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Are the Tories trying to lose the election?

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Let’s for one moment turn this around and assume that Jeremy Corbyn has been Home Secretary for 6 years and in that time he has:

• Slashed 20,000 poice jobs

• Slashed UK Border Agency budget so 1 million people go through borders without being checked

• Then there’s a home-grown terrorist attack in a city where the Police budget was cut by £157 million

• He’s lost files on an internal paedophile ring

• He wants to take homes from the elderly

• He’s cut 30% of your disabled benefit

• He’s signed an arms dealing with the ISIS funding Saudi government

• He wants to take away Free School meals

• He’s forced nurses into using food banks

• He’s increased waiting times at A and E

• He wants to re-introduce Foxhunting

• Let’s say after all of the above there’s still a deficit with targets being missed and debt has spiralled

What would you say about Jeremy Corbyn after the above, and maybe the British public aren’t so stupid after all hence why her ratings are plummeting.

Still she’s always got the Tory press to call upon nearer the day.

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I would say did he inherit a country where the previous govt had sold our gold reserves at rock bottom prices, gave away part of our EU rebate for reform of the CAP which the EU renaged on ,spent all the money the country had and borrowed nearly 800 billion at high interest rates where just servicing the debt ate up a proportion of GDP before you even started the day to day running of that country, i.e. In order to run it you had to make cuts and borrow more.

If so then I would say you did your best to live within your means and not try to create the socialist utopia and I would vote for you. BUT seeing as you are still trying to create the socialist utopia where we borrow and borrow to pass the debt onto the still unborn then I hope the electorate are not stupid enough to vote for you.

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Agree with you sgtkate, I am not hostile to Labours beliefs just the current manifestation of the Labour Party.



1. Corbyn and Abbott try to be the socialists , Corbyn may well believe what he espouses but has no real idea as he comes from a privileged background and is ensconced within the Islington bubble. Abbott is just a straight hypocrite sending her offspring to fee paying schools. The tories are what they are and I have already stated I am voting for them over Brexit as I trust them more than labour who will just roll over and accept what the EU give them, if I thought UKIP had a chance of forming a govt I would vote for them.


2. I refer you to the above.


3. I do not know want to or know any momentum members and yes I have watched them on tv media at meetings, press conferences etc. There was no one at these goading them to spew their vilenes as far as I could see, they just opened their mouths and let it flow to be captured on film. I watched X factor instead of the leaders debate which just goes to show how turned off it left me and the rest of the electorate, X factor 7.5 million viewers leaders debate 3.5 million viewers, says it all really.


I have in the past voted Labour when the MPs were ex steelworkers/miners/shipbuilders etc, when they knew what concerned myself ( one time steelworker) and other working people, now this lot are Tory light who want to play at being socialists where the state pays for everything, where if you sit on your arse and do nothing you get benefits ( yes seen it first hand from my in laws). They have no incentive to work and this lot will just give them more for nowt so will never vote for them, it's the one thing the tories have got right work should always pay more than benefits and at the moment it does not.


Next we can try NHS on food banks if you like, brother in law and sister in law , one works hallamshire and one at children's, they openly say load of crap. Propaganda from both sides, we vote on what matters and to me it's Brexit.

Seriously...do you think Theresa May will be a good negotiator? she wouldnt face Corbyn and the other politicians at the election debate because she knew she would get destroyed, the woman is hopeless, if you are hoping she will get a good deal, you are going to be let down, how will she cope with the 27 european members who now have an hatred for us?

Did you happen to see that clip where she was at the european parliament, she was hesitantly collecting her paperwork and looking round in the hope that someone would speak to her. she looked like a new kid on her first day at school, it was an embarrassment,

And you can bet, that if any deal will be made, it will not be for the benefit of the working classes, just her rich millionaire friends

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I would say did he inherit a country where the previous govt had sold our gold reserves at rock bottom prices, gave away part of our EU rebate for reform of the CAP which the EU renaged on ,spent all the money the country had and borrowed nearly 800 billion at high interest rates where just servicing the debt ate up a proportion of GDP before you even started the day to day running of that country, i.e. In order to run it you had to make cuts and borrow more.

If so then I would say you did your best to live within your means and not try to create the socialist utopia and I would vote for you. BUT seeing as you are still trying to create the socialist utopia where we borrow and borrow to pass the debt onto the still unborn then I hope the electorate are not stupid enough to vote for you.


Sorry I’m confused!


Are you saying it’s Mays fault debt has gone from 1 Trillion to 1.8 as that’s a bit harsh as Cameron was in charge for most of that time.

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I would say did he inherit a country where the previous govt had sold our gold reserves at rock bottom prices, gave away part of our EU rebate for reform of the CAP which the EU renaged on ,spent all the money the country had and borrowed nearly 800 billion at high interest rates where just servicing the debt ate up a proportion of GDP before you even started the day to day running of that country, i.e. In order to run it you had to make cuts and borrow more.

If so then I would say you did your best to live within your means and not try to create the socialist utopia and I would vote for you. BUT seeing as you are still trying to create the socialist utopia where we borrow and borrow to pass the debt onto the still unborn then I hope the electorate are not stupid enough to vote for you.


