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How To Get A Council House - TV show

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Some councils use bedrooms to define overcrowding, but that's their choice. Legally, overcrowding is based on the number of rooms a household occupies. The size of the rooms can also be used as a measure. Shelter show it quite clearly.




However, they don't include the living room as a bedroom when they allocate properties.


Exactly right.


---------- Post added 29-03-2018 at 08:02 ----------


I have no evidence of the fact, but I was told by an employee of A council that one in ten council houses MUST be given to a migrant of some description. Would Sheffield subscribe to the same alleged rule.




You were lied to then. It's absolute garbage. Allocation of social housing is governed by the Housing Act 1996 and the Localism Act. If anyone can find such a clause in either of those I will give them £10,000.

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the Brown folk are only moving into council houses in areas that no self-respecting white person would live in :)

Ask your self why good hard working Sheffielders have fled some estates in their thousands ,its not because of black people it is due to the council giving good previously clean well cared for houses to people who have no idea how to live in a civilized society , they throw rubbish ,dirty nappies, bin liners full of god knows what from balconies ,they have loud parties into the middle of the night and so on.


Others in our midst are beyond the law , they openly deal drugs , steal cars and drive them around with impunity ,they intimidate the established tenants until as I said they bail out and leave them to it.

These people should never have been given a council house in the first place and if you report the behavior then the council inspectors just reply "well they have children or problems you know".

Which means we have passed the problems on to you.

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was always under the impression that the easiest way to get a council property is...parden my crudeness..spread your legs!!


just sayin'


Do I need to elaborate or do we follow what I'm referring too.


I see plenty of teens who've obviously taken that route

Ofcourse if you're a migrant that helps too. Especially if you're a non-English speaking..with kids too kind of migrant. Then clearly you got lucky.


But god forbid you are white, british and working, and never had a criminal record. In which case either stay with mum and dad or find yourself a nice shop doorway...but alas even shop doorways could soon become a thing of the past. so clearly stay with mum and dad or commit a crime, get pregnant or marry a migrant.

Edited by mrcharlie
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True story, I promise you . Me and girlfriend living in a 1 bedroom flat , we had been there a few years and were thinking about the future . I went to housing office a C Peaks and asked about moving to a house and was told no chance . When I asked why opposite our flat a young (20 year old girl ) was allocated a house , the officer said it was probably because she had a child . When I said that I thought this was wrong ,the housing officer said to me " well ,get your girlfriend pregnant " . When I said that we were both working and saving to get married first (old fashioned I know) , he just shrugged his shoulders and said "well that's the way it is now" :rant: This was 25 years ago

Edited by hackey lad
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But god forbid you are white, british and working, and never had a criminal record. In which case either stay with mum and dad or find yourself a nice shop doorway...but alas even shop doorways could soon become a thing of the past. so clearly stay with mum and dad or commit a crime, get pregnant or marry a migrant.


Perhaps we white, british, working folk who never had a criminal record are too fussy, demanding the council furnish us a six-bedroom mansion in Dore. There's not many of them houses available. I think I'll put myself on the waiting list for one of these.


Other folk who aren't white, british, working folk who never had a criminal record aren't as fussy, and are happy to accept a two-bedroom terraced house in Firth Park, which are plentiful, hence they get housed quicker.

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True story, I promise you . Me and girlfriend living in a 1 bedroom flat , we had been there a few years and were thinking about the future . I went to housing office a C Peaks and asked about moving to a house and was told no chance . When I asked why opposite our flat a young (20 year old girl ) was allocated a house , the officer said it was probably because she had a child . When I said that I thought this was wrong ,the housing officer said to me " well ,get your girlfriend pregnant " . When I said that we were both working and saving to get married first (old fashioned I know) , he just shrugged his shoulders and said "well that's the way it is now" :rant: This was 25 years ago


You weren't in need of housing, although you wanted a bigger property, a flat was perfectly suitable for an adult couple. The child in question was in need of a home, regardless of his/her parentage, the council would have a duty of care - to the child. When we moved to South Yorkshire in 1970 we rented privately, we were a young married couple with a baby. We couldn't even get on the waiting list (that's how housing was allocated back then) because we weren't local. In one way it was a good thing, it prompted us to buy our first house, and now we're retired with no mortgage!


The allocation/letting systems have changed over the years, people who wouldn't have got a property then, may even have priority now! Those of my generation who were fortunate enough to live in a nice council house probably benefited most by buying at a ridiculously cheap price, that the rest of us could only dream of. Its time the Right to Buy was withdrawn IMO. Scotland and Wales have done it, why not here in England?

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Perhaps we white, british, working folk who never had a criminal record are too fussy, demanding the council furnish us a six-bedroom mansion in Dore. There's not many of them houses available. I think I'll put myself on the waiting list for one of these.


Other folk who aren't white, british, working folk who never had a criminal record aren't as fussy, and are happy to accept a two-bedroom terraced house in Firth Park, which are plentiful, hence they get housed quicker.


Ok, I'll bite

If I had my way, all those who refuse to work should be forced out of their council house and put in high rise council flats. My view is if people cannot be bothered to contribute to society, why should society contribute to them.

I have no time for the idle and the scavengers...I despise them with a passion I never knew I had.


I truly hate idleness...HATE it!

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You weren't in need of housing, although you wanted a bigger property, a flat was perfectly suitable for an adult couple. The child in question was in need of a home, regardless of his/her parentage, the council would have a duty of care - to the child. When we moved to South Yorkshire in 1970 we rented privately, we were a young married couple with a baby. We couldn't even get on the waiting list (that's how housing was allocated back then) because we weren't local. In one way it was a good thing, it prompted us to buy our first house, and now we're retired with no mortgage!


The allocation/letting systems have changed over the years, people who wouldn't have got a property then, may even have priority now! Those of my generation who were fortunate enough to live in a nice council house probably benefited most by buying at a ridiculously cheap price, that the rest of us could only dream of. Its time the Right to Buy was withdrawn IMO. Scotland and Wales have done it, why not here in England?


"young married couple with a baby " , so you did it the "right "way . Can you honestly say to me that a young girl having a baby entitles her to a council house , could she not live in a flat with a baby ?

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