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Manchester Arena explosion 22/05/2017

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No it isn't and if you don't realise what leads/causes people to turn into terrorists then you need to educate yourself instead of posting on here like you know it all.

So why do British born citizens :rolleyes: turn into terrorists.

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So why do British born citizens :rolleyes: turn into terrorists.


They're usually marginalised young men in the first place, often with a history of offending; they are wound up by others who cite the violence done by western governments in Muslim countries as something needing violent revenge. They are made to feel special, important.

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So why do British born citizens :rolleyes: turn into terrorists.


Because they feel more affinity with them: the oppressed brothers in the war torn lands, than they do with us, the imperialist warmongers?

I can't imagine why though: it's not as if our society is structured to drive money to the pecunious minority...

Edited by Hairyloon
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Part of the problem is the attitude of authority; the same attitude that caused the Rotherham scandal to go on for as long as it did. For too long they didn't want to admit there was a problem, and they didn't want anybody else saying there was a problem either. They knew that some of the poor "refugees" weren't refugees in the strict sense that other people would think of as refugees - some of them were nasty pieces of work who had come out on the losing side when fighting people like Gaddafi before the Libyan revolution; and thy came here.


So we are where we are. 3,000 'active' jihadis known in the country, 23,000 suspects. number of MI5 staff - 5,000.


They are now in a place where they don't want to be accused by the media of Islamaphobia. So the pressure is on to proceed sensitively. But also they know that right now there are people plotting more attacks, so the pressure is also on to be pro-active and get these people arrested.


And all at a time when the police have been on the end of cuts for the last seven years.

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Why does it?

Six to do the guarding, 14 to do the paperwork, 27 middle management and a fraction of a Chief Constable is the most I can think of...

most up to date figures i can get from here http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/terrorism-in-the-uk/11251792/Only-a-fraction-of-terror-suspects-can-be-watched-247.html if you can find the actual figure let us know :thumbsup:

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most up to date figures i can get from here http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/terrorism-in-the-uk/11251792/Only-a-fraction-of-terror-suspects-can-be-watched-247.html if you can find the actual figure let us know :thumbsup:


Maybe 60 is an over estimate?


A French security agent has said that to keep one person under surveillance for 24 hours a day, it’s going to take 18 to 20 agents per suspect.


There are 6,000 employees at GCHQ and 4,000 at MI5. But there are up to 3,000 suspects in the UK. At the French ratio, you would need 60,000 officers to track them all. That's almost half of Britain's total number of police officers, 127,000 (PDF). It's an impossible job.



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What is a real gamechanger in this type of Terrorism (compared to the IRA)

is that these religious nutcases are willing to kill themselves, to kill you !

Now that's a very hard thing to combat.

Our Security Services must be stretched to the very limit.

These bombings / killings wont stop. Lone wolf attacks are obviously hard to detect.

You only have to look at the amount arrests made / house raids that have happened since Monday nights atrocity carried out by one man.

This problem is more widespread than we think.

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You only have to look at the amount arrests made / house raids that have happened since Monday nights atrocity carried out by one man.

This problem is more widespread than we think.


It probably isn't half as widespread as many people think.

How many of those arrests and raids have resulted in charges and actual results?

They will have cast a wide net as a show of strength and for information gathering. Also perhaps to see who gets spooked by it.

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