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How painful is getting your tongue pierced?

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Yum I cant wait to see the state of your teeth in few years when all the enamel at the back of your front teeth has slowly been worn away.


Now that will make your breath smell.


Stop being a sheep and be a shepherd! baa baa

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I had mine done 4ys ago. I remember i was scared, but when i had it done i thought what was i worried about wish i had it done befor and the woman that did it was amased i had no blood lost, I had mine done down ingoldmells, and the worst bit for me was haveing to hold the stuff they numb you with in your mouth, i was wanting to gip all the time and i was moveing my tounge to make sure it was numb, I had it done on a monday and by tuesday i was eating ok, you tounge is a little stiff but aprt from that it ok. I dont talk with a lisp, I know not everyone the same as my mate had it done and she could not talk for a few days and not eat for 2 weeks she was on liquids, But i was told my heald fast as i just ate ice pops and slushy and i wash my mouth with salt water 3 times a day and has ibuprofen to take the swelling down. Only down side to mine is that i crack a wisdom tooth that was painfull and you do catch your teeth now and then but just get a smaller bar. You be ok nothing to it, you just feel a pressure stab but no pain. just take the affter care advice seriously and you should be fine.

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Yum I cant wait to see the state of your teeth in few years when all the enamel at the back of your front teeth has slowly been worn away.


Now that will make your breath smell.


Stop being a sheep and be a shepherd! baa baa


There's always one :rolleyes:

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Never regretted getting mine done and I've had it for ten years. My teeth are fine, my breath most definitely does not smell and every guy I've dated has thoroughly appreciated it! Hygiene can be as much of a problem without a tongue piercing as with one - if you don't clean your teeth and tongue properly it doesn't matter whether it has metal through it or not! It's certainly easier to maintain hygiene in your mouth due to your own natural antiseptic, saliva, than it is on your ears or navel.

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Can I just get this straight? It might hurt a great deal. It costs money. Your tongue may swell up to double its normal size and hurt a great deal. You may have a lisp for a week for forever. I would also add, it looks bl@@dy silly. Why would anyone mutilate themselves in this way, and pay for it?

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Can I just get this straight? It might hurt a great deal. It costs money. Your tongue may swell up to double its normal size and hurt a great deal. You may have a lisp for a week for forever. I would also add, it looks bl@@dy silly. Why would anyone mutilate themselves in this way, and pay for it?


Same reason anyone does something. Because they want to. Because they like it. And occasionally because everyone else has got one. Although that last reason generally makes me not do something.

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