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Tory Manifesto on Social Care.

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There were 4.62 million primary school children as of Jan 2016.


Feeding all of them a free school meal at £2.30 a meal would cost just over £2billion. Nobody is suggesting that is will cost this much, but this is the method they have used to calculate the Tory's breakfast pledge would cost 7p a breakfast.


Am I missing something?


It was discussed on radio four. They got it to 8p, and that is with no staff costs because they volunteer, and a low take up rate.

Some are saying it could be popular, free toast, cereals and fruit, and a free baby sitting service.

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It was discussed on radio four. They got it to 8p, and that is with no staff costs because they volunteer, and a low take up rate.

Some are saying it could be popular, free toast, cereals and fruit, and a free baby sitting service.


The BBC provided some more details.


Apparently the proposal has been costed at a 25% uptake rate. This is based on two large trials run by the Department of Education where that was the uptake rate of free breakfasts.


I am still not sure how the political consensus is that free school lunches for primary children would only cost £600m a year ( I believe Labour have costed their proposal at £700m). At the current £2.30 a meal allowance, that equates to an uptake rate of about 30-35%.


I can understand that the uptake rate for free breakfasts could be low as I would imagine that the majority of parents who can afford breakfasts wouldn't feel it was necessary to change their routine and take their children in earlier to save a couple of quid. 25% does seem rather low, but if that is what the result of the two trials indicated, I don't have any evidence to disprove that.


A 30-35% percent uptake for free lunches however does seem very low. Currently (well as of 2013) 43% of children (I believe primary aged children) have school lunches (as opposed to packed lunches). Costing at only 30-35% implies that quite a large number of pupils would switch from school lunches to packed lunches. I imagine that making school lunches free for all would have the opposite effect.

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IFS makes damning assessment of Tory and Labour manifestos

Neither party’s general election manifesto sets out an honest set of choices, says leading thinktank.

So perhaps they will need to 'steal' peoples houses ;)

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I have to laugh at the irony of the Tories on this one.


They've spent 7 years telling us that Labour left them no money, now when they can't balance the books they are tapping into the money people made under Labour from the great property boom.


Average house prices from This is Money website


1997 Labour came to power £78k

2010 Tories came to power £209k


Unless I'm mistaken people seemed to make a lot of money under Labour and the Tories want to a big chunk of it back from them.

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I have to laugh at the irony of the Tories on this one.


They've spent 7 years telling us that Labour left them no money, now when they can't balance the books they are tapping into the money people made under Labour from the great property boom.


Average house prices from This is Money website


1997 Labour came to power £78k

2010 Tories came to power £209k


Unless I'm mistaken people seemed to make a lot of money under Labour and the Tories want to a big chunk of it back from them.


What has that got to do with the massive budget deficit when Labour left power?


You are seriously suggesting that Labour should be congratulated for the drastic rise in house prices since 1997?

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What has that got to do with the massive budget deficit when Labour left power?


You are seriously suggesting that Labour should be congratulated for the drastic rise in house prices since 1997?


The world crash of 2008 was the result of property leading in the US housing market.


The banks gave Americans huge mortgages to buy their ' dream ' homes only to end up with a mortgage foreclosure instead. The effects of this bubble busting was world wide regardless of who was in they would have had to do a bail out to stop the country from going bust. Gordon Brown had too bail out the UK banking system otherwise it would have collapsed the United States had too do the same in their case Obama bailed out the US system. If Cameron and his party was in at the time of the 2008 crash and bailed the banks out people would accuse the Tories of been wreckers of the economy. 2008 crash was worldwide not just in the UK.

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The world crash of 2008 was the result of property leading in the US housing market.


The banks gave Americans huge mortgages to buy their ' dream ' homes only to end up with a mortgage foreclosure instead. The effects of this bubble busting was world wide regardless of who was in they would have had to do a bail out to stop the country from going bust. Gordon Brown had too bail out the UK banking system otherwise it would have collapsed the United States had too do the same in their case Obama bailed out the US system. If Cameron and his party was in at the time of the 2008 crash and bailed the banks out people would accuse the Tories of been wreckers of the economy. 2008 crash was worldwide not just in the UK.


Which has nothing to do with the point I was making, but alright..

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Which has nothing to do with the point I was making, but alright..


Of course it is you said Labour left the country will a deficit the reason for that was Gordon Brown had too bail out the banking system from collapse. You blame Labour for something that was world wide global crash that no one could have foreseen.

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Of course it is you said Labour left the country will a deficit the reason for that was Gordon Brown had too bail out the banking system from collapse. You blame Labour for something that was world wide global crash that no one could have foreseen.


What are you talking about? I can quote the exact message I wrote here.


"What has that got to do with the massive budget deficit when Labour left power?


You are seriously suggesting that Labour should be congratulated for the drastic rise in house prices since 1997?"


Are you refuting that there was a massive deficit when Labour left power?


As I didn't mentioned at all the causes of that deficit, and who blame should be ascribed to, then you can't jump down my throat and start saying I blame Labour for a 'worldwide global crash that no one could of foreseen' can you now?

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What has that got to do with the massive budget deficit when Labour left power?


You are seriously suggesting that Labour should be congratulated for the drastic rise in house prices since 1997?


Clearly I didn't explain myself well enough for you so let me try again.


Conservative manifesto commits to providing Social Care at point of need, but to retrospectively charge for this from the estate of the person after their death with the proviso of leaving £100k in the estate.


2 people person A and B both need 75k worth of care.


Person A saw their estate go up in vale from £50k I'm 1997 to £175k in 2010 and therefore they would pay £75k to the taxman from the estate.


Person B saw their estate go up at the levels when the Tories were in power and they only have £90k in the estate so the Taxman gets nothing and the care is still needed.


Hopefully that isn't too difficult to understand but put simply the Taxman is better off when the value of the estate increases and this is obviously when Labour were in power


---------- Post added 29-05-2017 at 16:15 ----------


What are you talking about? I can quote the exact message I wrote here.


"What has that got to do with the massive budget deficit when Labour left power?


You are seriously suggesting that Labour should be congratulated for the drastic rise in house prices since 1997?"


Are you refuting that there was a massive deficit when Labour left power?


As I didn't mentioned at all the causes of that deficit, and who blame should be ascribed to, then you can't jump down my throat and start saying I blame Labour for a 'worldwide global crash that no one could of foreseen' can you now?


There's 2 sides to this, the first is the 1 Trillion debt left behing (now 1.8 Trillion) and the second is the value of the assets left behind.


If the assets have gone up and any government can tap into them then the first of these is nowhere near as bad as first thought

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