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Statesmanlike speech on terrorism from Jeremy Corbyn.

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Michael Fallon condemned Jeremy Corbyn's speech, only for the interviewer to point out that the words attributable to Corbyn, were in fact made previously by Fallon's colleague, the Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson.


Fallon was left spluttering and floundering. What do others think?


I think the Conservatives have put their foot in it twice recently. One with the "dementia tax" and now with this absurd denial that bombing the living daylights out of the middle east hasn't contributed to the rise in the numbers of jihadis in the UK.


As said upthread, they are running a poorly judged campaign.

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What I am saying is the people in Islington shouldn't vote for a terrorist sympathiser as their MP. I am not aware of any Conservative candidates seeking to be elected as MPS, who are IRA terrorist sympathisers. If such people exist, then they should be thrown out of the Conservative party.


Wanting to end conflict with peace talks is not being a terrorist sympathiser. Far from it.

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I think this whole debate about terrorism, and the attacks on Jeremy Corbyn is beautifully illustrated by an interview given by the Defence Secretary on Channel 4 News last night.


Michael Fallon condemned Jeremy Corbyn's speech, only for the interviewer to point out that the words attributable to Corbyn, were in fact made previously by Fallon's colleague, the Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson.


Fallon was left spluttering and floundering. What do others think?


Really shows up how hollow their criticisms of Corbyn really are. The Tories are just a bunch of shysters.

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So the wars don't make any difference?


Let's stop being involved in them then. Simple


Whether we are involved in wars are not, these people will bomb us anyway.

They don't, or wont like anything we do as a Western society, full stop.

They hate what we do / lead our life.

War can never be the answer. Being blind to whats happening before your very eyes is worse than war ! That's just plain and pure denial. These people will kill you for anything that doesn't conform to their warped ideology. It wont stop. Believe me.

To keep the original thread going, Corbyn = Statesmanlike speech.

Abbot / Chakribati as his closest allies ?

Are we as a country going to put a vote in the Labour box ?

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Whether we are involved in wars are not, these people will bomb us anyway.

They don't, or wont like anything we do as a Western society, full stop.

They hate what we do / lead our life.

War can never be the answer. Being blind to whats happening before your very eyes is worse than war ! That's just plain and pure denial. These people will kill you for anything that doesn't conform to their warped ideology. It wont stop. Believe me.

To keep the original thread going, Corbyn = Statesmanlike speech.

Abbot / Chakribati as his closest allies ?

Are we as a country going to put a vote in the Labour box ?


How many Islamist terrorist attacks did this country suffer before getting involved in the Iraq war?

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Whether we are involved in wars are not, these people will bomb us anyway.

They don't, or wont like anything we do as a Western society, full stop.

They hate what we do / lead our life.

War can never be the answer. Being blind to whats happening before your very eyes is worse than war ! That's just plain and pure denial. These people will kill you for anything that doesn't conform to their warped ideology. It wont stop. Believe me.

To keep the original thread going, Corbyn = Statesmanlike speech.

Abbot / Chakribati as his closest allies ?

Are we as a country going to put a vote in the Labour box ?


Glad to hear you support an end to us being involved in pointless wars.


Chances are we won't be able to afford to continue after Brexit anyway

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How many Islamist terrorist attacks did this country suffer before getting involved in the Iraq war?


How many 'Wars' have Germany . Belgium . Spain ,Indonesia , Turkey . been involved in ?

They have all suffered terrorist attacks by Radical Islam, recently.

Look at the state Sweden is in. Have they been involved in 'wars' ?

That country alone is being torn apart by 'radical Islam'

You don't have to be involved in a 'war' to be affected by these nutjobs.

They hate, the way we live. The bombings / slaughter will not stop.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Corbyn is still nowhere near fit to lead our country. Despite his 'statesmanlike' speech.


---------- Post added 27-05-2017 at 15:30 ----------


Glad to hear you support an end to us being involved in pointless wars.


Chances are we won't be able to afford to continue after Brexit anyway


Its the EU and OPEN BORDERS that have contributed to this madness.

If you don't realise that, you are part of the problem.

Bring on Brexit.

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You could argue it's actually a vote for the Tories that is a vote for terrorism.


- Less resources for the police, 20000 less officers. Armed officers cut

- Less resources for intelligence services

- Seven years of presiding over a reckless immigration policy

- Pathetically Pretending that it can all be fixed by tinkering with the internet

- Already taking about more strikes on Syria despite evidence that wars make things worse


Not only do the Tories do everything to bring the terror to our shores but they also tie one arm behind the backs of the security and police services


Vote for May, you will get terror. It will get worse.


I agree.


Mrs May didn't do very well in the home office did she? How many years did it take her to get rid of hate preacher Abu Hamza, and that was just one man openly spouting hate on the streets. Nor has she brought immigration down or tightened up on who is allowed in.


She became Prime Minister by default, she supports the rich elite, only meets with people who agree with her so is woefully out of touch, and the reality is, she really isn't very good.

Edited by Anna B
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