In fact, I'm struggling to think of the benefits the London-centric New Labour government gave us simple Sheffielders when they were in power.


But, thanks for thinking of us.

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But, thanks for thinking of us.


You're missing the point I was making which was the unfavourability of having political divergance between central and local governments.


You'd be in exacly the same predicament if SCC was a Tory council operating against a Labour central government.

Edited by Puggie
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You're missing the point I was making which was the unfavourability of having political divergance between central and local governments.


You'd be in exacly the same predicament if SCC was a Tory council operating against a Labour central government.


sorry, you'll have to explain further. We are but simple Sheffield folk.


I already said that New Labour ignored us when they were in power.


Actually, that's not true. I think the local bus stop got a lick of paint.

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I think the council are aware that direct action is a threat to their plans- other they wouldn't be acting so disgracefully as to send this kind of 'order' to a protestor-



(I wish I could copy-and-paste the text into this post, but, it's a scan of a letter).


What disgraceful, bullying behaviour from a party that is supposed to be humane!!!


Anna- I've actually posted that link on Jeremy Corbyn's facebook page, and also tried to 'tweet' it to him (I'm new to twitter so don't know if I've succeeded).


As he's reputed to be a decent human being, I can only suppose that he's currently unaware that Sheffield labour are behaving like bullying fascists.


Can I suggest that anyone here who does believe him to be decent, go out of their way to bring this situation to his awareness, whether by relentless posting on relevant social media, emails or via intermediate political contacts.


Because many of the protestors have children/family/dependants, and so the threat of imprisonment is inevitably going to force many of them to cease doing the right thing (protecting our trees and environment).


And if this council succeeds in doing the wrong thing, by bullying, threats and intimidation, then it's behaviour is only going to get worse.


I believe Jeremy Corbyn, if elected, is hoping to restore some of the rights to peaceful protest that have been taken away by the Tories. He mentioned it in his keynote speech at the Labour party conference, but I can't remember the exact words, so you'd have to check.


---------- Post added 01-10-2017 at 18:51 ----------


Sheffield and its fight against tree felling is being featured on tonight's 'Countryfile' BBC1 (6.15pm) The programme is featuring South Yorkshire.

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I believe Jeremy Corbyn, if elected, is hoping to restore some of the rights to peaceful protest that have been taken away by the Tories. He mentioned it in his keynote speech at the Labour party conference, but I can't remember the exact words, so you'd have to check.
I've got zero interest in what Corbyn is hoping to do if elected :) and, considerable interest in what he's going to do now, about this farce with tree decimation and council harrassment to those protesting said decimation.


Given the many people going back to Labour because Jeremy Corbyn is fundamentally decent, then why his he not having a very serious word with Sheffield Labour, because what they are doing is as far from 'decent' as it could be?


Does he not know that Sheffield Labour are behaving like fascists over this tree issue? Does he not know they are threatening protestors with prison?


If not, shouldn't some Sheffield Labour supporters let him know the true extent of what's going on?


If he does know, then where's his decency?


Sheffield and its fight against tree felling is being featured on tonight's 'Countryfile' BBC1 (6.15pm) The programme is featuring South Yorkshire.

Thank you for that- I'll see if it's available online or on iplayer.

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I've got zero interest in what Corbyn is hoping to do if elected :) and, considerable interest in what he's going to do now, about this farce with tree decimation and council harrassment to those protesting said decimation.


Given the many people going back to Labour because Jeremy Corbyn is fundamentally decent, then why his he not having a very serious word with Sheffield Labour, because what they are doing is as far from 'decent' as it could be?


Does he not know that Sheffield Labour are behaving like fascists over this tree issue? Does he not know they are threatening protestors with prison?


If not, shouldn't some Sheffield Labour supporters let him know the true extent of what's going on?


If he does know, then where's his decency?



Thank you for that- I'll see if it's available online or on iplayer.


please stop posting sensible comments . As if comrade corbyn is the slightest bit interested in Sheffield

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I've got zero interest in what Corbyn is hoping to do if elected :) and, considerable interest in what he's going to do now, about this farce with tree decimation and council harrassment to those protesting said decimation.


Given the many people going back to Labour because Jeremy Corbyn is fundamentally decent, then why his he not having a very serious word with Sheffield Labour, because what they are doing is as far from 'decent' as it could be?


Does he not know that Sheffield Labour are behaving like fascists over this tree issue? Does he not know they are threatening protestors with prison?


If not, shouldn't some Sheffield Labour supporters let him know the true extent of what's going on?


If he does know, then where's his decency?



Thank you for that- I'll see if it's available online or on iplayer.


Clegg and Gove have both approached Sheffield Council and have got nowhere. I don't know if Corbyn knows anything about it but the Council don't seem to be listening to politicians either.


The council behave like fascists on more issues than this, but still they get voted back in and therefore appear to think they are working with the approval of the Sheffield people. In fact on the Countryfile programme it said that 27,000 households had been consulted and approved of the Councils actions.


All I can say is I have never met anyone in Sheffield who has been consulted by the council about anything... Democracy in action eh... Don't you just love it?

Edited by Anna B
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Gove has said that he's looking at legal options now.


That's probably 27,000 out of 270,000.


They DID send out letters with an invite to fill in an online form. I objected, the trees were cut down anyway since the council have signed a contract that leaves them with no power to control what Amey are doing.

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The council behave like fascists on more issues than this, but still they get voted back in and therefore appear to think they are working with the approval of the Sheffield people. In fact on the Countryfile programme it said that 27,000 households had been consulted and approved of the Councils actions.

No it didn't. It mentioned the proportion who responded as against but not the proportion who responded as in favour. No response neither indicates for nor against. This was presumably fed to them by the council trying to make it look like more people are in favour of the tree cutting.

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