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Tory Manifesto on Social Care.

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What are you talking about? I can quote the exact message I wrote here.


"What has that got to do with the massive budget deficit when Labour left power?


You are seriously suggesting that Labour should be congratulated for the drastic rise in house prices since 1997?"


Are you refuting that there was a massive deficit when Labour left power?


As I didn't mentioned at all the causes of that deficit, and who blame should be ascribed to, then you can't jump down my throat and start saying I blame Labour for a 'worldwide global crash that no one could of foreseen' can you now?


There was a huge deficit when Labour left power but it was after a pretty unique event: the biggest financial crisis since 1929.


The deficit wasn't caused entirely by spending on services, but mostly by the costs of bailing out the banking sector and by a drastic fall in government revenue caused by a rapid contraction of government income off the back of a 6% fall in GDP in a very short period of time.


Usually when people start trying to blame Labour for the £170bn deficit it's a precursor to arguing it was the normal level of deficit that Labour ran and that they blew it all on services. Hope you're better than that ;)

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There was a huge deficit when Labour left power but it was after a pretty unique event: the biggest financial crisis since 1929.


The deficit wasn't caused entirely by spending on services, but mostly by the costs of bailing out the banking sector and by a drastic fall in government revenue caused by a rapid contraction of government income off the back of a 6% fall in GDP in a very short period of time.


Usually when people start trying to blame Labour for the £170bn deficit it's a precursor to arguing it was the normal level of deficit that Labour ran and that they blew it all on services. Hope you're better than that ;)


I didn't realise that even mentioning the words Labour and deficit in the same sentence would cause people to jump to Labour's defence even when I didn't do anything to suggest a cause or say anything about where to ascribe blame!

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What are you talking about? I can quote the exact message I wrote here.


"What has that got to do with the massive budget deficit when Labour left power?


You are seriously suggesting that Labour should be congratulated for the drastic rise in house prices since 1997?"


Are you refuting that there was a massive deficit when Labour left power?


As I didn't mentioned at all the causes of that deficit, and who blame should be ascribed to, then you can't jump down my throat and start saying I blame Labour for a 'worldwide global crash that no one could of foreseen' can you now?


House prices fell then they have slowly risen over time the Tories have seen this has some will be interested in the housing market. Property is worth more now than ever so they come up with a plan to cash on in on this. Easy targets are the elderly who sadly have Dementia that requires full time care their biggest asset is their home I can tell you know from personal experience it bad enough to watch someone fade away from you without the stress of how you are going to pay the next weeks bill . This policy is designed to make that worry much worse and to watch while the government help themselves to yours loved home who worked all their life to pay for in hope that it will be passed to their children who may be struggling to get on the property ladder. Only the very wealthy have nothing to fear of this policy they can afford the care required the less well off can not. Since 2010 we are constantly told about the deficit but yet the government can afford to give away yet more foreign aid it's time too look after our own sorry but May not that person.

Edited by crookedspire
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House prices fell then they have slowly risen over time the Tories have seen this has some will be interested in the housing market. Property is worth more now than ever so they come up with a plan to cash on in on this. Easy targets are the elderly who sadly have Dementia that requires full time care their biggest asset is their home I can tell you know from personal experience it bad enough to watch someone fade away from you without the stress of how you are going to pay the next weeks bill . This policy is designed to make that worry much worse and to watch while the government help themselves to yours loved home who worked all their life to pay for in hope that it will be passed to their children who may be struggling to get on the property ladder. Only the very wealthy have nothing to fear of this policy they can afford the care required the less well off can not. Since 2010 we are constantly told about the deficit but yet the government can afford to give away yet more foreign aid it's time too look after our own sorry but May not that person.


Good post. I've been going on about the ridiculous cost of care for some time. The irony is that many of that generation spent wisely all their lives and always looked for value for money, only to be finally well and truly ripped off at the end of their lives when they were too frail to do anything about it.



---------- Post added 29-05-2017 at 19:03 ----------


Conservatives won both the 2010 and 2015 elections by continually proclaiming that Labour had crashed the economy - an out and out lie.


The Tories never mention that they had been quietly selling off the family silver for years, leaving us with much of our infrastructure now in foreign hands, and much needed taxes going abroad. Meanwhile Tony Blair sold his soul and joined in with the disaster that was PFI.


Our economy has not recovered in spite of years of austerity and the debt has doubled. Investment in our country, skills training and services have stalled,because all the money has been going to the elite, while we are just left standing in our socks and underpants.


Thanks Tories....

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House prices fell then they have slowly risen over time the Tories have seen this has some will be interested in the housing market. Property is worth more now than ever so they come up with a plan to cash on in on this. Easy targets are the elderly who sadly have Dementia that requires full time care their biggest asset is their home I can tell you know from personal experience it bad enough to watch someone fade away from you without the stress of how you are going to pay the next weeks bill . This policy is designed to make that worry much worse and to watch while the government help themselves to yours loved home who worked all their life to pay for in hope that it will be passed to their children who may be struggling to get on the property ladder. Only the very wealthy have nothing to fear of this policy they can afford the care required the less well off can not. Since 2010 we are constantly told about the deficit but yet the government can afford to give away yet more foreign aid it's time too look after our own sorry but May not that person.


I'm not going to entirely defend the policy as first proposed (without a cap) as I didn't like the sound of it, but that was for purely selfish reasons (as it could reduce the amount of inheritance I receive).


However, it is in many ways much better than the current system. A lot of the reasons you state in your post regarding why you dislike the policy are not only the reality now, but are indeed much worse now.


Currently, if I developed dementia and had to move into a care home (which a lot of people with dementia do, both of my relatives who developed dementia did, and 70% of people in care homes have dementia or severe memory problems) then not only would I have to sell my home to pay for my care, but I'd only be left with £23,500 to pass on.


The proposed system is better than that, as it quadruples the amount I could pass on should care home fees eat up everything else.


The system is worse for people who get care at home, but only in terms on the amount of inheritance that their children will receive. They won't have to sell their home. It is also not true that this policy only makes the rich have nothing to fear. The poor have nothing to fear either. Anyone with less than £100,000 in assets won't have to pay a penny. That is over four times what it is now..

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