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The" leaders" debate

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If it is the same type of audience members who turn up to 90% of the question time or any questions or make up the type of callers to any answers I'm not surprised at all.


Probably be the same type of people who clap incessantly everytime a politician they favour says more than two words or boo and hiss like a pantomime every time someone they don't like speaks.

Let's be honest the core Tory vote are unlikely to be the type of people who will turn up to public debates or television shows. That must have some even inadvertent bias to an audience in the studio.


I am probably on my own with this but as I said before real in depth analysis and cross examination by a suitably skilled journalist is what I like to see not these endless dumbed down glorified reality show events. I fully appreciate that politics for the layman is boring, unglamorous and hugely complex which means it has to be tailored to suit an audience. But in my opinion it should be treated in a far more serious way the most of the media on all sides give it credit for


Exactly. This is always the case.


Even when Blair was destroying our country and our future, you just don't get Tory anarchists.




As for the crowd bias (not watched tonight yet) - but in the one where there were 6 or 7 without May, the left got more applause, and no booing. This could have been down to crowed bias, but when I thought about it,


there was:

Farron - who is left of Blair's labour but right of Corbyn (though only slightly)

Caroline - who is left (and nuts)

Natalie - who is left (and just watchable because I quite like her)

Corbyn - who is left

That SNP annoying one - who is left

Nuttal - right

and Rudd - right


So if the audience was - as explained - a mixture of all parties and undecideds, then left is majority.

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Most political systems like uk swing from left to right and vice versa. Just depends on how long it takes for people to be fed up with one to go to the other again. Neither side can solve all the problems each have advantages and disadvantages that are beneficial and harmful.

Let's see if it swings this time to left, it will not be the magic answer to everything but could help in balancing the current social gap between an older golden age and younger less lucky one.

Don't think there is any political solution to poverty, it is like a dog trying to catch it's own tail.

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Let's be honest the core Tory vote are unlikely to be the type of people who will turn up to public debates or television shows. That must have some even inadvertent bias to an audience in the studio.

It's not that Tory voters don't turn up to TV shows nor that that are not invited (the broadcasters make sure the audience is representative if the population as a whole), it's simply that left wing supporters are noisier and so it appears there are more of them. The solution is for right wingers invited into the audience of such shows to be more vocal.

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Guest sibon
It's not that Tory voters don't turn up to TV shows nor that that are not invited (the broadcasters make sure the audience is representative if the population as a whole), it's simply that left wing supporters are noisier and so it appears there are more of them. The solution is for right wingers invited into the audience of such shows to be more vocal.


Or maybe the right wing politicians should be more populist. If you watch the debate back, you can clearly see that all the swivel eyed loony rightys really wanted was for someone to nuke North Korea. If Theresa had promised that, she would have had a thunderous reception.

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It's not that Tory voters don't turn up to TV shows nor that that are not invited (the broadcasters make sure the audience is representative if the population as a whole), it's simply that left wing supporters are noisier and so it appears there are more of them. The solution is for right wingers invited into the audience of such shows to be more vocal.


And fantasise publicly about blowing up millions of people.


By hitting a 'red button'


Never mind what is best for Britain let's blow up some idiots in Iran or the North Koreans


Angry middle aged white men. So here is an appeal to younger voters: teach these knobs a lesson.

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And fantasise publicly about blowing up millions of people.


By hitting a 'red button'


Never mind what is best for Britain let's blow up some idiots in Iran or the North Koreans


Angry middle aged white men. So here is an appeal to younger voters: teach these knobs a lesson.


Complete loss of context there I reckon, oh and isn't old Jez an angry middle aged white man, he's definitely a knob !

Seriously though I can see his appeal, he panders to the middle class under 25s, public sector workers, union activists, pacifists and minority groups, problem is his policies are economically bad for the country and he knows it. Socialist Utopia does not exist.

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Complete loss of context there I reckon, oh and isn't old Jez an angry middle aged white man, he's definitely a knob !

Seriously though I can see his appeal, he panders to the middle class under 25s, public sector workers, union activists, pacifists and minority groups, problem is his policies are economically bad for the country and he knows it. Socialist Utopia does not exist.




Angry middle aged right wing male white nut jobs. Fixed for you. There's your context.


And another appeal to younger voters. Don't let these people ruin your future.


Vote any party except Tory.

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Angry middle aged right wing male white nut jobs. Fixed for you. There's your context.


And another appeal to younger voters. Don't let these people ruin your future.


Vote any party except Tory.


Seriously, I think anger is clearly not exclusive to right wing nut jobs, besides it's no good appealing to the youngsters on here at this time of night they are all out enjoying themselves, never had it so good ;)


---------- Post added 03-06-2017 at 00:57 ----------


Most political systems like uk swing from left to right and vice versa. Just depends on how long it takes for people to be fed up with one to go to the other again. Neither side can solve all the problems each have advantages and disadvantages that are beneficial and harmful.

Let's see if it swings this time to left, it will not be the magic answer to everything but could help in balancing the current social gap between an older golden age and younger less lucky one.

Don't think there is any political solution to poverty, it is like a dog trying to catch it's own tail.


I don't understand all this 'older golden age' v 'younger less lucky' nonsense, once again it's the politics of envy speaking, like rich v poor. I think you will find that the vast majority of people are neither one or the other. Let's take an example of inheritance, how many older people do you think would have inherited their parents wealth compared with what the current young generations will and remember this city of ours is/was a working class city. The social gap is mostly a political myth, previous generations, even some of mine included went to school with their backsides hanging out and holes in their shoes, no bathroom and an outside lav and you talk about poverty like you have lived it ..... get a grip, it's bloody hyperbolic nonsense !

Edited by Michael_W
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Angry middle aged right wing male white nut jobs. Fixed for you. There's your context.


And another appeal to younger voters. Don't let these people ruin your future.


Vote any party except Tory.


Who the hell are you to be telling people who they should and shouldn't vote for. People should be free to make their own personal informed decision not be bullied into following the belief of others or criticised for whom they personally decide best represents them.


"...these people..." you are really using those words. Just how big is that chip on your shoulder.


I personally feel the complete opposite to you I am voting Tory because I don't want Corbyn and his spend spend spend attitude ruining my future. My choice and my opinion just like you've got yours.


We are supposed to have a true democracy. It's about time that voters grow up and stop worrying about what their neighbours are doing or what their family might think if they dare to vote for a different party to the rest of the Sheep.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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