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Statesmanlike speech on terrorism from Jeremy Corbyn.

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How many Islamist terrorist attacks did this country suffer before getting involved in the Iraq war?


A relevant point.


Moreover, how many ' Homegrown ' terrorists attacks did we have which predated the Gulf wars, 9/11 and the War on Terror?


I stand to be corrected but I believe that all the terrorist attacks carried out by British born Jihadists were post those events.


Front page of the Times today carries the headline ' UK home to 23,000 Jihadists'.


A suspiciously exact round figure if you ask me, but still concerning.


Where does all that hate come from?


Young people are being radicalised by hate preachers, and our foreign policy to date is playing into their hands and providing them with ammunition.


The Chilcot inquiry revealed that prior to the Iraq invasion the UK's Joint Intelligence committee stated in a White paper that the threat of terrorist retaliation would increase following any military action and that the possibility of attacks on the US and UK would increase significantly.


The threat was known about and warned against and ignored by Tony Blair.


Speaking of whom, we haven't heard from him since the Manchester atrocity, unless I've missed his words of wisdom?

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How many 'Wars' have Germany . Belgium . Spain ,Indonesia , Turkey . been involved in ?

They have all suffered terrorist attacks by Radical Islam, recently.

Look at the state Sweden is in. Have they been involved in 'wars' ?

That country alone is being torn apart by 'radical Islam'

You don't have to be involved in a 'war' to be affected by these nutjobs.

They hate, the way we live. The bombings / slaughter will not stop.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Corbyn is still nowhere near fit to lead our country. Despite his 'statesmanlike' speech.


---------- Post added 27-05-2017 at 15:30 ----------



Its the EU and OPEN BORDERS that have contributed to this madness.

If you don't realise that, you are part of the problem.

Bring on Brexit.


Spain was involved in the Iraq war and pulled out straight away after Madrid, and Belgium, and I can't believe I'm having to state this, is where NATO HQ is based.


Indonesia is the most heavily populated Muslim country in the world, and turkey, well turkey has all sorts of problems.

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Spain was involved in the Iraq war and pulled out straight away after Madrid, and Belgium, and I can't believe I'm having to state this, is where NATO HQ is based.


Indonesia is the most heavily populated Muslim country in the world, and turkey, well turkey has all sorts of problems.


So what you are basically saying then is - Any country is game for a terrorist attack. We are all guilty of association and that means accept this bomb, knife, Lorryjacking or whatever means we kill you by.

These people are Islamic nutcases, that will kill you and me at the drop of a hat.

They don't like us, they don't like our way of life. All the evidence is there. Sherlock Holmes - not required.

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So what you are basically saying then is - Any country is game for a terrorist attack. We are all guilty of association and that means accept this bomb, knife, Lorryjacking or whatever means we kill you by.

These people are Islamic nutcases, that will kill you and me at the drop of a hat.

They don't like us, they don't like our way of life. All the evidence is there. Sherlock Holmes - not required.


Did you read what I wrote or are you just reading what you think I've wrote? The list you provided all had some connection with the war on terror in the Middle East or their own internal, long standing issues, with the exception of Sweden to the best of my knowledge.


You've missed my previous point though, why has it only started since our war on terror - did they only decide they wanted to kill us in 2001? And how do you want to stop it?

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A relevant point.


Moreover, how many ' Homegrown ' terrorists attacks did we have which predated the Gulf wars, 9/11 and the War on Terror?


I stand to be corrected but I believe that all the terrorist attacks carried out by British born Jihadists were post those events.


Front page of the Times today carries the headline ' UK home to 23,000 Jihadists'.


A suspiciously exact round figure if you ask me, but still concerning.


Where does all that hate come from?


Young people are being radicalised by hate preachers, and our foreign policy to date is playing into their hands and providing them with ammunition.


The Chilcot inquiry revealed that prior to the Iraq invasion the UK's Joint Intelligence committee stated in a White paper that the threat of terrorist retaliation would increase following any military action and that the possibility of attacks on the US and UK would increase significantly.

