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Manchester Arena explosion 22/05/2017

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But do you think the anger of which you mentioned will channel people to joining the green party or voting jeremy corbyn or are they more likely to take a harder line (ie bomb everyone?). The Sun for example has taken corbyn to task over his IRA past - hardly arms around the world stuff.


Sadly no, I don't expect people to vote for peace, for too long we've been tricked into thinking we can protect ourselves with bigger and bigger bombs and that lie is too deep in our collective psyche to overcome quickly. How many more people are going to die though before the peddlers of the 'war on terrorism' myths finally put their hands up and admit that actions being taken by the west are endangering us not protecting us.


I can hope though that people start to see that all of the bombs dropped recently on ISIS haven't stopped these attacks, if anything they have increased. Remove emotion for a moment, but if you did something to try to stop something at great cost and after trying it a few times the thing you were trying to stop actually increased wouldn't it be sensible to try something else rather than do more of the expensive not working thing?


I felt anger when I first saw the headlines, now I just feel overwhelming sadness, which unfortunately is doing the one thing Harrystottle has said is the thing you shouldn't do, and that's be passive.


Mods, apologies if this falls into 'politics', I don't think it does as I'm really not pointing at any one party or thing, but by all means remove if it does fall foul as I don't want the thread to close.

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But do you think the anger of which you mentioned will channel people to joining the green party or voting jeremy corbyn or are they more likely to take a harder line (ie bomb everyone?). The Sun for example has taken corbyn to task over his IRA past - hardly arms around the world stuff.




A lot of people vote on ephemeral emotions or ingrained beliefs. Or both.


I see a lot of people on social media saying “something must be done”, but very few are actually committing any ideas. Other than ban all immigration and deport all Muslims, the latter in particularly being so breathtakingly ignorant and irrelevant it barely warrants a response.


Frankly I have no idea how to counter radicalisation and religious dogma. A complete withdrawal of military force in Islamic countries will appease some with terrorist machinaitons, but would be largely irrelevant to those seeking a return to a mythical 7th century Caliphate.


As an FYI, this is one of the best pieces I’ve read on the motivations of ISIS.



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A lot of people vote on ephemeral emotions or ingrained beliefs. Or both.


I see a lot of people on social media saying “something must be done”, but very few are actually committing any ideas. Other than ban all immigration and deport all Muslims, the latter in particularly being so breathtakingly ignorant and irrelevant it barely warrants a response.


Frankly I have no idea how to counter radicalisation and religious dogma. A complete withdrawal of military force in Islamic countries will appease some with terrorist machinaitons, but would be largely irrelevant to those seeking a return to a mythical 7th century Caliphate.


As an FYI, this is one of the best pieces I’ve read on the motivations of ISIS.




Islam is awesome

Edited by SkylinePhoto
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We've had warnings and we've had suspensions.


People are naturally extremely angry about this, I am extremely angry about this, I have family in Manchester and no idea if they are involved, and if they were what has happened to them.


I would like to find out, but instead I'm here policing this thread, because some of you are determined to hijack it for your own agenda, whether that is political point scoring or inciting violence.


I will not allow people to score political points or incite violence because of this atrocity.


22 People, children, an 8 year old died, Manchester is not that far from here, people from Sheffield may have been at the event, people from Manchester read these forums, show some empathy and respect.


Anyone else inciting violence or scoring cheap political points will find their account suspended.

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Sadly no, I don't expect people to vote for peace, for too long we've been tricked into thinking we can protect ourselves with bigger and bigger bombs and that lie is too deep in our collective psyche to overcome quickly. How many more people are going to die though before the peddlers of the 'war on terrorism' myths finally put their hands up and admit that actions being taken by the west are endangering us not protecting us.


I can hope though that people start to see that all of the bombs dropped recently on ISIS haven't stopped these attacks, if anything they have increased. Remove emotion for a moment, but if you did something to try to stop something at great cost and after trying it a few times the thing you were trying to stop actually increased wouldn't it be sensible to try something else rather than do more of the expensive not working thing?


I felt anger when I first saw the headlines, now I just feel overwhelming sadness, which unfortunately is doing the one thing Harrystottle has said is the thing you shouldn't do, and that's be passive.


Mods, apologies if this falls into 'politics', I don't think it does as I'm really not pointing at any one party or thing, but by all means remove if it does fall foul as I don't want the thread to close.


I agree to a point that our foreign policy may have had something to do with these attacks but what has Germany done to warrant similar attacks? A bit of recon over Syria and the welcoming of thousands and thousands of refugees?


It won't stop.

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Why would suppression of anger be a good thing?


In the sense of stopping people from getting more angry, and trying to burn down mosques or beat up innocent taxi drivers, then I think suppression of anger is a necessity - in the short term.


But I would add the very big caveat that there has to be something more than just suppression of anger; that there is a plan to deal with these events that goes beyond beyond vigils and hash tags.


That is what I was getting at. I wasn't getting at you.


Time will tell if there is or not, I suppose.

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