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Fake and real furs

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I think real furs may be a bit warmer ... but probably more expensive ... so it depends what you place more value on as an individual.


Some people may aslo have ethical problems with real furs ... others may not ... who are we to say what is 'right' and 'wrong' ?

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i don't see why anyone would object to fake furs. But i suppose the argument as to whether or not real fur in a country like the UK is "right" or "wrong" would be a similar argument as to whether dog-fighting, bear-baiting, bull-fighting, ****-fighting, badger-baiting, etc is "right" or "wrong". Different people have different views... so should they all be allowed for the people who think they are "right"?

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I was flicking through ebay one day and stumbled on a fur coat for sale for a tenner. It was in my size and was a lovely colour....as fur is, of course.


I hate the thought of killing animals for their fur and would never buy a new coat made of fur as I believe this condones it and supports the trade.


I made a bid on this coat and won it. I wear it. It's lovely and warm and the warmest winter coat I have.


My theory on this is that I am recycling someone elses coat which must have been hung in a wardrobe for years. I bought it for warmth, not because I'm a fur supporter.


I was wary when I first started to wear it in case I was subjected to fur abuse from protestors but have had nothing, in fact some women have admired the coat, some people STROKE ME. Scary.


I explain to people who ask about it that I'm just recycling an item of clothing instead of going out and buying a new coat elsewhere. They accept this. They accept that I'm not supporting the fur trade.....yet somehow, deep down, there's a cloud over me for wearing it....I've been socialised into the notion that wearing fur is BAD. I'm breaking that rule in a way that's indirect and environmentally good (recycling) yet still wait for that fur activist to chuck a tin of paint at me!

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I eat meat, fish and cheese and am quite happy with that. I have a couple of leather jackets and more pairs of leather shoes than any straight man should possess - and again I'm happy with that. I know that in both of these cases I'm using a living creature as a natural resource and that its wastefull and that large amounts of said creature are not used and treated as waste and when I have my chicken curry (or whatever) this doesnt even cross my mind - so why should fur be any different?


Having said that I have a yummy fake fur coat which Iove but wouldnt even think of buying a real fur coat - I'm so easilly indoctrinated!

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So who would wear Hamster fur?


Not sure if anyone remembers the news from a couple of weeks ago, but a firm in pitlochry was making fur items from hamsters :o Poor little mites.


I personally don't think any animals should be killed for fashion accessories. As for the argument that fur is warm, there are lots of alternative materials nowadays that are just as warm.

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Originally posted by Skatiechik

So who would wear Hamster fur?


Not sure if anyone remembers the news from a couple of weeks ago, but a firm in pitlochry was making fur items from hamsters :o Poor little mites.


I personally don't think any animals should be killed for fashion accessories. As for the argument that fur is warm, there are lots of alternative materials nowadays that are just as warm.




Do I not like that, or what! You can't kill hamsters for their fur, it's not right!. It just isn't done. These little bundles of fur are fun and so lovable and you just can't kill the little sausages.


I know they don't live very long (Snake-food only lived to be just over four months old) but in general they make splendid little pets.


We love Tiddles and she loves us.


Leave her alone!

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i would never make a fur coat out of my hamster (he aint big enough to make a glove, let alone a coat lol)... but if we are gonna have fur coats, i dont see why we shouldnt make them out of whatever animals we like.. be it hamster, cat, dog etc.

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