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How painful is getting your tongue pierced?

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Heheh, I had to eat baby food for a few days afterwards. As loulou3 says, it didn't bother me that it hurt afterwards (which to be honest it did!). The piercing itself was totally painless, they put synthetic opiates on it so you don't feel a thing.

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It dosnt hurt they numb it for you the only thing i found annoying was the long bar that is put in first incase it swells mine didnt, so i had a smaller one put in after a couple of days... you can eat we went out for pizza that same night.... just make sure you rinse a 1000 times a day with a good mouth wash like listerine and you should be fine .. ive had mine done now for about 15 years and never had a prob ... good luck:P

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Ive got mine done i had it done since i was 15 or was it 14? But i dont have any problems with it and when i take it out to clean it my mouth feels weird without it in



snap! well i was 16! but never mind this baby food malarkey! - i thought it'd be great as a diet but no, was on to maccy d's staright away :(


it hurts tons though! i had some vodka before i went in to numb the pain and so i wouldnt chicken out! :D


I very often have the bad habit of swallowing my tongue bar......and without it my tongue also feels too weird - too light! strange eh :)

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A friend whose girlfriend had her tongue pierced told me that kissing her with it in was disgusting because it tasted horrible :gag:


That happens if you dont clean it properly!

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I didn't think it hurt when it was pierced, bled a bit but they numbed my tongue, or tried to anyway. Afterwards it felt weird like my tongue was alien to my mouth and it swelled up then went down, then swelled up again a few times during the week after I'd had it done.


They recommended I have something sweet beforehand to raise my blood sugar and caffeine is supposed to help too - I always have a coupla capuccinos before I get anything waxed, which is worse than having my tongue pierced I reckon!


You're meant to wash your mouth out with mouthwash after eating and drinking which is a right pain but it never affected my eating habits, more's the pity. I was munching on French Bread and chocolate muffins and drinking coffee the day I had it done. It ached for a bit sure, but not badly. The only thing that bugged me was the length of the bar - I kept chewing on it inadvertantly and it used to irritate the roof of my mouth so I got a shorter one and it was fine. It's kind of like post-dentist when the anaesthetic wears off. Aches for a bit and then it's fine. And it affected my speech when it was swollen but I wasn't unintelligable and I certainly don't have any impediment now.

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Ive got mine done too,I had mine done about 8 years ago now.

I too feel strange without it,ii feels like my words arent coming out properly.

The piercing itself was absolutely painless,However the day after i was in agony,my tongue had swelled to double its size,and i had to go to the doctors as it was badly infected(penecillin)

I couldnt eat, or drink from a cup i had to use a straw for about 5 days,I even tried to get it out with pliers i was that desprate,but couldnt!!!!

I am so glad i didnt get it out now though.

I would never ever have mine done again.

My friend had hers done the week after me and she was absolutely fine no swelling,able to eat and drink straight away after?


Hay Ho you'll be fine:thumbsup:

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