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The" leaders" debate

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He is / Labour are 7/1 to win.

Says it all really - but strange things do happen.

Brexit, Trump.

Corbyn has enjoyed the campaigning. I think that's rubbed off on a few folk.

But the man could not be trusted to run our country.

Hence the Conservative win.

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I'd like to hear from the organ grinder rather than his monkey if you don't mind.


nice answer to a reasonable question . keep trying


---------- Post added 01-06-2017 at 22:03 ----------


i think you missed my point




Wow , you lot are classy

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that could be turned around to ask what evidence is there that Corbyn would make a good job of being PM


You constantly attack others who do not share your views but yet to provide why people should vote for May and her party let's start the ball rolling:


If May will not meet her electorate or take questions from the public how will she cope with negotiating with 27 EU leaders no doubt the likes of Merkel are just waiting to strike at May ?


Why has May done so many U turns on policy again negotiating a complex Brexit requires a level head at the table U turns will make getting a deal a lot harder?


Why does May think that Trump will provide a trade deal to the UK when here in the US it has been reported that Trump will trade with the EU first UK second?


Why should a Scot vote for the Ruth Davidson over the SNP ?

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You constantly attack others who do not share your views but yet to provide why people should vote for May and her party let's start the ball rolling:


If May will not meet her electorate or take questions from the public how will she cope with negotiating with 27 EU leaders no doubt the likes of Merkel are just waiting to strike at May ?


Why has May done so many U turns on policy again negotiating a complex Brexit requires a level head at the table U turns will make getting a deal a lot harder?


Why does May think that Trump will provide a trade deal to the UK when here in the US it has been reported that Trump will trade with the EU first UK second?


Why should a Scot vote for the Ruth Davidson over the SNP ?


Let's face it - that's been the Tory modus operandi in this election campaign - nothing positive just smear and attack.

Little wonder that their supporters can only do the same.

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He is / Labour are 7/1 to win.

Says it all really - but strange things do happen.

Brexit, Trump.

Corbyn has enjoyed the campaigning. I think that's rubbed off on a few folk.

But the man could not be trusted to run our country.

Hence the Conservative win.


Is this what you think is giving rise to Corbyn's increasing popularity? The crowds he is attracting etc?


I think you'll find it's his message that's finally getting across to more people now he's allowed to air it personally on television.


Previously, thanks to the most dire anti-Corbyn, biased reporting, the only way he could do it was to haul his sorry *** all round the country and speak directly to the people. I've never met anyone who has been to one of his hustings (which have been attracting thousands,) and not been impressed by both the man and the message.

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So labours sums might be fine then, we're going to have a full extra £350m week to spend.





Well I assume when we leave, the £350 million will be ours to spend as we like. Until we sign on the dotted line we keep paying the corrupt EU.



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