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The" leaders" debate

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I didn't watch the 'debate' - but I have read various newspapers coverage (or at least the online versions)


The Daily Fail does not lead with the story - I suspect they would have done had the non-attendance of the labour leader (lets say he was the incumbent prime minister) been a feature - as opposed to the actual PM not turning up.


If you want to really see how the press covers and spins these sorts of incidents then read the Mail and the Sun - read the BBC coverage (the planted biased studio audience that seems to have so upset some Tory grandees - except it wasn't selected by the BBC at all - the Mail haven't quite caught up with that one yet) and say any other media outlets - just on this one aspect of the election - You may wonder reading some are they all talking about the same debate.


For the PM to so obviously duck it - she correctly recognises or has had advice that she does not shine at all in these sorts of things - is however correct her analysis of her strengths and weaknesses a bad tactical mistake on top of several other poor tactics in an election that was hers to lose.


I can't see people turning out in sufficient numbers for Jezza but then again I couldn't see the Americans being so thick as to vote for Trump or for our own citizens to be duped by the Brexit campaign - I am still wondering where the 350 million is !



That's an easy one to answer without sticking up for any Party.


It's still been paid to the EU, as it will be until we leave or Brexit if you like.



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Well if these quotes are anything to go by the she was right not to attend.


Jim Pickard on twitter:


What you're missing in #BBCDebate


- Shouting

- Interruption

- And here's another thing


- Let him speak

- Definite plan

- Not true


From Lucy woodcock @BathSUPresident


- I've genuinely seen more articulate squabbling between children in playgrounds.


With any luck this will, I hope, put an end to these US style TV shows.

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An easy one to answer ?


Given the figure was disowned by almost all those who thought it was a good idea to begin with - and I think Farage is included in that -


But the british public decided that we were better out than in - without knowing what being out actually would involve because no-one knows.


It was and remains Mrs May's to lose as an election in my view - the pollsters cannot be relied upon - I would hope that whatever our views as many people as possible actually vote.


It is rather an important (if they aren't always but this one especially) general election.

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That's an easy one to answer without sticking up for any Party.


It's still been paid to the EU, as it will be until we leave or Brexit if you like.




So labours sums might be fine then, we're going to have a full extra £350m week to spend.



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Ref quotes below from Guardian


"Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn will appear one after the other on a BBC Question Time general election special, in a compromise deal agreed after the prime minister refused to take part in head-to-head debates.


"The two main party leaders will answer questions from a TV studio audience in York in a programme hosted by David Dimbleby. It matches a similar format agreed before the last election when David Cameron refused to appear on the same stage as Corbyn’s predecessor Ed Miliband".



Still not meeting face to face.

Program on BBC, 2nd June

Edited by bazjea
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Desperate stuff from May today,playing what sounds like the 'patriot' card.................if you aren't with Brexit,you are against the UK,this is not only calling into question the opposition,it's calling into question the thoughts of many people in the UK who did not vote for Brexit:









May goes on to attack the opposition:





They say we’re too small and too insignificant. That Britain can’t do it. That the British people are not up to the task.


In short, they don’t believe in Britain. And if that’s where you start, you have no hope of getting the right deal for Britain in Europe.


You can’t negotiate the right Brexit deal for Britain if you don’t believe in Britain.


You can’t fight for Britain if you don’t have confidence in our strengths and in all that we have to offer.


You can only deliver Brexit if you believe in Brexit.


You can only fight for Britain if you believe in Britain.


You can only deliver for Britain if you have the strength, the plan and the determination to see it through.


And she mentions Jeremy Corbyn for the first time.


And what we know in this election is that the only other person that can be prime minister in seven days’ time is simply not up to the job. He doesn’t believe in Britain. He doesn’t have a plan. He doesn’t have what it takes

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Desperate stuff from May today,playing what sounds like the 'patriot' card.................if you aren't with Brexit,you are against the UK,this is not only calling into question the opposition,it's calling into question the thoughts of many people in the UK who did not vote for Brexit:









May goes on to attack the opposition:





They say we’re too small and too insignificant. That Britain can’t do it. That the British people are not up to the task.


In short, they don’t believe in Britain. And if that’s where you start, you have no hope of getting the right deal for Britain in Europe.


You can’t negotiate the right Brexit deal for Britain if you don’t believe in Britain.


You can’t fight for Britain if you don’t have confidence in our strengths and in all that we have to offer.


You can only deliver Brexit if you believe in Brexit.


You can only fight for Britain if you believe in Britain.


You can only deliver for Britain if you have the strength, the plan and the determination to see it through.


And she mentions Jeremy Corbyn for the first time.


And what we know in this election is that the only other person that can be prime minister in seven days’ time is simply not up to the job. He doesn’t believe in Britain. He doesn’t have a plan. He doesn’t have what it takes



He has never publicly said it but corbyn has never wanted to get stuck in EU the way we are today and voted to not enter EU in seventies and against the Maastricht treaty in 1992. If it was up to him we would have never needed brexit in the first place.

Edited by dutch
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Desperate stuff from May today,playing what sounds like the 'patriot' card.................if you aren't with Brexit,you are against the UK,this is not only calling into question the opposition,it's calling into question the thoughts of many people in the UK who did not vote for Brexit:









May goes on to attack the opposition:





They say we’re too small and too insignificant. That Britain can’t do it. That the British people are not up to the task.


In short, they don’t believe in Britain. And if that’s where you start, you have no hope of getting the right deal for Britain in Europe.


You can’t negotiate the right Brexit deal for Britain if you don’t believe in Britain.


You can’t fight for Britain if you don’t have confidence in our strengths and in all that we have to offer.


You can only deliver Brexit if you believe in Brexit.


You can only fight for Britain if you believe in Britain.


You can only deliver for Britain if you have the strength, the plan and the determination to see it through.


And she mentions Jeremy Corbyn for the first time.


And what we know in this election is that the only other person that can be prime minister in seven days’ time is simply not up to the job. He doesn’t believe in Britain. He doesn’t have a plan. He doesn’t have what it takes


Where is the evidence May is up to the job?

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Where is the evidence May is up to the job?


Home Secretary for about 6yrs, theres a start !

Has people around her with experience of government'

Whats the alternative ? Corbyn / Abbot and co ?

There is only one choice I'm afraid, and that's a vote for the Conservatives.

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