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Julian Assange debacle

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15 minutes ago, banjodeano said:

i am not accusing you of anything, but i am struggling to work out why you found it odd/strange/funny or just weird that Tatchell would defend someone like Assange,? 

so why would you find it funny that Tatchell would defend Assange? you must find it funny in some strange way because you said in your own words that were being sarcastic, so why were you being sarcastic? why did you find it funny?


:D You are hilarious . Owt to say about Assange ? Or is it all about me ?

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On 19/05/2017 at 18:17, nowt2pctoday said:

an absolute disgrace that the wikileaks alleged rapist and sexual molester has been allowed to cost the uk tax payer over 13.2 million in police surveillance and associated costs whilst in the Ecuadorian embassy under diplomatic status.

we should have had him arrested and deported immediately it was obvious he was wanted in Sweden.

He's a hero and worth more than any amount of any countries tax payers money.   What is an absolute disgrace is that Julian Assange is being persecuted, vilified for telling the truth and exposing the war-mongering criminal scum in the US government.

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8 hours ago, lottiecass said:

Looks like Assange is going to have a few years holiday in the US, but Corbin may save him. Tatchell is as liberal as anyone could be but is a ******** too.

Could you clarify what the missing word is please? It's hard to understand what you're saying about Tatchell without knowing.

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9 hours ago, 26b-6 said:

He's a hero and worth more than any amount of any countries tax payers money.   What is an absolute disgrace is that Julian Assange is being persecuted, vilified for telling the truth and exposing the war-mongering criminal scum in the US government.

He's not the hero in any of this. 

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9 hours ago, 26b-6 said:

He's a hero and worth more than any amount of any countries tax payers money.   What is an absolute disgrace is that Julian Assange is being persecuted, vilified for telling the truth and exposing the war-mongering criminal scum in the US government.

Not persecuted,  prosecuted 

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Worth noting that Blunkett signed a US/UK extradition treaty that, according to statewatch,

"Under the new treaty, the allegations of the US government will be enough to secure the extradition of people from the UK. However, if the UK wants to extradite someone from the US, evidence to the standard of a "reasonable" demonstration of guilt will still be required. No other EU countries would accept this US demand, either politically or constitutionally. Yet the UK government not only acquiesced, but did so taking advantage of arcane legislative powers to see the treaty signed and implemented without any parliamentary debate or scrutiny."

Assange has good reason to fear extradition to the US, without the due process and open court hearings that the Home Secretary was banging on about.

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