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I'm lonely. Very lonely.

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I have no job. I keep losing then due to an illness.

No family apart from my partner who works fulltime

No friends at all because when i did have friends they all had kids and because i cant we grew apart.


Im scared my partner will leave me because im so fing miserable. I need friends.


What can i do :(


I dont have hobbies. I dont drive. I have dogs but due to my depression my hubby walks them.


I need friends :(


Social issues like the ones you describe are common for many of those of us who have Asperger's syndrome.


And the usual advice given by well-meaners is often ineffective for those with Asperger's, due to them lacking the neuronal structures necessary for processing complex social information.


Depression treatments can also often be less effective, as the depression may be due to the consequences of the low level of social opportunities available to many of those on the spectrum and other issues specifically related to autism (eg sensory issues).


I'd suggest, if you're interested in following it up, that you do one of the online tests for Asperger's, and, if you get a high score on it, consider seeking a professional diagnosis.


That's what I did, and, ended up being officially diagnosed. While it will likely not be the end of your problems, at least you'll understand why a lot of the conventional wisdom/advice wasn't/isn't working for you, and you can start to look for other ways to make yourself feel better.


One example of an online Asperger's test is-



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Guest makapaka


I have no job. I keep losing then due to an illness.

No family apart from my partner who works fulltime

No friends at all because when i did have friends they all had kids and because i cant we grew apart.


Im scared my partner will leave me because im so fing miserable. I need friends.


What can i do :(


I dont have hobbies. I dont drive. I have dogs but due to my depression my hubby walks them.


I need friends :(


Thats really sad and unfortunate.


I know you said you had no hobbies but maybe just go for something that involves other people even if it's not something you fancy.


Maybe a language course or some volunteering or something? You might just meet some people who are in a similar position and make friends?


I can imagine it's hard - my hobby was always football and as I got a bit older I stopped and it's not done my mind or health any good really and I've never really found owt to replace it so can understand.

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Thats really sad and unfortunate.


I know you said you had no hobbies but maybe just go for something that involves other people even if it's not something you fancy.


Maybe a language course or some volunteering or something? You might just meet some people who are in a similar position and make friends?


I can imagine it's hard - my hobby was always football and as I got a bit older I stopped and it's not done my mind or health any good really and I've never really found owt to replace it so can understand.


This is the problem with depression You have to keep your mind occupied but don't always feel like it.

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