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Manchester Arena explosion 22/05/2017

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I just don't know what to say, words aren't enough. Saw the picture of the most beautiful 8 year old child whose life has ended. Just one of many innocents who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. And their famlies whose lives will never be the same again. What can you do or say? Words are not enough...

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A suicide bomber is the ultimate terrorist weapon and virtually impossible to stop once the individual is in that mindset. The end of a gig is a particularly soft target as the doors are thrown open to get the venue emptied as quickly as possible. You can police the access but the egress is a different beast.

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Fear isn't the problem though is it Kate? What the authorities are worried about imo is not the public being fearful, but the public getting angry; because fearful people are much easier to handle than angry people.


It is interesting to see how people are being psychologically maneuvered by the TV news and politicians. How do you get them from a position of anger to a position of passivity? By selling passivity as the brave thing to do.


Anger is a natural response, but as someone put on FB, it's about channelling the anger into something productive rather than smashing up a local mosque.

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Targeting an event which consists of children is beyond belief.

How will / can we stop people from an 'ideology' doing this ?

When people are willing to kill themselves - to kill you, we know we have a major problem.

Many of the victims are under 16. Thoughts are with their families.

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Would you consider the suppression of anger to be a positive?

If not what would be an example of anger being channelled positively?


Why would suppression of anger be a good thing? Are we having communication problems or have you assumed something about me and what I think and that's affecting your posts to me?

Regardless, anger is an incredibly motivating emotion, probably more so than any other, and this motivation can be pushed in any direction if people chose to, from doing more to assist in their local communities to getting on a train to Manchester to help people who are injured and struggling.


---------- Post added 23-05-2017 at 14:12 ----------


I have no idea how to stop these things, none at all.


My thoughts go out to the families affected.


Me neither in the short term and to be honest if the attacks continue then we'll be knee deep in a war well before any of the potential long term solutions have time to bed in...


I am really struggling to see how we can 'win' this at the moment, none of the solutions (bomb them, close borders, education, better integration, stop bombing them etc) will have any effect at all.


Pretty low day, and for the people who have lost loved ones it's a horrific day.

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If not what would be an example of anger being channelled positively?




Specifically, voting for a party that will rein in the sale of arms to despot nations with strong terrorist affiliations.


It won't solve the problem of people blowing themselves to bits on the lying promise of endless celestial nookie, but it's a start.

Edited by CockneyMafia
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Specifically, voting for a party that will rein in the sale of arms to despot nations with strong terrorist affiliations.


It won't solve the problem of people blown themselves to bits on the lying promise of endless celestial nookie, but it's a start.


Yeah, that's a positive post.

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Yeah, that's a positive post.


But do you think the anger of which you mentioned will channel people to joining the green party or voting jeremy corbyn or are they more likely to take a harder line (ie bomb everyone?). The Sun for example has taken corbyn to task over his IRA past - hardly arms around the world stuff.

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