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Are the Tories trying to lose the election?

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This is something i have heard quite a few people talking about, that the Tories are trying to lose the election, and thus leaving Labour to go through the mess of Brexit, and in doing so they will get the blame for whats to follow.

Initially i thought the idea was stark raving mad, but the more i think about it, the more i am starting to think there may be something in it.

Lets look at the facts, firstly the Tories didnt even need to call an election, they had a good few years left, so why did they?

Secondly, it seems May has tried her best to rankle the pensioners, and the pensioners are supposedly to be mostly Tory voters, so why would you anger the loyal ones, and is it just me that finds that Theresa May has been acting, odd, verging onto the bazar, why would you not attend a leaders debate? surely she must have realised that she would have got slated for it, okay we all know that she is pretty useless without a script, but she has been around long enough to debate her policies,

what is going on?

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If Jeremy Corbyn wins the election and makes a huge success of Brexit, it won't matter, it will be totally and utterly rubbished by the popular press. They hate him and it won't stop just because he's won the election, in fact it will probably make them worse They lie, lie and lie again.


How will we know for sure how he's getting on?


I've never known anything like it.

Edited by Anna B
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If Jeremy Corbyn wins the election and makes a huge success of Brexit, it won't matter, it will be totally and utterly rubbished by the popular press. They hate him and it won't stop just because he's won the election, in fact it will probably make them worse They lie, lie and lie again.


How will we know for sure how he's getting on?

I've never known anything like it.


Just by reading the other papers who support him.


---------- Post added 01-06-2017 at 18:22 ----------


This is something i have heard quite a few people talking about, that the Tories are trying to lose the election, and thus leaving Labour to go through the mess of Brexit, and in doing so they will get the blame for whats to follow.

Initially i thought the idea was stark raving mad, but the more i think about it, the more i am starting to think there may be something in it.


I don't think there's much chance they deliberately throw it. I can't imagine any politician goes in to deliberately lose!


However, it could be part of a plan...


This is something i have heard quite a few people talking about, that the Tories are trying to lose the election, and thus leaving Labour to go through the mess of Brexit, and in doing so they will get the blame for whats to follow.

Initially i thought the idea was stark raving mad, but the more i think about it, the more i am starting to think there may be something in it.


It's not stark raving mad really. I think if they trounced the opposition, it probably wouldn't work in their favour in the long run.


Everything will be their fault, they'll get hounded by the press - The press will have a field day (for 5 years). And they'll be certainly out in 5 years if things go pips up.


It's probably better for them in the long run, if Labour win good chunk of them - for future blaming if brexit flips up, they can say - 'Well they voted for it too!'




So all the silly decisions/ GE no then yes/ not going to tv debates knowing she'll get slated for not/ could be tactical if they really believe there is slim chance of defeat.

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I watched a politics show this afternoon, and the interviewer put it to the Tory MP on there, "Why is Theresa May ducking out of appearing on Woman's Hour?"

He said that she's too busy with the Brexit negotiations.

So why call a General Election when you know that in a week's time Brexit negotiations commence?

She's made this election presidential - between her and Corbyn. Even if she never imagined that Corbyn would rise to the challenge, she must've known her own skills were lacking???


I don't think she is trying to lose the election because as Anna said, she didn't need to call one. But the election does have a slightly unreal air to it.

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Interesting question this election was called by May to basically smash Labour get former UKIP fans back on board and be the hero of the hour the leader that risked it all. David Cameron did a similar thing but in his case called a referendum on the EU the move was to crush Farage and the bad boys of UKIP he pinned his hope's on a remain vote history shown us otherwise. May didn't need to call this election should have got on with it no majority needed if you can navigate Parliaments laws and put on a good show hay pesto the 2020 election in the bag. Time will tell is the only answer with this.

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Mrs May called the election to consolidate her 20 point lead and strengthen her hand in the Brexit negotiations. I think she thought it was almost a formality. It was another gross misjudgement, to fit alongside Cameron's ill judged referendum gamble.


The Conservatives seem to keep getting the mood of the people wrong. It doesn't bode well and shows how out of touch they are. But as we've seen from Mrs May's campaign, talking to ordinary people who might think differently to her is not her strong point, so how would she know?

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Mrs May called the election to consolidate her 20 point lead and strengthen her hand in the Brexit negotiations. I think she thought it was almost a formality. It was another gross misjudgement, to fit alongside Cameron's ill judged referendum gamble.


The Conservatives seem to keep getting the mood of the people wrong. It doesn't bode well and shows how out of touch they are. But as we've seen from Mrs May's campaign, talking to ordinary people who might think differently to her is not her strong point, so how would she know?


hmm I don't thinks that's fair if you are saying this purely because she doesn't do TV shows?


I don't know what she's like talking to ordinary people and I'm ordinary, do you?




It struck me again, when I watched the Paxman one with both Corb and May, - where when in stood up part, she looked incredibly uncomfortable.


This question: Do people these days want a good orator?


She obviously isn't, but doesn't mean she can't do the job (equally I'm not saying she can)


Someone like Farron oozes confidence, but that doesn't mean I think he's the best. Caroline Lucas is very confident, but I don't think what she says is particularly good.


Many of the best minds in history have been very poor public speakers.

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At the start of this process it was said that whoever dealt with Brexit would be voted out next time and be out for the election after. If Labour win they will go belly up to the EU, even though a lot of labour areas voted leave, the tories will campaign to amend their disastrous negotiation and back in power as the good guys.

That said I am voting Tory for Brexit and will vote on domestic matters next time, may well vote labour but not whilst they have that racist Abbott in the party.

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At the start of this process it was said that whoever dealt with Brexit would be voted out next time and be out for the election after. If Labour win they will go belly up to the EU, even though a lot of labour areas voted leave, the tories will campaign to amend their disastrous negotiation and back in power as the good guys.

That said I am voting Tory for Brexit and will vote on domestic matters next time, may well vote labour but not whilst they have that racist Abbott in the party.


I remember writing at the time, that I can't imagine what they are doing having her in the shadow cabinet (since we're talking about trying to lose!). I don't know anyone who 'connects' with her. Whether on TV, writing things to publish, interviews, her twitface things... she's a walking disaster.


There are 60million people or so in this country, and I bet I could find at least 500,000 better people for her position, just off the street.

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Mrs May called the election to consolidate her 20 point lead and strengthen her hand in the Brexit negotiations. I think she thought it was almost a formality. It was another gross misjudgement, to fit alongside Cameron's ill judged referendum gamble.


The Conservatives seem to keep getting the mood of the people wrong. It doesn't bode well and shows how out of touch they are. But as we've seen from Mrs May's campaign, talking to ordinary people who might think differently to her is not her strong point, so how would she know?


Or was the Tory party not happy about her leadership and planning to remove her so May calls a general election .

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