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Are the Police Dome CCTV's monitored live

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Saw a vehicle jump red light, today did not cause any problems today no red light camera, but I noticed there was a Dome CCTV - and wondered- are they monitored live - are they used for road traffic infringements

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They're probably monitored at central CCTV, but whether or not someone was looking at that camera or was looking at something else is the question, and even then it might not be focused on that car well enough to read the plate.

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Yes they are monitored live. There is a CCTV monitoring station that often shouts out over the police radio if they see something that needs urgent police attendance. Whether they were used for traffic offences I don't know, I'd doubt it though, as other have said there are hundreds of cameras that can be viewed across Sheffield so it would need someone looking at that camera at that exact moment. They are more commonly used as evidence later on than real-time, but we did get a couple of shouts directly from live CCTV particularly on Friday and Saturday nights regarding fights, mainly because the CCTV operators know where the hot spots are so monitor them more closely.


I used to be a Special Constable.

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Whether they were used for traffic offences I don't know, I'd doubt it though, as other have said there are hundreds of cameras that can be viewed across Sheffield so it would need someone looking at that camera at that exact moment.


I used to be a Special Constable.


But ANPR is not a person, its a computer? Could they use ANPR on all these cameras?

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Vehicle movements on UK roads are recorded by a network of around 8500 cameras capturing between 25 and 35 million ANPR reads daily.


But these are not the dome cameras and are not monitoring for jumping red lights. :confused:

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ANPR is a computer program, that works with a very specific set of hardware, those being ANPR cameras.

There is no "just a computer program" that runs a red light camera. So on a normal CCTV, if a red light jump happens, it requires a person to be observing to identify that someone has jumped the light. And it requires the camera to have a high enough resolution to capture the registration plate. The ANPR software can't magically detect red light jumps, nor can it capture reg plate data if the resolution is too low.

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