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Manchester Arena explosion 22/05/2017

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I think the Muslims are doing a pretty good job of that without outside help.


Its time we toughened up - get CCTV in mosques/places of faith if any hint of radicalisation is detected close the place down immediately, if theres nothing to hide theres nothing to fear. These things are built at taxpayers expense and the taxpayer should have an idea of whats being preached in them.


You are spouting your hate filled agenda and are part of the problem, thankfully people with your views are in the minority.

This guy was reported numerous times to the authorities by Muslims yet nothing was done so I think your suggestions are not going to do anything apart from give you some kind of fuzzy feeling that most people of your mindset get when making these kind of suggestions..


Edited by mafya
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You are spouting your hate filled agenda and are part of the problem, thankfully people with your views are in the minority.

This guy was reported numerous times to the authorities by Muslims yet nothing was done so I think your suggestions are not going to do anything apart from give you some kind of fuzzy feeling that most people of your mindset get when making these kind of suggestions..



If he hadn't been filled with bile from attending one of these places he wouldn't have had to be watched by the authorities.


If the majority of people attending mosques are peace loving then theres nothing at all to fear and if it wheedles out any hate preaching than surely the majority of the Muslim community would have no objections as it allows people to see them in their true light.

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Guest sibon
If he hadn't been filled with bile from attending one of these places he wouldn't have had to be watched by the authorities.


If the majority of people attending mosques are peace loving then theres nothing at all to fear and if it wheedles out any hate preaching than surely the majority of the Muslim community would have no objections as it allows people to see them in their true light.


We should put CCTV in your house and stream it live on You Tube. That way, we can see if you are spewing hate filled bile in your living room, or bathroom.


I'm sure that you won't mind. After all, if you've nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.

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We should put CCTV in your house and stream it live on You Tube. That way, we can see if you are spewing hate filled bile in your living room, or bathroom.


I'm sure that you won't mind. After all, if you've nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.


My house isn't a public place, ridiculous avoidance of an answer to a problem.

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If he hadn't been filled with bile from attending one of these places he wouldn't have had to be watched by the authorities.


If the majority of people attending mosques are peace loving then theres nothing at all to fear and if it wheedles out any hate preaching than surely the majority of the Muslim community would have no objections as it allows people to see them in their true light.


If you engaged your brain and read the news you would realise that his mosque reported him for abusing the imam who was giving a sermon against terrorism.

Thanks for showing all of us how much intelligence you really have = http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/manchester-bomber-salman-abedi-banned-13092209

Seriously you need to wake up!

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come come now its hardly the same is it:hihi::hihi: a socialist deriding Tories nothing new there:hihi: again i say if someone outside any building? mosque or other is inciting to kill then they and the followers should be arrested, deported or interned ?? you are just being obtuse. occasionally thy arrest the head speech maker but not the followers?? why? because of cultural sensitivities, you know it and i know it.


But we already have those laws of which you speak. We already have people of all different elk being arrested under those laws.


So nothing needs to change then? Because the things you are saying we need, we already have.


Let's wait until you change tack again so you can pretend you are 'winning' this discussion.

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If you engaged your brain and read the news you would realise that his mosque reported him for abusing the imam who was giving a sermon against terrorism.

Thanks for showing all of us how much intelligence you really have = http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/manchester-bomber-salman-abedi-banned-13092209

Seriously you need to wake up! ��


The CCTV would have picked this up and maybe led to the authorities keeping an even closer eye on him, it works whichever way you look at it, not sure why you are being so defensive.


Worth a read:



Edited by top4718
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But we already have those laws of which you speak. We already have people of all different elk being arrested under those laws.


So nothing needs to change then? Because the things you are saying we need, we already have.


Let's wait until you change tack again so you can pretend you are 'winning' this discussion.


what are you on about changing tack and pretend i am winning?? this isnt a game although some people treat it as such:roll: ok if these laws exist which in some part they do but they are not strictly enforced, time after time we have seen protests and placards inciting hatred to westerners or anyone who doesnt follow or insults, incitement to "behead" things do need to change and we need to wake up and punish these people that hate us and our way of life so much far more!! take away their liberty, benefits etc etc, what is it at the moment 23,000 on a watch list?? well even if 1% are active and ready thats another atrocity waiting to happen??, if we know them bang them up deport and intern. opposing this is part of the problem!

Edited by nowt2pctoday
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The CCTV would have picked this up and maybe led to the authorities keeping an even closer eye on him, it works whichever way you look at it, not sure why you are being so defensive.


Worth a read:




Pointing out your stupidity is not being defensive so stop trying to turn this around onto me. You have been sussed out for being someone who opens or should I say types a post before engaging their brain. ?

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