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Are the Police Dome CCTV's monitored live

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Vehicle movements on UK roads are recorded by a network of around 8500 cameras capturing between 25 and 35 million ANPR reads daily.


An ANPR camera may well read many plates, but there needs to be something to trigger. Not having insurance, mot, tax or a marker for some specific reason.

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An ANPR camera may well read many plates, but there needs to be something to trigger. Not having insurance, mot, tax or a marker for some specific reason.


It doesn't!

A registration can be typed in and movement of that vehicle traced through any of the cameras it has passed in the past 2 years.

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I don't know, isn't that why they take a photograph?


Some do yes, but each camera is different. The dome cameras referred to just take live video which if they are police cameras are recorded for evidence at a later date if required. The red light camera have to be setup to be able to tell if a car has jumped the lights so in addition to being able to take a photo it also need things like motion detectors and a timing system so it only works with the camera is on red and doesn't send tickets to every single driver who uses that junction.


It would clearly be pointless and expensive to equip every single camera to do every task you can think of. The dome ones are used for monitoring and to assist a police response, the police traffic cameras are used for speeding and jumping red lights, the council cameras are used for traffic monitoring probably for future planning assistance etc. All are different.

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