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Statesmanlike speech on terrorism from Jeremy Corbyn.

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I have to say, Corbyn has come across as much more statesmanlike than Theresa May.

Corbyn was very clear in his speech "the blame lies with the terrorists".

Theresa May, on the other hand twisted Corbyn's words for naked political opportunism, claiming that he said "it was Britain's own fault".


Of course this negative tactic is now unravelling, as I stated earlier, where the Defence Secretary Michael Fallon is attacking the Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, and even Boris Johnson is calling Jeremy Corbyn outrageous, for saying things that Boris Johnson said himself a few years previous.


The Tories are fighting like rats in a sack, while Corbyn is just rising above it all.

I know who I think is looking more statesmanlike.


People are starting to wise up to this rhetoric. May, Fallon, Johnson and the rest of the Tories are treating us like infants.

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Significantly ignored by the Conservatives too.


Blair and co were part of the elite along with the Tories. Think how much money Blair has made out of his 'Peace envoy to the middle east' role. (How?) Ironic when you consider mayhem was breaking out all around him.

And how much money the Tories and their cronies have made out of arms sales and manufacturing, and other contracts.


I am reminded of the 1984 quote: 'The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous...'


Boy do we need some honesty and fresh thinking. Thank God for someone like Corbyn.


Very good points Anna.


Corbyn is a break from the New Labour/Tory axis of politicians who want continued perpetual war at all costs, even though it brings that war to us on our streets.


corbyn is right to focus on this because it pigeonholes May as part of an elite that cannot see that the country agrees with Corbyn more than it does with her.


Nobody wants to see dead children, or thousands of veterans with horrific physical and mental scars. That is what May is offering. No thanks.

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You could argue it's actually a vote for the Tories that is a vote for terrorism.


- Less resources for the police, 20000 less officers. Armed officers cut

- Less resources for intelligence services

- Seven years of presiding over a reckless immigration policy

- Pathetically Pretending that it can all be fixed by tinkering with the internet

- Already taking about more strikes on Syria despite evidence that wars make things worse


Not only do the Tories do everything to bring the terror to our shores but they also tie one arm behind the backs of the security and police services


Vote for May, you will get terror. It will get worse.


Don't forget Teresa May's recent visit to Saudi Arabia.






She recently increased the number of intelligence officers by 200. Moslem extremists also bomb us because they don't approve of our way of life.

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She recently increased the number of intelligence officers by 200. Moslem extremists also bomb us because they don't approve of our way of life.


What's our way of life?

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Islamist suicide bombings of the kind that Manchester experienced on Monday are a comparitively recent phenomenon.


The first-ever Islamist suicide bombing was in Israel, in 1994.


the first-ever Islamist suicide bombing by British terrorists, was also in Israel, in 2003, the Mike's Place bombing, although it seems for some reason people want to believe that there was no 'British' suicide bombing until 7/7, 2005, in London, this is just not true. The first British Islamist suicide bombing was in Tel Aviv more than two years earlier. Two British Muslim from Derby dudes who had been getting brainwashed for well over a year (and well before the Iraq invasion).


the Mike's Place Tel Aviv bombing occured only just a few weeks after the Iraq invasion, but the two British terrorists had been getting groomed as shahidis for long before that.


the Bali bombing occured well before the Iraq war and had been in the early planning stages probably even before 9/11 happened.


to claim that foreign policy CAUSES terrorism, as Corbyn has done, rather than just giving an already existing 'ideology' - i.e. to kill heretical non-Muslim infidels - impetus, or catalysing it which few people would deny that the 2003 Iraq invasion did, is just getting it wrong. The Manchester bomb was not CAUSED by any foreign policy.The hatist ideology that really did cause the Manchester bomb on Monday, was already brewing in Britain well before the Iraq invasion.


the idea that Corbyn's folly is encouraging, that western European capitals were not targeted before Iraq, is just plain stupid. What about the 1995 Paris Metro bombings, six years, before 9/11? What act of French foreign policy would Corbyn try to blame the French government for for that? What act of French foreign policy led the Islamist Arab terrorists to try to kill Jewish children in Lyon, by bombing a Jewish school? Why doesn't Corbyn realise that the blame actually lies, not with any foreign policy at all, but with this twisted modernist hatist, and racist Islamist mindset?




A relevant point.


Where does all that hate come from?


The Chilcot inquiry revealed that prior to the Iraq invasion the UK's Joint Intelligence committee stated that the threat of terrorist retaliation would increase following any military action and that the possibility of attacks on the US and UK would increase significantly.


The threat was known about and warned against and ignored by Tony Blair.



I don't disagree with that at all and in fact it perfectly illustrates my point. The threat of Islamist terrorism, from both foreign jihadis and home-grown ones, was there well before 2003 and the invasion of Iraq and a lot of people, including me, knew it. All the invasion did was exacerbate an already existing threat and gave the terrorists an excuse which they don't actually need, because they hate the west anyway regardless of any acts of foreign policy. To say that acts of foreign policy CAUSES terrorism, as Corbyn has, is just getting it wrong and not realising where the real threat actually lies.

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