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The" leaders" debate

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The Daily Mail are full of venom and anger complaining about the BBC stuffing the audience with 'liberal lefties.'


Unfortunately for the Mail the BBC have said that an outside organisation, Comres, selected the audience.

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The Daily Mail are full of venom and anger complaining about the BBC stuffing the audience with 'liberal lefties.'


Unfortunately for the Mail the BBC have said that an outside organisation, Comres, selected the audience.


Yes and if these lefties moved in next door it could affect their house prices. It's political correctness and affirmative action gone mad! National service, that's what we need, that'll bring them to their senses.

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Having watched the debate, it pretty much ended up with petty squabbles and talking over each other's argument with unsubstantiated points, pretty much reminded me any SF thread.


Utterly pointless TV drivel, moderating would have been better if they'd have passed around a banana and could only speak when holding it.

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Well my lot have thrown the towel in it seems. Without Nigel at the helm UKip are a spent force. Period.


So I would have liked May and Corbyn to have a head to head shootout so to speak. None of tonight's contestants are fit to run a whelk stall, let alone run the Country. It descended into a shouting match, poor television to be blunt.


I will say Corbyn, Abbot, Mcdonnell and Thornberry running the Country as some kind of dream team is the stuff of nightmares.




The reality is that if ministerial roles were on offer then it wouldn't be those four. I'm sure that certain figures within the Labour ranks who have marginalised themselves would find a way back in to the fold.


---------- Post added 01-06-2017 at 08:59 ----------


Having watched the debate, it pretty much ended up with petty squabbles and talking over each other's argument with unsubstantiated points, pretty much reminded me any SF thread.


Utterly pointless TV drivel, moderating would have been better if they'd have passed around a banana and could only speak when holding it.


It seemed to be Amber Rudd who riled everyone up. She's just very pompous and shouty. Teresa's little pet.


---------- Post added 01-06-2017 at 09:01 ----------


She's lost by not turning up.


If she's so easily out manoeuvred by Corbyn, just think of the havoc that Juncker is going to wreak.


We also had the spectacle once again of people laughing in the face of senior Tories, second time in a week

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she had nothing to gain from talking to that ragged mob and you will see how up to it she is in the next few weeks when she leads the government and Corbyn ,Abbot , Mcdonnell and Thornberry are no longer involved at the helm of the labour party


That's a bit disrespectful, considering they are all party leaders.


Having said that, the debate was rather a mess (I watched it on Youtube.) It should have been done as a 'Question time' with Dimbleby in charge, or just May and Corbyn at podiums.


I don't know who the Anchor woman was, but she wasn't nearly strong enough to stop them talking over each other.


But I do think these televised debates are important. It's not often you get the chance to see the leaders having to justify themselves and their policies without a script, they just need a better format. I think we have a right to see and hear our leaders under pressure in this sort of situation. It helps us get the measure of the person before we vote for them, or not.

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I didn't watch the 'debate' - but I have read various newspapers coverage (or at least the online versions)


The Daily Fail does not lead with the story - I suspect they would have done had the non-attendance of the labour leader (lets say he was the incumbent prime minister) been a feature - as opposed to the actual PM not turning up.


If you want to really see how the press covers and spins these sorts of incidents then read the Mail and the Sun - read the BBC coverage (the planted biased studio audience that seems to have so upset some Tory grandees - except it wasn't selected by the BBC at all - the Mail haven't quite caught up with that one yet) and say any other media outlets - just on this one aspect of the election - You may wonder reading some are they all talking about the same debate.


For the PM to so obviously duck it - she correctly recognises or has had advice that she does not shine at all in these sorts of things - is however correct her analysis of her strengths and weaknesses a bad tactical mistake on top of several other poor tactics in an election that was hers to lose.


I can't see people turning out in sufficient numbers for Jezza but then again I couldn't see the Americans being so thick as to vote for Trump or for our own citizens to be duped by the Brexit campaign - I am still wondering where the 350 million is !

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Politics and political debate in this county has now hit rock bottom.


Brexit has destroyed the Conservatives, they are floundering and cannot deliver the message that we are broke and going to get more broke.


The political landscape "as is" desperately needs a new voice. Unfortunately the best new voice we can manage is Corbyn and his old ideas that require a money tree.


We are on the edge of the abyss.

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Politics and political debate in this county has now hit rock bottom.


Brexit has destroyed the Conservatives, they are floundering and cannot deliver the message that we are broke and going to get more broke.


The political landscape "as is" desperately needs a new voice. Unfortunately the best new voice we can manage is Corbyn and his old ideas that require a money tree.


We are on the edge of the abyss.

never mind, look on the brightside fella....nearly friday ;

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