The threat was known about and warned against and ignored by Tony Blair.


Speaking of whom, we haven't heard from him since the Manchester atrocity, unless I've missed his words of wisdom?


Significantly ignored by the Conservatives too.


Blair and co were part of the elite along with the Tories. Think how much money Blair has made out of his 'Peace envoy to the middle east' role. (How?) Ironic when you consider mayhem was breaking out all around him.

And how much money the Tories and their cronies have made out of arms sales and manufacturing, and other contracts.


I am reminded of the 1984 quote: 'The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous...'


Boy do we need some honesty and fresh thinking. Thank God for someone like Corbyn.

Edited by Anna B
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I never said anything about carrying on with wars did I ?

These people just use 'wars' as part of the excuse to carry out atrocities like the other day.

We will never be able, not to give these people an excuse to stop these killings.

These are the very people who want Sharia Law over our laws.

Just have a think about that alone.


Anyway the threads about Corbyn = Statesmanlike speech. :hihi::help::suspect:


I have to say, Corbyn has come across as much more statesmanlike than Theresa May.

Corbyn was very clear in his speech "the blame lies with the terrorists".

Theresa May, on the other hand twisted Corbyn's words for naked political opportunism, claiming that he said "it was Britain's own fault".


Of course this negative tactic is now unravelling, as I stated earlier, where the Defence Secretary Michael Fallon is attacking the Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, and even Boris Johnson is calling Jeremy Corbyn outrageous, for saying things that Boris Johnson said himself a few years previous.


The Tories are fighting like rats in a sack, while Corbyn is just rising above it all.

I know who I think is looking more statesmanlike.

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Significantly ignored by the Conservatives too.


Blair and co were part of the elite along with the Tories. Think how much money Blair has made out of his 'Peace envoy to the middle east' role. (How?) Ironic when you consider mayhem was breaking out all around him.

And how much money the Tories and their cronies have made out of arms sales and manufacturing, and other contracts.


I am reminded of the 1984 quote: 'The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous...'


Boy do we need some honesty and fresh thinking. Thank God for someone like Corbyn.


Great post, what a soothing voice of reason you are Anna.

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Significantly ignored by the Conservatives too.


Blair and co were part of the elite along with the Tories. Think how much money Blair has made out of his 'Peace envoy to the middle east' role. (How?) Ironic when you consider mayhem was breaking out all around him.

And how much money the Tories and their cronies have made out of arms sales and manufacturing, and other contracts.


I am reminded of the 1984 quote: 'The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous...'


Boy do we need some honesty and fresh thinking. Thank God for someone like Corbyn.


Don't disagree with that, but I'm afraid Corbyn isn't the answer, unless the question is " Who of the main party leaders is the most unbelievable to envisage as a PM ? "


He seems a reasonable enough man in some ways but appointing him as leader was a ridiculous choice.


65 year old and a career politician that no one had heard of, who's only claim to fame was the number of times he had voted against his own party.


The Labour party appear to have a death wish. They seem unable to understand that it doesn't matter what your policy's and ideologies are if you can't win an election.


Having said which I'm pleased to see that because of the Tory's inept handling of the election the gap has narrowed between the two parties.


An overwhelming majority for May would be a disaster for the country in my view.

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Don't disagree with that, but I'm afraid Corbyn isn't the answer, unless the question is " Who of the main party leaders is the most unbelievable to envisage as a PM ? "


He seems a reasonable enough man in some ways but appointing him as leader was a ridiculous choice.


65 year old and a career politician that no one had heard of, who's only claim to fame was the number of times he had voted against his own party.


The Labour party appear to have a death wish. They seem unable to understand that it doesn't matter what your policy's and ideologies are if you can't win an election.


Having said which I'm pleased to see that because of the Tory's inept handling of the election the gap has narrowed between the two parties.


An overwhelming majority for May would be a disaster for the country in my view.


He could do a Leicester City yet. ;)

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