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How To Get A Council House - TV show

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Are economic migrants likely to get council houses? I can understand refugees getting one, but when the criteria for getting a council house (in Sheffield at least) is now so strict I assume that an economic migrant wouldn't be eligible for one for about 20 years.



I have no evidence of the fact, but I was told by an employee of A council that one in ten council houses MUST be given to a migrant of some description. Would Sheffield subscribe to the same alleged rule.



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I have no evidence of the fact, but I was told by an employee of A council that one in ten council houses MUST be given to a migrant of some description. Would Sheffield subscribe to the same alleged rule.




Does it matter whether or not housing is reserved for Brown folk ?


When ONE BEELLION immigrants from India flood the country following a trade deal with that country, we’ll all be living amongst them.


I suggest you snowflakes man up, grow a pair and get over it.


You Brexit, you broke it, you bought it.

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I have no evidence of the fact, but I was told by an employee of A council that one in ten council houses MUST be given to a migrant of some description. Would Sheffield subscribe to the same alleged rule.


They may have meant that council housing allocation should reflect the local population.

Once a migrant has lived in an area for a good length of time, they will be eligible just the same as you.

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I have no evidence of the fact, but I was told by an employee of A council that one in ten council houses MUST be given to a migrant of some description. Would Sheffield subscribe to the same alleged rule.



knowing sheffield council they would have it 5 out 10 looking at some areas of sheffield :D
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knowing sheffield council they would have it 5 out 10 looking at some areas of sheffield :D


the Brown folk are only moving into council houses in areas that no self-respecting white person would live in :)

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No, you are wrong. Where I work we give advice on overcrowding and SCC use the statutory overcrowding regulations which use room size to determine maximum occupancy of a property and allow living rooms to be counted as bedrooms. I don't agree with that and I don't think living rooms should be counted as bedrooms but that's the law. Plus, it's ludicrous to say that every household of a certain ethnic background is overcrowded, as is your bus pass claim. You're exaggerating because you want to see yourself as some kind of hard done to victim.


Sorry but that's just rubbish. the council have never ever counted living rooms as bedrooms, health and safety wouldn't allow it, seems what ever I say I'm wrong and you don't seem to have experienced what most council tenants have

Edited by lazarus
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Sorry but that's just rubbish. the council have never ever counted living rooms as bedrooms, health and safety wouldn't allow it, seems what ever I say I'm wrong and you don't seem to have experienced what most council tenants have


Some councils use bedrooms to define overcrowding, but that's their choice. Legally, overcrowding is based on the number of rooms a household occupies. The size of the rooms can also be used as a measure. Shelter show it quite clearly.




However, they don't include the living room as a bedroom when they allocate properties.

Edited by Ms Macbeth
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