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Statesmanlike speech on terrorism from Jeremy Corbyn.

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Cant remember Spain or Belgium getting involved in 'stupid' wars, but they have had terrorism brought to their countries by radical Islam,

Islam and the Western way of life just do not mix together.

As for Corbyn making a statesmanlike speech (the original thread) don't make me laugh, this man couldn't run a bath, never mind a country.


A couple of minutes on google could refresh your memory.

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Cant remember Spain or Belgium getting involved in 'stupid' wars, but they have had terrorism brought to their countries by radical Islam,


Spain's govt. did back Iraq but unlike Britain they didn't have any combat role.


but the argument holds good because I can't remember, not just Belgium, but also Sweden and several other European countries too, being involved in any 'stupid, foreign' wars either. Yet they have had in the past, and also can expect to have in future, Islamist terrorist attacks too.


you'd have thought, from listening to numbskull apologists like Corbyn repeating this drivel, that there were no Islamist terrorist attacks at all prior to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Try telling that to the relatives of the 200 plus people who were killed in the Bali bombing that happened six months before.


the 'stupid, foreign' wars thing is what terrorists use to justify mass murder, and this is aquiesed by their useful idiot fellow-travellers like Corbyn, who actually said in this speech, which will do absolutely nothing for Labour's lost cause in the election, that 'nothing justifies terrorism', and then went on to attempt do exactly that.


nutjob modernist Islamist terrorists would terrorise anyway, and they do, regardless of any involvement by anybody in 'stupid, foreign' wars. It's the messed-up Islamist ideology that inspires them. They just hate secularism and liberal democracy. It's not much to do with western foreign policy at all. That's just the lame excuse the terrorists offer up when somebody decides to drive a truck into a crowd of people or blow them up - even when it's in Sweden or Belgium who I assume, despite their not having any involvement in the Middle East, are guilty by association by just being 'white European' countries too.

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Spain's govt. did back Iraq but unlike Britain they didn't have any combat role.


but the argument holds good because I can't remember, not just Belgium, but also Sweden and several other European countries too, being involved in any 'stupid, foreign' wars either. Yet they have had in the past, and also can expect to have in future, Islamist terrorist attacks too.


you'd have thought, from listening to numbskull apologists like Corbyn repeating this drivel, that there were no Islamist terrorist attacks at all prior to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Try telling that to the relatives of the 200 plus people who were killed in the Bali bombing that happened six months before.


the 'stupid, foreign' wars thing is what terrorists use to justify mass murder, and this is aquiesed by their useful idiot fellow-travellers like Corbyn, who actually said in this speech, which will do absolutely nothing for Labour's lost cause in the election, that 'nothing justifies terrorism', and then went on to attempt do exactly that.


nutjob modernist Islamist terrorists would terrorise anyway, and they do, regardless of any involvement by anybody in 'stupid, foreign' wars. It's the messed-up Islamist ideology that inspires them. They just hate secularism and liberal democracy. It's not much to do with western foreign policy at all. That's just the lame excuse the terrorists offer up when somebody decides to drive a truck into a crowd of people or blow them up - even when it's in Sweden or Belgium who I assume, despite their not having any involvement in the Middle East, are guilty by association by just being 'white European' countries too.


Summed up very nicely.

I just don't see any end to it all, whether the bombings are in the UK, continental Europe, Africa, Asia nowhere is safe.

One thing is for sure though, Corbyn is not the answer to help keep us safe.

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So Saint Jeremy tells us we are at war with terrorism. God help us if by the biggest surprise in History he was elected PM. He would capitulate the day after.



That's not going to happen. If the voters in Corbyn's Islington constituency had collective common decency, then they wouldn't re-elect the vile terrorist sympathiser as their MP.

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in your earlier post ,you talked about stopping anti immigrant hate speech , now its all hate speech . please clarify


It's both. Because I didn't mention it in an earlier post doesn't mean I don't think it. I'm against all hate speech and hate crime against anybody, no matter who they are.


