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The" leaders" debate

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Who the hell are you to be telling people who they should and shouldn't vote for. People should be free to make their own personal informed decision not be bullied into following the belief of others or criticised for whom they personally decide best represents them.


"...these people..." you are really using those words. Just how big is that chip on your shoulder.


I personally feel the complete opposite to you I am voting Tory because I don't want Corbyn and his spend spend spend attitude ruining my future. My choice and my opinion just like you've got yours.


We are supposed to have a true democracy. It's about time that voters grow up and stop worrying about what their neighbours are doing or what their family might think if thy dare to vote for a different party to the rest of the Sheep.


Who the hell am I?


Somebody who cares deeply about the future of our young people.


You can't possibly if you think May gives our youngsters the best chance.


To be brutally frank with you what exactly is it about your future that Corbyn could ruin?


You want voters to 'grow up' and all start thinking like male middle aged white right wing nut jobs?


So, an appeal to younger voters. Don't let these people steal your future.


---------- Post added 03-06-2017 at 01:22 ----------


Seriously, I think anger is clearly not exclusive to right wing nut jobs, besides it's no good appealing to the youngsters on here at this time of night they are all out enjoying themselves, never had it so good


So basically you are hoping they don't care about their future? And will just be rolled over.


What a horrible way to look at things.

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Who the hell am I?


Somebody who cares deeply about the future of our young people.


You can't possibly if you think May gives our youngsters the best chance.


To be brutally frank with you what exactly is it about your future that Corbyn could ruin?


You want voters to 'grow up' and all start thinking like male middle aged white right wing nut jobs?


So, an appeal to younger voters. Don't let these people steal your future.


---------- Post added 03-06-2017 at 01:22 ----------



So basically you are hoping they don't care about their future? And will just be rolled over.


What a horrible way to look at things.


If corbyn splurges all this money up the wall, and things don't pan out into the socialist uptopia, who will foot the bill? Middle aged white men? Short term, yes. Then the younger generation. If they vote corbyn and it goes wrong, they'll be paying for it for years.

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And fantasise publicly about blowing up millions of people.


By hitting a 'red button'


Never mind what is best for Britain let's blow up some idiots in Iran or the North Koreans


Angry middle aged white men. So here is an appeal to younger voters: teach these knobs a lesson.


I don't think anyone was fantasising over pressing the red button, moreover the audience and Dimbleby were trying in vain to get an answer as to whether or not he would use Trident in defence of missiles that were heading our way already but he still wouldn't say yes or no. Not exactly what you want to hear is it!

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If corbyn splurges all this money up the wall, and things don't pan out into the socialist uptopia, who will foot the bill? Middle aged white men? Short term, yes. Then the younger generation. If they vote corbyn and it goes wrong, they'll be paying for it for years.


That argument might carry some weight if the Tories hadn't doubled our national debt in 7 years, and borrowed more than all the governments combined for several decades.


The annual sums we are discussing here are <20% of what the banks required in one week in 2008.


Please try and gain some perspective! Seriously, open your eyes.


Do you want a future where May and her cronies screw us into the ground and cream off every penny they can for themselves, or do you want a future where we at least try to take care of as many people as possible.

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Who the hell am I?

Somebody who cares deeply about the future of our young people.

You can't possibly if you think May gives our youngsters the best chance.


To be brutally frank with you what exactly is it about your future that Corbyn could ruin?


You want voters to 'grow up' and all start thinking like male middle aged white right wing nut jobs?


So, an appeal to younger voters. Don't let these people steal your future.


---------- Post added 03-06-2017 at 01:22 ----------



So basically you are hoping they don't care about their future? And will just be rolled over.


What a horrible way to look at things.


Please, this is just patronising. No one is stealing anyones future, it's infinite with possibilities to match. At least credit them with the intelligence to make their own decisions without the need to influence them because it's what you want.

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I don't think anyone was fantasising over pressing the red button, moreover the audience and Dimbleby were trying in vain to get an answer as to whether or not he would use Trident in defence of missiles that were heading our way already but he still wouldn't say yes or no. Not exactly what you want to hear is it!


They were. Watch it. It was pretty disgusting. These people don't know what a nuclear weapon is. They don't know what it does. Or maybe I'm being kind and they do understand these things. But then they would be psychopaths.


A couple of things. Trident is not a first strike weapon. It is a limited deterrent system. Nothing more than that. There is no hypothetical scenario where the UK would have to first strike against any country.


Corbyn, despite his reservations, has agreed to renewal. That takes some political nuts. As for launch of weapons if he did become PM it boils down to a letter that a sub commander opens on instruction. The content of that letter is known only to a tight circle.


The sub is out there with the missiles and a letter with instructions for use. The instructions may say fire, they may say not fire. Those letters have been written by PMs and carried year after year on Polaris and Trident subs. Nobody ever knew what the instructions were. But that is the point... the subs could fire or not fire and nobody ever knows whether they will if provoked.


So my question to you is do you know with absolute certainty what Corbyn would write in a letter for the sub commander?


