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Tory Manifesto on Social Care.

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I thought the left were all in favour of inheritance tax when you die. You know all that stuffa bout not passing on wealth to the kids so everyone gets an even start in life and how estates should go to the public good etc.


Now the boots on the other foot it's all outrage though isnt it - cos taxes are great when you dont have to pay for them. But when you do have to apy - og dear.


This thread is comedy gold.

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I thought the left were all in favour of inheritance tax when you die. You know all that stuffa bout not passing on wealth to the kids so everyone gets an even start in life and how estates should go to the public good etc.


Now the boots on the other foot it's all outrage though isnt it - cos taxes are great when you dont have to pay for them. But when you do have to apy - og dear.


This thread is comedy gold.


For some families this could be 100% inheritance tax. Nobody should be in favour of that. And very few people on the left in the UK have ever advocated such a thing.


The proposals stink to high heaven. Pure and simple.

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We are going to mortgage our house and have a big holiday before we need care.


It's going to be a field day for equity release and pension advisers (and fraudsters).

Why save,why go for home ownership,only to find that actually you have only leased it after already being taxed throughout your working life.

Just be honest and upfront about the need for everyone to make the best provision that they can over their lifetime.

Cover the cost on National Insurance and Income tax ,but leave the door wide open for people with talent and aspiration to accumulate family wealth and stability.

This measure seems to be made to appeal to the feckless and those without family.

Edited by RJRB
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It's going to be a field day for equity release and pension advisers (and fraudsters).

Why save,why go for home ownership,only to find that actually you have only leased it after already being taxed throughout your working life.

Just be honest and upfront about the need for everyone to make the best provision that they can over their lifetime.

Cover the cost on National Insurance and Income tax ,but leave the door wide open for people with talent and aspiration to accumulate family wealth and stability.

This measure seems to be made to appeal to the feckless and those without family.


A cynic might argue that a boost for the parasitic elements of the equity release and pensions industries was an intended result of this, along with a boost to the economy from all the spending that would follow. It would also help keep house prices high if older citizens release equity and give it to their children and grandchildren who then use it to buy houses.


Possibly very cunning. Behaviour changes on a economy-impacting grand scale the nudge unit could possibly be very proud of. Ultimately a lot of the equity would be used to keep the debt monster alive.

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If there comes a time when I need to go into care I will just commit a crime and end up getting myself imprisoned, 3 meals a day with no bills to pay and free healthcare to boot!

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If there comes a time when I need to go into care I will just commit a crime and end up getting myself imprisoned, 3 meals a day with no bills to pay and free healthcare to boot!


Depends on your illness - it could be a secure care unit. And your family probably wont be able to see you when ever you or they like. They wont be able to hide a camera in your room to check you arent being abused by staff or inmates.


There is no upside. Im going to start eating fatty foods again and take up smoking!

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If there comes a time when I need to go into care I will just commit a crime and end up getting myself imprisoned, 3 meals a day with no bills to pay and free healthcare to boot!


Exactly the same thought has occurred to me.


Something is very wrong with a system where this seems like the better option.

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