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The" leaders" debate

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Home Secretary for about 6yrs, theres a start !

Has people around her with experience of government'

Whats the alternative ? Corbyn / Abbot and co ?

There is only one choice I'm afraid, and that's a vote for the Conservatives.


Corbyn has never had a chance to show his driving skills at brexit. How do you know may is better at it when you have never seen the other at the wheel before?

Britain and many other countries are full of bozo's who think one does it better purely on the ground they have never seen the other have a go at it.

Only when both parties have had equal chance at it can you say which one is better.

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Home Secretary for about 6yrs, theres a start !

Has people around her with experience of government'

Whats the alternative ? Corbyn / Abbot and co ?

There is only one choice I'm afraid, and that's a vote for the Conservatives.


So you support the woman who was responsible for completely failing to achieve her OWN rules on immigration which appears to be something you'd like to fall, yet non-EU immigration increased under May which has nothing to do with the freedom of movement from the EU and Brexit will not improve. Interesting stance to have, to support the one person who has actively failed to meet your desires.




So if you actually want total immigration to decrease and not just EU immigration (which would be a fairly bizarre stance to take) then Theresa May has demonstrated in her actions that she won't do that.


Equally, David Davis is actually negotiating brexit for us currently. Not May. So it wouldn't be Corbyn, it would be Kier Starmer. Feel free to look up their relevant credentials and tell me which of those you'd rather be on your side.

Edited by sgtkate
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So you support the woman who was responsible for completely failing to achieve her OWN rules on immigration which appears to be something you'd like to fall, yet non-EU immigration increased under May which has nothing to do with the freedom of movement from the EU and Brexit will not improve. Interesting stance to have, to support the one person who has actively failed to meet your desires.




So if you actually want total immigration to decrease and not just EU immigration (which would be a fairly bizarre stance to take) then Theresa May has demonstrated in her actions that she won't do that.


Let me point out to you that I have never voted Tory before.

I will be doing so because the Labour Party is unelectable under Corbyn, the man lives in fantasy land.

In my opinion we need to get behind May, and get behind Brexit.

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Let me point out to you that I have never voted Tory before.

I will be doing so because the Labour Party is unelectable under Corbyn, the man lives in fantasy land.

In my opinion we need to get behind May, and get behind Brexit.


I don't mind who you vote for, I'd rather it wasn't for the Tories but a democracy is that. What frustrates me is when people give soundbites to explain why they voting how they are that don't make sense. Theresa May had 6 years to decrease non-EU immigration. She ran the department that set the immigration rules and targets yet she failed massively to achieve any of them, and non-EU immigration increased under her stewardship. Therefore the only evidence we have that May will do anything about immigration based on her past performance shows she will do very little, so for someone seemingly very concerned with reducing immigration, choosing the ONE person who has a clear record on increasing immigration is the wrong choice.


And another soundbite about Corbyn. Have you seen the polls? Labour are just 2 points behind the Tories. Why do you think Corbyn is unelectable? Because you read it somewhere? Do you also think he's a clown? Taking us back to the 70s? Can you actually give a single reason that's YOURS for why Corbyn is unelectable? Based on latest 'seat' polls, it's highly possible a Labour/SNP/Others (Plaid Cymru, Greens, independants etc) could form a coalition of which Corbyn would almost certainly be PM of...unelectable my ***.

Edited by sgtkate
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No I didn't. So predictable.


How many people are going to be swayed after watching this?


Too many I suspect.


How can we come up with a system that is fair, without all this rubbish?


Plato had the answer I think.



Swallowing hemlock, I don't blame him.


Or was that Socrates?

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May and her team cannot run an effective election campaign from a position of strength.

Heaven help us when they negotiate our exit from the EU from a position of weakness.

Cameron,Gove ,Farage and Johnson are out of the picture now having wreaked havoc,and left a Parliament and Government with no enthusiasm for Brexit,despite what May is saying.

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Let me point out to you that I have never voted Tory before.

