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Manchester Arena explosion 22/05/2017

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I'm no fan of Islam, but to my mind, the most important thing is for authorities to engage with (listen to, rather than *just* lay down the law) and be on the same page as the Muslim community; regarding how to tackle extremism. I think if you just try to foist your own solutions on them, you're going to meet resistance and create more distrust, disharmony, and possibly more extremists?

some people really dont get it, do they? like the BNP sorry i meant ukip

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some people really dont get it, do they? like the BNP sorry i meant ukip


Well, they may not get it right now; but all people are in a process of change. The question is, the people who are not getting it right now; how do you best help them?


I like this story; Rev. Wade Watts VS KKK leader Johnny Lee Clary. Now, I'm not so big on the religious aspect, but I have to admire the reverend's approach, his compassion and patience with someone who was clearly filled with hate.


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All analogies are flawed, the trick is to recognise where they break down and not get distracted by the flaw.




At least two reasons: firstly because everyone has a choice of whether or not to be a football fan, and as a fan, whether or not to join a mob at a match or to watch it on TV.

Secondly because the proportion of fans out, getting involved in the troubles was a far greater proportion of the whole.

Thirdly because of the cost: how much does it cost to provide that much policing, once a week for only part of the year. You are talking about doing it all day, every day, and without having any football clubs you can send any part of the bill to.


It would not be on the scale of policing football though would it, how many hooligans were known and placed on orders to report to the nick every weekend etc.

The intelligence services reckon there are over 3000 'known' suspects currently are they restricting their movement ? If not why not ?


---------- Post added 26-05-2017 at 18:07 ----------


Neither did we police the white Irish Christians - even though we had innocent people targeted daily and not just by bombing. Lets hope they don' cotton on to their old strategies for fear and terrorism.


We did send troops over to Northern Ireland though.


---------- Post added 26-05-2017 at 18:09 ----------


some people really dont get it, do they? like the BNP sorry i meant ukip


Got anything relevant to point out mel ? I reckon not eh ;)

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It would not be on the scale of policing football though would it, how many hooligans were known and placed on orders to report to the nick every weekend etc.

The intelligence services reckon there are over 3000 'known' suspects currently are they restricting their movement ? If not why not ?


---------- Post added 26-05-2017 at 18:07 ----------



We did send troops over to Northern Ireland though.


But why every weekend? Because that's when football hooligans like to operate - when there is match ideally against another group of hooligans. Islamic terrorism is 24/7.

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It would not be on the scale of policing football though would it, how many hooligans were known and placed on orders to report to the nick every weekend etc.

The intelligence services reckon there are over 3000 'known' suspects currently are they restricting their movement ? If not why not ?


---------- Post added 26-05-2017 at 18:07 ----------



We did send troops over to Northern Ireland though.


---------- Post added 26-05-2017 at 18:09 ----------



Got anything relevant to point out mel ? I reckon not eh ;)

this is an interesting article about the battle against the terrorists



seems despite being reported a few times, this bomber was deemed low importance and dropped down the list of priorities

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But why every weekend? Because that's when football hooligans like to operate - when there is match ideally against another group of hooligans. Islamic terrorism is 24/7.


Well I never, you really have thought about this haven't you :D

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Didn't say they wouldn't take action..he said they wouldn't introduce internment...do you think internment would be a good idea?


Yes, I think so. Especially if the only reason not to do it is that it might upset some group of people.

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Yes, I think so. Especially if the only reason not to do it is that it might upset some group of people.


Says a lot about you as a person if you think internment is ok.

What about the innocent Muslims who will end up being interned? :rolleyes:

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