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Statesmanlike speech on terrorism from Jeremy Corbyn.

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Corbyn is not a terrorist sympathiser. Stop lying.

If this was the House of Commons, then you would be suspended for calling me a liar. There is plenty of information out there to support the view Corbyn is a terrorist sympathiser. Corbyn will not be our Prime Minister and he is not on the ballot paper where I vote. Corbyn is not a fit and proper person to be an MP in my opinion, just like Gerry Adams the IRA terrorist he met shortly after the Brighton bombing wasn't.


The point is that voters in constituencies where Corbyn, Mcdonnell and Diane Abbott are on the ballot paper have an opportunity to stop these vermin from returning to the Houses of Parliament.

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If this was the House of Commons, then you would be suspended for calling me a liar. There is plenty of information out there to support the view Corbyn is a terrorist sympathiser. Corbyn will not be our Prime Minister and he is not on the ballot paper where I vote. Corbyn is not a fit and proper person to be an MP in my opinion, just like Gerry Adams the IRA terrorist he met shortly after the Brighton bombing wasn't.


The point is that voters in constituencies where Corbyn, Mcdonnell and Diane Abbott are on the ballot paper have an opportunity to stop these vermin from returning to the Houses of Parliament.


It's not the House of Commons though and you are lying, or at best deliberately misrepresenting the facts.


Corbyn is not a terrorist sympathiser. There are plenty of people who, for example, regard Irish reunification as a legitimate political, social and economic goal. They are not terrorists.


There are people who seek peace to the point where they are willing to engage in talks with terrorists. Those people seeking peace aren't terrorists.


You are just responding to dog whistles.

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If this was the House of Commons, then you would be suspended for calling me a liar. There is plenty of information out there to support the view Corbyn is a terrorist sympathiser. Corbyn will not be our Prime Minister and he is not on the ballot paper where I vote. Corbyn is not a fit and proper person to be an MP in my opinion, just like Gerry Adams the IRA terrorist he met shortly after the Brighton bombing wasn't.


The point is that voters in constituencies where Corbyn, Mcdonnell and Diane Abbott are on the ballot paper have an opportunity to stop these vermin from returning to the Houses of Parliament.


I have just read corbyns biography. This was made by friends and people who knew him, corbyn doesn't like publicising his personal history. Not because there is anything wrong with it but he doesn't mix his personal and political life. Having said this he has ruined two marriages because his political work was more important to him.


Lord sex I call you a Liar, you are not a lord, you are a miser who pretends to know it all.

What evidence do you have to support your dirty media imposed lies.

Corbyn has received the Gandhi Peace Award for his multiple efforts to reduce conflicts locally and globally. The newspapers will not mention his Ghandi Peace Award in the same line as the IRA. You will not see any tories receive this award, we should start a biggest liar award, they will get lots of them.

Edited by dutch
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Another lefty Corbynite onboard then?


Sarcasm? I think Corbyn is a decent bloke but his idea of defence of this country is seriously wrong and he seems to have no idea how to fund anything, just like his ex girlfriend, who doesn't know the difference between millions and billons. The left has always taken the view that we should spend, spend, spend and the money will somehow appear. Perhaps they hope that Russia will send us a big fat cheque.

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  • 2 weeks later...
If this was the House of Commons, then you would be suspended for calling me a liar. There is plenty of information out there to support the view Corbyn is a terrorist sympathiser. Corbyn will not be our Prime Minister and he is not on the ballot paper where I vote. Corbyn is not a fit and proper person to be an MP in my opinion, just like Gerry Adams the IRA terrorist he met shortly after the Brighton bombing wasn't.


The point is that voters in constituencies where Corbyn, Mcdonnell and Diane Abbott are on the ballot paper have an opportunity to stop these vermin from returning to the Houses of Parliament.

yup heres a very heavily disguised Corbyn meeting Martin Mcguiness :roll:






---------- Post added 08-06-2017 at 19:41 ----------


No that is not the usual profile of these kind of terrorists at all - although yes, there have been a few like that. What is much more likely is that they come from a lower middle or middle class background, with educational qualifications. One thing is for sure - they almost never come from the most underprivileged, uneducated backgrounds.


look at the backgrounds of the last few attackers, westminster, manchester and london bridge, almost all of them have been done or known for drugs, petty crime, violence, the italian one from the last attack was done for burglary i believe?

The only hardcore nutter extremist (so to say) was Butt (the one that featured on telly)

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I have just read corbyns biography. This was made by friends and people who knew him, corbyn doesn't like publicising his personal history. Not because there is anything wrong with it but he doesn't mix his personal and political life. Having said this he has ruined two marriages because his political work was more important to him.


Lord sex I call you a Liar, you are not a lord, you are a miser who pretends to know it all.

What evidence do you have to support your dirty media imposed lies.

Corbyn has received the Gandhi Peace Award for his multiple efforts to reduce conflicts locally and globally. The newspapers will not mention his Ghandi Peace Award in the same line as the IRA. You will not see any tories receive this award, we should start a biggest liar award, they will get lots of them.


The Ghandi Peace Award is very nice.


John Hume and David Trimble got the Peace Prize everyone has actually heard of though.

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That's one of the first speeches made by a politician I've welled up at. Nothing more to say really.




---------- Post added 08-06-2017 at 20:41 ----------


If that's true, and I don't know if it is or it isn't, it sounds to me like a case of idle hands doing the devil's work...

So is it something to do with lack of meaningful employment or any employment at all?

These boys need a meaning to their lives, to be noticed, to make a difference, be somebody, so they are ripe for radicalisation, and sadly becoming a 'warrior' is the only way they can find to achieve it.


Perverted thinking, of course, but we need to show them how they can satisfy those needs in much better ways. That starts at school, and in the family. And in a world which values their contributions.


Nice thoughts but I don't, think any amount of talk will make a difference.

Edited by phil752
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  • 1 month later...
Im no fan of corbyn, but I have to say it was a good speech. But I read it rather than heard it - that could be corbyns problem?

I agree, the sort of speech that makes you feel proud to be British. However, he speaks of a new foreign policy which doesn't cause terrorism in the UK. But he doesn't explain what the new policy would do or how it would avoid terrorism. I would agree that most politicians don't tell us very much and true to form Corbyn's speech was all about attitude, not substance. A rousing speech yes but how could it all be carried out in practice? And Teresa May's speeches are no different, all about principle but with no substance.

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I agree, the sort of speech that makes you feel proud to be British. However, he speaks of a new foreign policy which doesn't cause terrorism in the UK. But he doesn't explain what the new policy would do or how it would avoid terrorism. I would agree that most politicians don't tell us very much and true to form Corbyn's speech was all about attitude, not substance. A rousing speech yes but how could it all be carried out in practice? And Teresa May's speeches are no different, all about principle but with no substance.


there are always unintended consequences to any sort of policy, especially foreign policy where pretty much everything is out of your control.


i'm sure we can do some things differently which minimises the risk but as the labour government of the late 1990's found an "ethical" foreign policy soon falls foul of the fact that many of the people you have to deal with are pretty unpleasant and don't meet any definition of ethical.

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A good speech but no mention of Trident or getting rid of it as that would be the one thing to guarantee my vote.


I'll say from the offset that I totally believe trident is obsolete, it is all about economics getting rid of the trident, mean getting rid of jobs and that where the rub comes with Corbyn. If trident is scraped how many Unite jobs would be lost. It seems he just says what people want to hear rather than what he ever could deliver.

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