You don't. So let's end the argument here because the Trident renewal is all you need to care about and many PMs will have to write that letter in the future. You lost. Sorry ;) Your argument has no logic.

Edited by I1L2T3
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They were. Watch it. It was pretty disgusting. These people don't know what a nuclear weapon is. They don't know what it does. Or maybe I'm being kind and they do understand these things. But then they would be psychopaths.


A couple of things. Trident is not a first strike weapon. It is a limited deterrent system. Nothing more than that. There is no hypothetical scenario where the UK would have to first strike against any country.


Corbyn, despite his reservations, has agreed to renewal. That takes some political nuts. As for launch of weapons if he did become PM it boils down to a letter that a sub commander opens on instruction. The content of that letter is known only to a tight circle.


The sub is out there with the missiles and a letter with instructions for use. The instructions may say fire, they may say not fire. Those letters have been written by PMs and carried year after year on Polaris and Trident subs. Nobody ever knew what the instructions were. But that is the point... the subs could fire or not fire and nobody ever knows whether they will if provoked.


So my question to you is do you know with absolute certainty what Corbyn would write in a letter for the sub commander?


You don't. So let's end the argument here because the Trident renewal is all you need to care about and many PMs will have to write that letter in the future. You lost. Sorry ;) Your argument has no logic.


It wasn't my argument, I'm just lifting a small section of last nights debate, I've lost nothing.


---------- Post added 03-06-2017 at 03:34 ----------


Corbyn, despite his reservations, has agreed to renewal. That takes some political nuts. As for launch of weapons if he did become PM it boils down to a letter that a sub commander opens on instruction. The content of that letter is known only to a tight circle.


Political nuts, really, not a U turn then, nothing to do with a Labour divide, or pressure from unions and member job losses only that's how the Guardian reported it. But hey what does a newspaper with award winning journalists know eh! :D

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They were. Watch it. It was pretty disgusting. These people don't know what a nuclear weapon is. They don't know what it does. Or maybe I'm being kind and they do understand these things. But then they would be psychopaths.


A couple of things. Trident is not a first strike weapon. It is a limited deterrent system. Nothing more than that. There is no hypothetical scenario where the UK would have to first strike against any country.


Corbyn, despite his reservations, has agreed to renewal. That takes some political nuts. As for launch of weapons if he did become PM it boils down to a letter that a sub commander opens on instruction. The content of that letter is known only to a tight circle.


The sub is out there with the missiles and a letter with instructions for use. The instructions may say fire, they may say not fire. Those letters have been written by PMs and carried year after year on Polaris and Trident subs. Nobody ever knew what the instructions were. But that is the point... the subs could fire or not fire and nobody ever knows whether they will if provoked.


So my question to you is do you know with absolute certainty what Corbyn would write in a letter for the sub commander?


You don't. So let's end the argument here because the Trident renewal is all you need to care about and many PMs will have to write that letter in the future. You lost. Sorry ;) Your argument has no logic.

People asked reasonable questions to a man seeking to be Prime Minister about nuclear weapons. The UK might have to strike first, which Corbyn ruled out. His answers about what he would do if the UK suffered a nuclear attack were unclear. He can't be trusted with the nation's security. He can't be our Prime Minister.

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Complete loss of context there I reckon, oh and isn't old Jez an angry middle aged white man, he's definitely a knob !

Seriously though I can see his appeal, he panders to the middle class under 25s, public sector workers, union activists, pacifists and minority groups, problem is his policies are economically bad for the country and he knows it. Socialist Utopia does not exist.


That's a patronising and grossly stereotypical view of the Labour voter.

How would you feel if someone said the Tory Party under May appeals to greedy & selfish people; swivel eyed loons who get a semi at the thought of nuking N. Korea, and racists?

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That's a patronising and grossly stereotypical view of the Labour voter.

How would you feel if someone said the Tory Party under May appeals to greedy & selfish people; swivel eyed loons who get a semi at the thought of nuking N. Korea, and racists?


Patronising and grossly stereotypical ....... another out of context response, what is it with you people ? As for your last line what a bizarre statement !!

The answer to your question quite clearly is they generally do, patronising and stereotypical are the norm on here and elsewhere !

Is the term 'angry White Middle aged men' not patronising and grossly stereotypical then ?

There is also a generation of people now who go on about Thatcher many of whom never lived through the Thatcher government :roll:


---------- Post added 03-06-2017 at 09:36 ----------


Who the hell am I?


Somebody who cares deeply about the future of our young people.


You can't possibly if you think May gives our youngsters the best chance.


To be brutally frank with you what exactly is it about your future that Corbyn could ruin?


You want voters to 'grow up' and all start thinking like male middle aged white right wing nut jobs?


So, an appeal to younger voters. Don't let these people steal your future.


---------- Post added 03-06-2017 at 01:22 ----------



So basically you are hoping they don't care about their future? And will just be rolled over.


What a horrible way to look at things.


Did I say that ?

Completely out of context again !

I said they would all be out enjoying themselves ...... stop twisting things around to suit your argument jeeez :roll:

Edited by Michael_W
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