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Manchester Arena explosion 22/05/2017

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ill say one thing on the issue, desperate people do desperate things


In such a scene of desperation his urges to steal these items throughout the horror around him could not be overcome, that tells you where abouts he is mentally, sat here in my warm house with a big tv and a take away coming I find it impossible to relate to him on almost any level.

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Just wow.

We all probably agree it was wrong to take from the injured. Really wrong in fact but to want someone shooting for stealing is a bit extreme to say the least. This homeless guy could have been desperate.

Im not justifying it by the way, just trying to offer some possible motive.

A sad story all round really.


I read that he used the card immediately after taking it in a fast food place. Sounds like he was hungry. Doesn't make it right of course but....

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  • 4 weeks later...

Parker pleaded guilty to two counts of theft and one of fraud after admitting using a debit card from the stolen purse; jailed for 4 years and 3 months.


A SUPERMARKET worker, Wendy Clements, who stole almost £460,000 from Asda was jailed for three years and four months.

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Parker pleaded guilty to two counts of theft and one of fraud after admitting using a debit card from the stolen purse; jailed for 4 years and 3 months.


A SUPERMARKET worker, Wendy Clements, who stole almost £460,000 from Asda was jailed for three years and four months.


Women almost always get lighter sentences than men for similar crimes. Its one of the ways men are discriminated against in our society.

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Certainly made the wrong choice that night stealing from the injured. He had the chance to turn his life around with the fundraising. That’s if he could change his ways.

Now he is in prison and unable to leave his cell because of death threats from the inmates.

With all of his previous convictions I’m surprised he’s not in prison already.

I’m curious to know why he was homeless, could it be he was kicked out of the family home for burglary and the family unable to cope with him?

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