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Are the Tories trying to lose the election?

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May has always lived in a middle England world of "tea Vicar?" and fox hunting. The first few weeks of the election saw her holding forth to 20 or so acolytes in obscure town halls, She was mocked for this so she decided, unwisely, to try and actually meet real people.


Unfortunately she just cannot disguise her disgust for normal people.


I'm not overly impressed with normal people myself. There are some ignorant antagonistic and downright rude examples knocking around and having to talk to people with little to no capacity or inclination to listen before hurling abuse can't be much fun. Too many people are derisory from the offset.

If you extract one of these paper hats and stick them in a room with a hundred people that disagree with everything they say and just about every aspect of their life they'll soon lose confidence and clam up.

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This is something i have heard quite a few people talking about, that the Tories are trying to lose the election, and thus leaving Labour to go through the mess of Brexit, and in doing so they will get the blame for whats to follow.

Initially i thought the idea was stark raving mad, but the more i think about it, the more i am starting to think there may be something in it.

Lets look at the facts, firstly the Tories didnt even need to call an election, they had a good few years left, so why did they?

Secondly, it seems May has tried her best to rankle the pensioners, and the pensioners are supposedly to be mostly Tory voters, so why would you anger the loyal ones, and is it just me that finds that Theresa May has been acting, odd, verging onto the bazar, why would you not attend a leaders debate? surely she must have realised that she would have got slated for it, okay we all know that she is pretty useless without a script, but she has been around long enough to debate her policies,

what is going on?


aint never going to happen:hihi::hihi: ooh these conspiracy:hihi: theories

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I agree AnnaB, nobody has picked up on the investment bank idea. The one where you set up a bank by borrowing 100 billion pounds to lend out at low rates, strange that no such entity exists at the moment, you know where you can borrow money at record low interest rates......oh wait. Maybe that's why no one has commented on this pledge.

But my original point still stands promising everything to everyone for no outlay from the recipients, all paid for by borrowing 500 billion more. I live within my means and so should the UK. Why should children as yet unborn pay back the money my generation are spending, as I said it's all about me me me.

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I agree AnnaB, nobody has picked up on the investment bank idea. The one where you set up a bank by borrowing 100 billion pounds to lend out at low rates, strange that no such entity exists at the moment, you know where you can borrow money at record low interest rates......oh wait. Maybe that's why no one has commented on this pledge.

But my original point still stands promising everything to everyone for no outlay from the recipients, all paid for by borrowing 500 billion more. I live within my means and so should the UK. Why should children as yet unborn pay back the money my generation are spending, as I said it's all about me me me.


Is this criticising Labour or the Tories? I genuinely can't tell. To me it reads like the exact reason why I won't vote Tory because it really is all about them. I would get hit some of Labours tax rises and under a Labour government I would expect to pay more tax in general and I have no problem with that. I earn above average income therefore I don't mind paying a bit more. I think of it this way, if I pay a few hundred or even a grand more a year in tax that goes to make sure my local hospital and school is maintained, police numbers aren't cut, roads are maintained. What could I personally buy for £1k a year? I might be able to afford private healthcare but they don't cover emergency care so I still need my local A&E. I couldn't afford a private school. I couldn't afford to maintain the roads I drive on (but could buy new car suspension!). I couldn't afford to hire private security. Things only work when everyone contributes to it, so for me the only solution is a more socialist way of working for everyone.

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Sorry as an adult wage earning tax payer I have lived under "socialist" governments twice in my life, the 70s prior to Thatcher and the years when so called socialist ( rich man ) Blair was in power. I have no wish to do a third term. They were the times when I worked the hardest and had the least due to the taxes they took. If Corbyn was not a rich man from a wealthy family who has only ever been to select schools and uni and has never had a job other than politics I might have thought he knew what an average working bloke cared about. But he has absolutely nothing in common with me, had he stuck with his beliefs you know staying anti EU like he has been all his political life then again maybe the benefit of the doubt. But he changed his lifelong beliefs, he hates the UK, he has that arch racist Abbott as future Home Secretary, well no thanks.

First time ever in my life, cannot believe I am going to do it but I am voting Tory. The Labour Party is going back to the 70s and I have no desire to assist them in this or to join them.

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Sorry as an adult wage earning tax payer I have lived under "socialist" governments twice in my life, the 70s prior to Thatcher and the years when so called socialist ( rich man ) Blair was in power. I have no wish to do a third term. They were the times when I worked the hardest and had the least due to the taxes they took. If Corbyn was not a rich man from a wealthy family who has only ever been to select schools and uni and has never had a job other than politics I might have thought he knew what an average working bloke cared about. But he has absolutely nothing in common with me, had he stuck with his beliefs you know staying anti EU like he has been all his political life then again maybe the benefit of the doubt. But he changed his lifelong beliefs, he hates the UK, he has that arch racist Abbott as future Home Secretary, well no thanks.

First time ever in my life, cannot believe I am going to do it but I am voting Tory. The Labour Party is going back to the 70s and I have no desire to assist them in this or to join them.


Blair wasn't a socialist so really shouldn't be included in that analysis. All the lines about Labour taking the country back to the 70s are such sad meaningless soundbites from the Tories being regurgitated by people thinking they are being original. If you don't want to vote for Corbyn then don't, but please come up with YOUR own reasons why not rather than media friendly one-liners.


Corbyn hates the UK? Why do you think that?

Abbot is a muppet and I'd really rather she wasn't in the shadow cabinet, but I still prefer her to Jeremy Hunt (Just. Close call.)


I honestly think you are just seeing what you want to see about Corbyn. One of us is massively deluded clearly. I see someone genuine, you see an absolute manipulative liar. Perhaps it's because I've seen Corbyn speak in person that makes me believe him, whereas I suspect most of what you think about him is formed from someone else's opinion through the media?

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