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Who writes the manifestos?

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Labour, what do the National Executive do? Corbyn has views about our Royals and nuclear weapons, but they are not in the manifesto.


Conservatives policies that are in the news, Grammar Schools and Fox Hunting, are these personal issues brought up because of Theresa May?


Liberal Democrats, a recent policy is legalising cannabis, I wouldn't have thought that was because Tim Farron likes a joint, that came about because of a vote at the spring conference.


Is the Conservative party ruled by the leader, but Labour and Liberal Democrats must clear their policies through committees first?

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Labour, what do the National Executive do? Corbyn has views about our Royals and nuclear weapons, but they are not in the manifesto.


Conservatives policies that are in the news, Grammar Schools and Fox Hunting, are these personal issues brought up because of Theresa May?


Liberal Democrats, a recent policy is legalising cannabis, I wouldn't have thought that was because Tim Farron likes a joint, that came about because of a vote at the spring conference.


Is the Conservative party ruled by the leader, but Labour and Liberal Democrats must clear their policies through committees first?


I take it you watched the Paxman interviews tonight. This is where this comes from.

According to what Jeremy Corbyn was saying, it's a joint enterprise with ideas from any number of people and focus groups, and then consultations and thrashing it out between the executive.


I suppose they also have to prioritise what can be accomplished in one parliament . Much of this parliament will be taken up with Brexit. He can't ignore the Trident issue, and although he might personally not want it, he has listened to the views of others and the majority do, so he has to go along with it. He's always made his intentions and direction of travel clear, so I don't think his priorities regarding the manifesto will come as a surprise to anyone.


As for the Royal Family, he might not like it, but it's a massive issue which would take up too much time and so he has had to push it down the agenda to be debated another day.


I like the way he does things. He is Leader of the Party, but he is not the whole of the Labour Party. He's very good at listening to the views of others before making decisions.


I don't know how the other parties do it. Margaret Thatcher seemed to be a one woman show, taking heed of no one, until her cabinet rebelled against her, but I get the impression that Theresa May is more conciliatory, and works along similar lines to Corbyn.

Edited by Anna B
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I take it you watched the Paxman interviews tonight. This is where this comes from.

According to what Jeremy Corbyn was saying, it's a joint enterprise with ideas from any number of people and focus groups, and then consultations and thrashing it out between the executive.



I have seen some clips, of various leaders getting a good grilling; about time.


I have never heard of any committee approving Conservative policies, that is what got me thinking. The reason the Tories are plummeting in the polls, is solely down to May.

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A few names have been offered as the people who write the Tory Manifesto:

Ben Gummer - Cabinet Office Minister

Nick Timothy - Mrs May's chief of staff

John Godfrey - a former executive at financiers Legal & General


I think in the case of Labour and Liberal Democrats, conference has much more of a say.

Not sure about UKIP.

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listening to the wireless, watching the telly and reading the papers, I can only assume Coco the Clown has input into the Labour, LibDems and the Tory's manifesto manifestations.


All three seem to have bits of them that will alienate their own core voters.



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listening to the wireless, watching the telly and reading the papers, I can only assume Coco the Clown has input into the Labour, LibDems and the Tory's manifesto manifestations.


All three seem to have bits of them that will alienate their own core voters.




This election came out of the blue hence the mad dash of manifestos moral of the lesson is always have one at the ready.

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All three seem to have bits of them that will alienate their own core voters.




I know the Tories are taking people houses, once people have died, but I was thinking that the Labour party and the Liberal Democrats that are much in touch with their members.

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listening to the wireless, watching the telly and reading the papers, I can only assume Coco the Clown has input into the Labour, LibDems and the Tory's manifesto manifestations.


All three seem to have bits of them that will alienate their own core voters.




I think they're having to be more 'honest.'


They all know they have to raise more money, and they know that we know it too. So it's a question of how, (taxes) and who's going to foot the final bill, the rich or the poor.

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