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Statesmanlike speech on terrorism from Jeremy Corbyn.

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Reviewing foreign policy. More money for police. Look at what is happening in prisons.


If you were interested you would have watched the video.


What would your response be? A bunch of lickspittle flecked full stops?


---------- Post added 26-05-2017 at 16:54 ----------



You mention God a lot for an atheist.

.......I did watch the video sunshine! hence my comment!.........you have come on forum with a handful of posts trying to punch above your weight,go finish your homework!
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Although I agree with some of Corbyn's statements on defence and foreign policy (Trident in my view is a waste of money; we should not intervene in foreign conflicts which have little to do with the UK), his track record of supporting the IRA and applauding Castro and some other nasty regimes undermines a lot of what he says.

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.......I did watch the video sunshine! hence my comment!.........you have come on forum with a handful of posts trying to punch above your weight,go finish your homework!


So you are saying Corbyn had no solutions to terrorism but you didn't even listen to what he had to say before forming that opinion?


I think it's plain for all to see what type of person you are.


You don't agree radicalisation in prison needs challenging? You don't think we might need more police? You don't think we should evaluate our foreign policies?


What do you think we should do then?


That can be your homework.

Edited by Entwined
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Im on the fence as far as trident is concerned. But, we arent world leaders anymore and by binning off of nuclear deterent our level of importnace at the top table will reduce further, because as an absolute cast iron fact, the US, Russia and everyone else with nuclear weapons will not get rid of them. We'll just look more insular than we're already starting to look.


This is a global problem, but a problem that could be reduced on our doorstep by abadoning all and any desert based wars or intervention. We could stop selling weapons (the cost on jobs and tax revenue would be massive) but our children would be safer. Children in places like libya etc would arguably be a lot less safer. Theyll get weapons from somewhere.


We need get operatives inside IS itself to get intelligence on them training camps need to be uncovered and targeted . Like IV said Trident can't do these things yes nice to have but not much help on a war on terror.

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Although I agree with some of Corbyn's statements on defence and foreign policy (Trident in my view is a waste of money; we should not intervene in foreign conflicts which have little to do with the UK), his track record of supporting the IRA and applauding Castro and some other nasty regimes undermines a lot of what he says.


He says we need more police. Probably true.


He says we need to challenge radicalisation in prison. Tommy Robinson has spoken about this.


He says we need to review foreign policy. There are arguments both for and against our foreign policy being responsible. According to the anti-extremist on QT last night Isil don't mention our foreign policy in their English publications. The 7/7 bombers and killers of Lee Rigby certainly did.


So Mossdog is clearly talking nonsense.


Unless he thinks his solution is better.


We are all ears Mossdog.

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Corbyn's speech was full of the expected soundbites, we can have more police, more troops and more support for the intelligence services, but what would he allow them to do about the suspects, the dodgy mosques and the hate preachers ? Would they be allowed to hound them and restrict their movement, or would they be bound by the same old fluffy sensitive approach policies we currently use or worse ?

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Corbyn's speech was full of the expected soundbites, we can have more police, more troops and more support for the intelligence services, but what would he allow them to do about the suspects, the dodgy mosques and the hate preachers ? Would they be allowed to hound them and restrict their movement, or would they be bound by the same old fluffy sensitive approach policies we currently use or worse ?


What would you do to fight IS network put aside politics for a moment ?

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A typical Corbyn speech in a lot of ways. No concrete solutions, but a lot of rhetoric, as befits a politician who has been in permanent opposition. Would he go after terrorists? I doubt it.


He said the agencies that deal with terrorism - the police, security services would receive the support and funding that they need to do the job to keep us safe.

Granted, he won't personally go after terrorists like Theresa May does....

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A typical Corbyn speech in a lot of ways. No concrete solutions, but a lot of rhetoric, as befits a politician who has been in permanent opposition. Would he go after terrorists? I doubt it.


Why wouldn't he go after terrorists?

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