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Trading cryptocurrency?

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Hi all,


Anyone here interested in crypto? I would like to arrange a meetup and start networking with other people in th crypto/blockchain space. I am genuinly interested in bitcoin and blockchain not just here to invest all my money in a crazy risky investment like crypto.




Hope to meet some of fellow cypto enthusiast in the near future



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I've got 1000 Imagino coins if anybody wants to buy them. They are £10 each, and will probably* skyrocket in value. Cash purchase only please.






*any claims made in this post, are intended to be mis-leading and are intended purely to fund my frivolous lifestyle of excessive alcohol consumption and womanising.

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55 minutes ago, geared said:

Its dying on it's arse right now, I hope you're meeting somewhere with cheap drinks!

I can see it going even lower, and not much indication that change is on the horizon, any time soon. Maybe a little pump around Christmas, nothing like last Christmas though. £3330 ish for BTC right now; altcoins have taken  a massive hammering.

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The sheer number of coins is a massive problem right now, there is simply no need for them all.


I believe Bitcoin has to fall before things can properly move forward, as a currency it's essentially useless, it simply can't handle a large enough volume of transactions to be used the world over.

As long as Bitcoin remains the main game in town then all other coins derive their value from there, when it sinks then everyone sinks.

Edited by geared
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Anyone who views Bitcoin as some sort of investment is a demented currency trader.


The actual value of bitcoin matters not one jot to the people that use it.

£5-6K is what it costs to create a single bitcoin, so one would expect the price to gravitate towards that mark.

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  • 2 months later...

The owner of a Canadian crypto exchange currancy dies taking with him the computer passwords for funds in 'Cold Storage'.
Article on the following link.




So for those of you who have crypto-currancy what happens when the sole holder of the keys dies?


















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If you have crypto on an exchange and the sole holder of the private keys dies, nothing happens to that crypto. It's frozen and can't be moved, so in effect, noone owns it.


There have been multiple horror stories of people losing crypto that's stored on exchanges. So, don't keep your crypto on an exchange.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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