What I'm alluding to is the use of the media to promote ant-immigrant hate, the Farage poster for example. The groups he was attacking do not have the same access to the media so their hate is driven underground and it festers and develops. If Farage's poster helped drive maybe just 100 youngsters towards a more radical viewpoint and further down the line just a handful of them end up fundraising for terrorists, or even promoting their views, or maybe even directly involved then we have a big problem.


---------- Post added 27-05-2017 at 09:37 ----------


We all know that our meddling will have motivated some Jihadist attacks, but do you think we should accept it and just keep saying 'they will never divide us' etc .... or do you think we should try and stop them and if so how ?


That's like asking if we should keep pouring more petrol on a raging inferno.


You even admit yourself there that attacks will be motivated by our activities.


Nearly 100 young people in the prime of their lives were killed or maimed the other day. Do you really think it's worth it?


All you are doing is arguing for the risk of these things continuing. Like you said yourself we are motivating some of the attacks.

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That's not going to happen. If the voters in Corbyn's Islington constituency had collective common decency, then they wouldn't re-elect the vile terrorist sympathiser as their MP.


Mr Corbyn has never condoned terrorism or violence - your words are hollow.

Presumably you'll be urging the Conservatives to drop their former active IRA member councillor then?

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Cant remember Spain or Belgium getting involved in 'stupid' wars, but they have had terrorism brought to their countries by radical Islam,

Islam and the Western way of life just do not mix together.

As for Corbyn making a statesmanlike speech (the original thread) don't make me laugh, this man couldn't run a bath, never mind a country.


Ok, so we'll just continue with the wars then and pretend the attacks here have nothing to do with them.


As michael_w has just argued so well, we are motivating some of the attacks.


---------- Post added 27-05-2017 at 09:43 ----------


That's not going to happen. If the voters in Corbyn's Islington constituency had collective common decency, then they wouldn't re-elect the vile terrorist sympathiser as their MP.


Dog whistle alert


Think for yourself

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Corbyn is beginning to grow on people and May is running a poor campaign.


Yes, I think this is true. In 2001, pre-Iraq, Libya and Syria there were 250 people "actively involved in Terrorism" according to MI5, quoted in the Telegraph the other day. In 2017? 3,000 people.


Corbyn is only stating the obvious, and I think all the ranting and raving about him stating the obvious is going to damage May more than him.


---------- Post added 27-05-2017 at 09:45 ----------


What surprises me is that Germany has turned out to be the most important country and 'leads' in Europe, yet it hasn't got any nuclear weapons.


Do our politicians really need them to maintain their position or is it all about ego?


There is an argument to say that they lead Europe because they have never had nuclear weapons, or indeed spent much on their armed forces in general. armies and defence is expensive and the Germans have been content to let others do the spending whilst they've built up their industries.

Edited by Harrystottle
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Yes, I think this is true. In 2001, pre-Iraq, Libya and Syria there were 250 people "actively involved in Terrorism" according to MI5, quoted in the Telegraph the other day. In 2017? 3,000 people.


Corbyn is only stating the obvious, and I think all the ranting and raving about him stating the obvious is going to damage May more than him.


---------- Post added 27-05-2017 at 09:45 ----------



There is an argument to say that they lead Europe because they have never had nuclear weapons, or indeed spent much on their armed forces in general. armies and defence is expensive and the Germans have been content to let others do the spending whilst they've built up their industries.


Whilst not a fan of Corbyn the obvious bias of the media and the twisting of his views is annoying me.


The female interviewer/interrogator I saw haranguing him about his view on the IRA was a case in point.


Corbyn kept attempting to point out that he condemned all violence including that of the loyalists and British state forces.


Why is that in any way an incorrect point of view?


Not good enough for the interviewer though, she wanted him to condemn IRA violence and only IRA violence.


The inference being that if he wouldn't it made him a supporter.


Unfortunately there are those who will fall for these tactics.

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