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The" leaders" debate

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And another soundbite about Corbyn. Have you seen the polls? Labour are just 2 points behind the Tories.


I don't think that was actually a poll but rather a projection by YouGov. Their actual poll of yesterday puts it 3% behind while most other polls puts it at around a 10% gap, which is still quite big.

Edited by apelike
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I don't think that was actually a poll but rather a projection by YouGov. Their actual poll of yesterday puts it 3% behind while most other polls puts it at around a 10% gap, which is still quite big.


Sorry, that did mean to say 3%...although 2 would be nicer :) And yes I know I was being highly subjective with my polls to make a point. Someone is only unelectable if people won't vote for them, so if people are only not voting for Corbyn because they think he won't win it's a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy isn't it? Much the same problem that afflicts the Lib Dems each GE.

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Is this what you think is giving rise to Corbyn's increasing popularity? The crowds he is attracting etc?


I think you'll find it's his message that's finally getting across to more people now he's allowed to air it personally on television.

Previously, thanks to the most dire anti-Corbyn, biased reporting, the only way he could do it was to haul his sorry *** all round the country and speak directly to the people. I've never met anyone who has been to one of his hustings (which have been attracting thousands,) and not been impressed by both the man and the message.

His message is that there is a magic money tree and he can promise everything everyone wants. He's playing everyone for fools.

The SNP do the same in Scotland and deliver it too. But they run the highest deficit in Europe and are propped up by the rest of the UK.


It's incredible that people are falling for this, although I believe it's mostly young people who like Corbyn; They don't know any better.


Not that there is much choice as May has run a terrible campaign and the Liberals are still hopeless.

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Corby is a professional campaigner. He has been campaigning and taken part in protest all his life. He can do it nonstop and loves it. He used to show up with cars full of labour supporters from Islington when some area was in danger of losing support and start knocking on doors to help out.


Last election tories fraudulently increased their campaigning budget. But the judges will not get their own family members. Now tories have to watch not to commit that fraud again and claim it's a silly mistake. But this time they are facing someone who has considered campaigning more important than his personal family life. Jeremy is very experienced at it.

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His message is that there is a magic money tree and he can promise everything everyone wants. He's playing everyone for fools.

The SNP do the same in Scotland and deliver it too. But they run the highest deficit in Europe and are propped up by the rest of the UK.


It's incredible that people are falling for this, although I believe it's mostly young people who like Corbyn; They don't know any better.


Not that there is much choice as May has run a terrible campaign and the Liberals are still hopeless.


Ah someone else who uses Tory soundbites as their argument. Got any single original thought about Corbyn? Or are you just going to continue regurgitating Amanda Rudd? Bless.


Funny how Corbyn has produced figures that can be argued if you want. Could you send me a link to the Tories numbers so I can check those? Oh, oops. My BAD. They are too caught up with speaking to ordinary people who just happen to be hand picked members of the Tory party to provide any figures for their plans...and you reckon the Corbyn supporters are deluded. I'd suggest you go and take a look in the mirror before you start chucking things that like around. Currently you have absolutely no idea whether the Tory plans will cost more than Labours as they've not bothered coming up with any. Pathetic.

Edited by sgtkate
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I said something not positive about Jezza so must be a Tory?


Poor form Kate. You are usually much better than that. Has Staunton hijacked your account?


Not at all. Just slagging off Labour because you think they've got a 'magic money tree' which is a line straight from Amanda Rudd does tend to show you listen to Tory soundbites rather than coming up with your own ideas. And just to point out I'm not voting Labour either I don't think...close call though.


So you don't have any Tory figures then I take it?


---------- Post added 02-06-2017 at 09:12 ----------


Here goes: "Theresa May signalled she wanted to cut numbers to less than 100,000 a year by 2022".




Are you saying our home secretary now PM didn't hit that target? Her own target that she was in control of? Tut tut.

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There are many tory supporters out there who repeat fake smearing statements without even checking any evidence. That's why that liar liar song is so popular.


Corbyn's style of campaigning usually was to go door to door and ask people what they needed and discuss their problems.

Even if he disagreed with them he would try to help them out because it was more important to him to help these people than to thicken his own ego.

When you listen to may going off about corbyn being naked in Brussels I see a crazy insane person supported by an equally insane crowd who believes all sorts of lies just like some crazy religious people.

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Not at all. Just slagging off Labour because you think they've got a 'magic money tree' which is a line straight from Amanda Rudd does tend to show you listen to Tory soundbites rather than coming up with your own ideas. And just to point out I'm not voting Labour either I don't think...close call though.


So you don't have any Tory figures then I take it?


---------- Post added 02-06-2017 at 09:12 ----------



Are you saying our home secretary now PM didn't hit that target? Her own target that she was in control of? Tut tut.



The Tories are not promising massive spending though.


Labour are, and their policies are in no way costed. Their most costliest policy of re-nationalisation has no costing (the last time I checked). Basocally the want to run up a massive debt when we are already massively in debt. Their tax rises for 'the rich' won't raise anywhere near what they have stated.


This country is ripe for the taking by someone with centrist views like Macron did in France. Tories are lurching to the right and Labour way to the left.

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