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What would happen if no one voted in a general election?

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With all this talk of politics at present and people losing faith in parties of all colours and all the rest . What would happen if the turn out was so low no party could form a government or no one voted would we decided by who got the longest straw or have another election?

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It might take something like this to spark off some real democratic change in UK politics.


There is a petition pending at HMG asking for a vote of no confidence in the entire administration. I think they've been puzzling for a while on how to deal with it...

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When you look at the UK political system to me it's very dated and not fit for the 21st century needs. We have an unelected House of Lords that's straight out of days when lords of manor ruled the roost the House of Commons ok elected but still class driven. Do we need political parties now why not just have an elected independents for each area and dump this right and left politics instead have someone​ to forward the interests of that area?

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