I will be doing so because the Labour Party is unelectable under Corbyn, the man lives in fantasy land.

In my opinion we need to get behind May, and get behind Brexit.


He is a bit of a nutter, but not a bad one. He has good intentions but will not ruin the economy to try to realise them.

May is not a nutter, she is crazy and just goes on Jeremy this, Jeremy that, Jeremy is going to screw you so vote for me.

Sorry but only stupid unintelligent people will fall for that, many people fall in that category of unintelligent lie believing tory system, even when tory say were gonnna take your house they vote for them.

Edited by dutch
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He is a bit of a nutter, but not a bad one. He has good intentions but will not ruin the economy to try to realise them.

May is not a nutter, she is crazy and just goes on Jeremy this, Jeremy that, Jeremy is going to screw you so vote for me.

Sorry but only stupid unintelligent people will fall for that, many people fall in that category of unintelligent lie believing tory system, even when tory say were gonnna take your house they vote for them.


The joys of living in a democracy eh ?

That man couldn't run a bath. Just look at the people he has in his Shadow Cabinet. Look at the people he associates with and calls 'friends'. The man cannot be trusted on defence. I could go on, but never mind.

We all have a vote. We all have a choice.

To say that May was a remainer, she has took up the mantle of Brexit very well.

Would have been easy for her to choose a soft Brexit, but she seems to be wanting to stand up for Britain by not being scared of Juncker and Co and we all should get behind her.

Vote Conservative !

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Corbyn has never had a chance to show his driving skills at brexit. How do you know may is better at it when you have never seen the other at the wheel before?

Britain and many other countries are full of bozo's who think one does it better purely on the ground they have never seen the other have a go at it.

Only when both parties have had equal chance at it can you say which one is better.

He wanted to trigger article 50 immediately on the day after the vote. That surely tells you all you need to know about his political ability.

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I don't mind who you vote for, I'd rather it wasn't for the Tories but a democracy is that. What frustrates me is when people give soundbites to explain why they voting how they are that don't make sense. Theresa May had 6 years to decrease non-EU immigration. She ran the department that set the immigration rules and targets yet she failed massively to achieve any of them, and non-EU immigration increased under her stewardship. Therefore the only evidence we have that May will do anything about immigration based on her past performance shows she will do very little, so for someone seemingly very concerned with reducing immigration, choosing the ONE person who has a clear record on increasing immigration is the wrong choice.


And another soundbite about Corbyn. Have you seen the polls? Labour are just 2 points behind the Tories. Why do you think Corbyn is unelectable? Because you read it somewhere? Do you also think he's a clown? Taking us back to the 70s? Can you actually give a single reason that's YOURS for why Corbyn is unelectable? Based on latest 'seat' polls, it's highly possible a Labour/SNP/Others (Plaid Cymru, Greens, independants etc) could form a coalition of which Corbyn would almost certainly be PM of...unelectable my ***.


Well said.


I also hate it when people just repeat soundbites without going to the source. The reason people are warming to Corbyn is because he is finally getting air time to explain his plans and policies himself, rather than just have them rubbished by a totally biased media. And people like what they hear.


I saw a very interesting clip on YouTube with Denis Skinner being interviewed about Corbyn outside Westminster. Mr Skinner praises him and supports what he is trying to do, etc, so the interviewer's final question is whether he would like a place in a Corbyn cabinet. 'No' says Skinner, 'I'm too old for all that now.' The interviewer then turns to camera, and says words to the effect 'There you have it, Even Dennis Skinner doesn't want to work with Corbyn....' At which point Mr Skinner barges back into shot and berates the reporter; -"'Well it didn't take you long to start spinning did it! You know damn well that's not what I said and that's not I meant.." and then spends the next 5 minutes bending her ear on the evils of the media and media spin, as only Dennis can.


Non of this made it onto the Evening News of course, but next day's headlines in the Daily Mail (I remember them well) 'Even Dennis Skinner refuses to work with Corbyn.'.....

Edited by Anna B
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