Hold on, hasnt this government been selling things of at rock bottom?............to their mates i may add

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yes I believe May and Davis will be good negotiators compared to Corbyn who has never held a ministerial post, compared to his shadow cabinet who are made up of the dregs as his real statesmen would not support him or refused positions.


It's not Mays fault that debt has increased, she has borrowed to keep this country running as Brown Blair left us in negative equity.

She is selling off to her mates, hmm that's a good one. Believe the PFI initiative was a Labour concept, you know them that are supposed to be on the side of the working class. We can all pick out fiscal untruths, look at Blair now multi millionaire who only signed us into the European Convention On Human Rights because his wife was a HR lawyer, hypocritical and toadying to his own lot.


As I have said in previous posts, Brexit is what matters to me at the moment and will consider domestic matters next time. As I also stated I do not object to labour policies I object to socialist ones where the state is expected to pay for everything from the magic money tree. I do not object to the Labour Party I just object to it in its current form with Corbyn and the detestable Abbott and McConnell. Still voting Tory so that shows how out of touch I feel to the current Labour Party.

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What would you say about Jeremy Corbyn after the above, and maybe the British public aren’t so stupid after all hence why her ratings are plummeting.


My current thinking is that a critical mass of people are now getting to the stage of seeing through all this (hence the narrowing gap in polls, acceleratingly so), and also seeing through the fact that, whilst Brexit is of course the top priority short- and medium-term, May has done very little to sell her vision of post-Brexit Britain and its advantages: she simply repeats the mantra "no deal is better...", Project Fears- voters about Corbyn in context ("naked in Brussels...") and, when pressed on the issues, retreats behind "you don't negotiate in public".


So people don't even know what they are being asked to vote for, whilst being asked to give May more power to deliver whatever it is that she self-defines privately as 'success'.


Will the NHS get better? Wait until after Brexit.

Will transport get better? Wait until after Brexit.

Will education get better? Wait until after Brexit.

Will immigration get better? <etc.>


Corbyn has, and sells, that 'better NHS/transport/schools/etc.' vision steadfastly, however ill-defined (in economical/financial terms) it may be for some or most of it: it's hopeful, all about a better tomorrow. No wonder more and more people are buying into it. What with stagnating socio-economically for the past 7 years or so.

Edited by L00b
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yes I believe May and Davis will be good negotiators compared to Corbyn who has never held a ministerial post, compared to his shadow cabinet who are made up of the dregs as his real statesmen would not support him or refused positions.


It's not Mays fault that debt has increased, she has borrowed to keep this country running as Brown Blair left us in negative equity.

She is selling off to her mates, hmm that's a good one. Believe the PFI initiative was a Labour concept, you know them that are supposed to be on the side of the working class. We can all pick out fiscal untruths, look at Blair now multi millionaire who only signed us into the European Convention On Human Rights because his wife was a HR lawyer, hypocritical and toadying to his own lot.


As I have said in previous posts, Brexit is what matters to me at the moment and will consider domestic matters next time. As I also stated I do not object to labour policies I object to socialist ones where the state is expected to pay for everything from the magic money tree. I do not object to the Labour Party I just object to it in its current form with Corbyn and the detestable Abbott and McConnell. Still voting Tory so that shows how out of touch I feel to the current Labour Party.


And 'magic money tree' returns. And people say the media doesn't influence us?

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My current thinking is that a critical mass of people are now getting to the stage of seeing through all this (hence the narrowing gap in polls, acceleratingly so), and also seeing through the fact that, whilst Brexit is of course the top priority short- and medium-term, May has done very little to sell her vision of post-Brexit Britain and its advantages: she simply repeats the mantra "no deal is better...", Project Fears- voters about Corbyn in context ("naked in Brussels...") and, when pressed on the issues, retreats behind "you don't negotiate in public".


So people don't even know what they are being asked to vote for, whilst being asked to give May more power to deliver whatever it is that she self-defines privately as 'success'.


Will the NHS get better? Wait until after Brexit.

Will transport get better? Wait until after Brexit.

Will education get better? Wait until after Brexit.

Will immigration get better? <etc.>


Corbyn has, and sells, that 'better NHS/transport/schools/etc.' vision steadfastly, however ill-defined (in economical/financial terms) it may be for some or most of it: it's hopeful, all about a better tomorrow. No wonder more and more people are buying into it. What with stagnating socio-economically for the past 7 years or so.


I think hope is dead in this country.


Just look at the leaders. Out of a country of 65 million, they're the best we've got. Not as bad as trump, but it's crap choice, with crap ahead. Quite literally hopeless, who ever wins, unless - joy of joys, theres a hung parliament and we go again.

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Well even the IFS, which he admires,They are independent etc have rubbished his fiscal calculations. So where will the money come from other than the magic money tree, a novel term which I am only borrowing, I suppose I could use the mythical money chest but hey you get the drift.


---------- Post added 02-06-2017 at 14:33 ----------


Tinfoil you are so right.

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