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Tory Manifesto on Social Care.

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I'm just still utterly gobsmacked that you can be cleaned out for care costs from being ill.


This is surely what NICs are for. To compound this the Tories want to increase NICs.


In 2016 the NIF had a surplus of £30bn. The government is loaned that money to spend on other things. That's right folks - the Tories spend less on services that NICs are for than is actually collected. And they want to up the contribution while at the same time taking out charges on people's homes.


There aren't enough swear words for this....

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I'm just still utterly gobsmacked that you can be cleaned out for care costs from being ill.


This is surely what NICs are for. To compound this the Tories want to increase NICs.


In 2016 the NIF had a surplus of £30bn. The government is loaned that money to spend on other things. That's right folks - the Tories spend less on services that NICs are for than is actually collected. And they want to up the contribution while at the same time taking out charges on people's homes.


There aren't enough swear words for this....


Is there a private insurance policy out there that could cover it i.e. Pay in and it will cover me should I go into care? I know I can get a life insurance policy but I've nobody to give it to - is this much different?

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The harsh facts are that if you have money or assets to afford care home fees and you need care you will pay for it regardless of which flavour government is in power, there is not a political party in this country who will change that they can't afford to. Some of you need to deal with the facts of life, people are living longer and it costs money to live, you don't need money once your dead, plan it how you like if you need to leave it to the kids, the dog or to charity then think ahead.

Those who have insufficient assets will get whatever care society can afford them and having seen what paid care gets people don't expect anything special, be prepared to lose your cash your dignity or both.

I'm all for euthanasia by the way, if we could all start ending life how and when we choose, that would lower the burden on the NHS and social care (private and public) and would mean less jobs in those related fields, we would of course need more executioners ;)

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The harsh facts are that if you have money or assets to afford care home fees and you need care you will pay for it regardless of which flavour government is in power, there is not a political party in this country who will change that they can't afford to. Some of you need to deal with the facts of life, people are living longer and it costs money to live, you don't need money once your dead, plan it how you like if you need to leave it to the kids, the dog or to charity then think ahead.


Are people in ill health longer?


---------- Post added 19-05-2017 at 20:50 ----------


Is there a private insurance policy out there that could cover it i.e. Pay in and it will cover me should I go into care? I know I can get a life insurance policy but I've nobody to give it to - is this much different?


National Insurance?

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Is there a private insurance policy out there that could cover it i.e. Pay in and it will cover me should I go into care? I know I can get a life insurance policy but I've nobody to give it to - is this much different?


Errr well yes..... it used to be called National Insurance...


Seriously, the government tried to float this idea, but no insurance company would take it on. And premiums were so high nobody would have bought it anyway.

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Are people in ill health longer?


---------- Post added 19-05-2017 at 20:50 ----------



National Insurance?


Well are people in ill health longer ? I would argue that some are, I have seen it first hand, people are nursed and kept alive with zero quality of life, in many cases until end of life, some would argue it's cruel, I can assure you we would not keep animals alive in the condition that some people are.

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I've been banging on about the cost of care homes for ages. They are now reaching silly proportions - £1,000 a week in some cases for 'care.' This is where privatisation has it's got us. It's a license to print money.


With scams like this, no wonder the NHS / Social Care budget is stretched beyond breaking point.

If you don't go into a care home (and lose your life savings that way,) Home care will be a nice little earner for someone. wonder who'll be getting the contracts?

Edited by Anna B
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My late grandmother was in a care home my late grandfather had to pay the full wack each week the bills were paid monthly they ran into thousands of pounds plus the extras that were often done without asking my grandfather. If my grandmother​ had lived much than she did my grandfather would have gone bankrupt towards the end the home went down hill my grandmother's room was dirty we did think about moving her but she died before that could be done . The bills were always high in fact they made a mistake once we had someone to look into it but we were forced into paying out in the end. It's bad enough to watch a love one decline before you from the person you knew without worrying about how you are going to pay the next bill. This Tory policy is wrong it will add more worry on the family who will be stressed out as it is honestly if people go out and vote for them you have shot yourself in the foot.

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Crookedspire, I agree. I only hope people are wise enough to see how it will affect them all in the long run. And this is only the bits we know about. Theresa May and the Tories are no friend to the ordinary, hard working people of this country. The people are just a cash cow so the Tory hierarchy can give freebies to their rich and influential friends.

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